The Pureblood Club is in the Dark Castle, and the Death Eaters are holding a routine meeting today.

The original Pureblood 28 round tables in the hall have now become the traditional long tables.

The silver chair at the head is empty.

The first seats on the left and right are also empty.

Lucius has been trusted by the Dark Lord recently, so he sits in the second seat on the left.

And there are pureblood clan leaders such as Goyle, Crabbe, Acrylic, Flint, Selwyn, Travers, Avery, etc.

There is also a new Death Eater from the Nott family, Gloria Nott, who has dropped out of school a year early.

The new Death Eater also has the slippery and treacherous Borgin and Burke.

Some people who were controlled by the Ministry of Magic and those who turned to the Dark Lord's camp also attended, and they sat at the end of the long table.

For example, Pierce, Deputy Director of the Law Enforcement Department, August Rookwood, the Silent Man of the Department of Mysteries, and Mrs. Edgemore, a staff member of the Floo Network, etc.

The werewolf and vampire representatives at the bottom of the wizard discrimination chain, although they could not sit at the main table, also had seats on both sides.

The "new" Death Eaters are already quite powerful.

Lucius, dressed in a luxurious robe, raised his head slightly and slowly summarized recent events in an aria.

"The Floo Network is very important. Increase the bargaining chips to let Mrs. Edgemer become the director directly.

Fenrir Greyback, continue to search for scattered werewolves and that Lupin. We use the payment of werewolf potion as a commission as a recruitment condition. Although it is attractive, it lacks a little meaning. I will ask the master later to add some gold galleons appropriately.

..., ....

The lobbying of the Greengrass family continues. Their family's position itself belongs to the Death Eaters. I will follow up on this personally.

Okay, does anyone have anything to add?"

After the proud Lucius finished speaking, he glanced around.

Without the crazy Death Eaters present, it feels like a meeting.

Ten years ago, even if the Dark Lord was present, the meeting was like a vegetable market.

Fenrir Greyback, the leader of the werewolves, was so vicious outside that he could stop a child from crying at night.

But here he raised his hand like a good baby.

Lucius nodded: "Speak."

"Subordinate, subordinate wants to see the Dark Lord in person, and has a rare treasure to offer."

In the Death Eater camp, not everyone is qualified to call the Dark Lord the master.

Lucius heard Greyback's request and sighed in his heart. Recently, because of the distribution of the Chamber of Commerce's shares, he had blocked countless people who wanted to see the Dark Lord.

Could it be that this dirty werewolf also had thoughts? Really ungrateful!

So he said in a bad tone.

"The master has been in seclusion recently to study magic and will not see guests!"

Greyback sat back in the corner.

Borgin and Burke stood up at this time and asked in a greasy tone as usual.

"Lucius, I don't want to cooperate with an idiot. Where is the potion master? I have issued a military order to the Dark Lord to produce a finished product within one year!"

Lucius frowned and was annoyed by him. He simply took out the blue and red communication playing cards from his arms and put them on the table.

"Why don't you report to the master in person?"

Communication playing cards are not a secret in the British magic world. After all, when the peripheral members of the throne take them home, their parents will always know about it.

Shaw used top-level magic storage playing cards to kill enemies more than once or twice.

And Borgin and Burke knew more. He also received a task from the Dark Lord: to create a set of communication playing cards exclusively for Death Eaters.

At this moment, seeing General Lucius himself asking him to talk to the Dark Lord in person, he sat down without speaking.

The complaint just now was just a common means of pulling for the shares of the new Chamber of Commerce.

After seeing the drawings of the alchemy machine and the assembly line, this smart guy knew that the Chamber of Commerce would definitely make a lot of money in the future!

But Borgin and Burke were latecomers, so they got very little. They wanted to get more points by virtue of their status as an alchemist and the operation of Knockturn Alley, but...

After Lucius calmed Borgin and Burke down (stealing chickens), he simply stood up and announced.

"Okay, since there are no problems, everyone should go to their respective tasks, and the meeting is adjourned!"

After he finished speaking, he hurried away with his ceremonial stick. The people in the small groups looked at each other and got up to chase Lucius.

Money really moves people's hearts.

Albanian forest.

This country is located in southeastern Europe and is a geopolitically marginalized existence for many years.

Deep in the forest, a black and green viper more than two meters long swam gently among the fallen leaves and weeds.

The viper now stared at a shivering skinny mouse, approached silently, and prepared to hunt with a bowed neck.

But the viper suddenly saw the mouse's eyes burst into red light, and its body quickly shrank, and a black mist rose.

The next moment, Viper's consciousness fell into eternal darkness.

And Viper's eyes,It quickly turned into a red vertical eye, obviously occupied by another soul.


The viper spit out letters, making a sound that ordinary people could not understand but was obviously resentful.

Yes, this is Voldemort, a lonely ghost living in the mud.

He complained a few words, and vowed to take revenge, and suddenly saw a team in Auror uniforms rushing towards this side in the distance.

Voldemort drove the viper and swam away quickly.

Recently, several waves of people came to the originally silent and deserted forest.

Voldemort only distinguished the origins of two waves of people, one from the local Ministry of Magic, and the other from the International Wizarding Association.

There are two other waves of people whose origins are unknown. The dress and behavior of these two waves are very mysterious. Voldemort could not see any details.

This made Voldemort's heart alarm bells ring, and he became more cautious. In the end, he had to compromise and ask for help from his active soul.

But family members know their own business, and Voldemort also doesn't believe the young soul.

Lure the other party here, but just share the risk for yourself.

Voldemort has been considering whether to leave this place where he has lived for more than ten years and is already very familiar with.

Before the collapse of the Soviet Union, Albania was isolated from the whole world. The local government built 700,000 bunkers across the country for defense. With large tracts of virgin forest, it is very easy to hide.

In addition to the fact that this is the place where the Ravenclaw crown is found, this is the main reason why Voldemort has been hiding here.

Now he doesn't know about the great changes in the north, and Albania has also joined the International Wizarding Association. Only then did he get Dumbledore's instruction to send people to assist in the search for Voldemort's residual soul.

No one thinks that Dumbledore still can't tell Voldemort from Voldemort? Tom is Tom, right?

As long as they meet, Dumbledore can basically tell who is who.

In this world, if you want to say who knows Voldemort best, Dumbledore is second, and Voldemort himself dare not say first.

At the edge of the Albanian forest.

Tom, wearing a silver cloak, also appeared.

He looked at the vast forest with an inexplicable expression, and the connection with the main soul was completely cut off ten minutes ago.

Tom could only vaguely feel that the main soul was still in it.

He exhaled slightly and snorted coldly.

"Huh, are you comparing patience?"

After saying that, Tom waved his cloak and rushed into the forest with the black mist.

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