The magic of the magic world is not only about magic, but also about the wonderful relationships.

As the oldest and most distinguished pure-blood family in the UK, other pure-blood families are proud to marry a daughter of the Black family.

After thousands of years of intermarriage, the relationship is really confusing, and you can be related to anyone.

Just count five generations from Shaw's direct line, the great-great-great-grandfather Phileas married the daughter of the Flint family.

Yes, that's right, it's the Flint that Shaw often kills as a chicken.

Phileas then had four sons and one daughter.

I won't report the names, because the Black family has the habit of taking the names of their ancestors. If you really write about them one by one, you will be dazzled (the author is dazzled anyway, and it took a long time to sort out the family tree)

Among Phileas' four sons and one daughter, one son was expelled, and the other three sons married the twenty-eight sacred pure-blood women from the Gamp (the family of the first Minister of Magic), Acrylic, and the Borders.

The youngest daughter married the Burke family.

Then, several male children were expelled from the next generation of men, adding several black holes.

The remaining two sons married daughters of the pure-blood families of Prewett (Molly's mother's family) and Crabbe.

The women married pure-blood families such as Weasley, Crouch, Longbottom, Potter, and Rosier.

The intermarriage relationship of the next generation was even more complicated.

If it weren't for the fact that Black's paternal line was expelled too severely, and all the crazy people were born.

It is estimated that the most powerful family in the wizarding world now must be Black.

Shaw's grandfather, Orian Black, married his cousin Walburga Black and had Sirius and Regulus.

Narcissa and her three sisters were born to their great-aunt Druella and Rosier, and they were considered collateral relatives.

Well, seriously speaking, Shaw and the Weasley family are more closely related, and Arthur's mother is Shaw's great-aunt from a collateral line, so she is considered a distant relative.

As mentioned above, Black had married a daughter to the Potter family. Although she was not Harry's grandmother (originally, but Rowling denied it later), the two families could still be related, anyway, closer than the Weasley family.

Well, by this calculation, Harry is one generation older than Shaw and Draco (this is something the author never expected).

Fortunately, Sirius is Harry's godfather.

So it is barely reasonable to say that he and Shaw are brothers.

Harry was stunned for a while when he heard Shaw popularize the origins of the two families.

He said with a little resentment for a long time.

"Then, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Shaw didn't say anything this time. He couldn't say that he didn't want to cause trouble at first, right?

But Draco enthusiastically gave him a reasonable reason.

"Harry, your godfather Sirius is a Death Eater, a murderer, and has been imprisoned in Azkaban. The Chief is afraid that you will be sad if you know about it."

Harry was suddenly struck by a bolt from the blue. Oh my god, Draco talked him to death again.

He was confused for the Nth time today.

"This, this, this..."

After Draco finished speaking, he also felt that something was wrong, but it was too late to turn back. He could only comfort Harry with a clumsy mouth.

"Harry, don't be too sad. You have nothing to do with the bad guy Sirius. Yes, you don't even know him, so just pretend you don't know."

Shor glanced at Draco and Harry, and did not further explain the matter of Sirius.

After all, he hadn't figured out when to redress the uncle who indirectly harmed Regulus. (Uncles and uncles in foreign countries are all called uncles)

After all, if they were really released, how would the two get along? What attitude should they adopt?

Shor also thought about it for a long time, whether to catch the dwarf Peter first, after all, the situation is different now.

If the mouse heard the news of the return of the Dark Lord from Arthur Weasley one day and ran to find Tom, it would be fine. But if it was scared and hid, it would be troublesome.

Do it as soon as you think of it. Shaw gave Percy a task in the main poker card.

Let him keep calm and exchange the pet Scabbers that was originally his from Ron.

Harry was comforted by Draco for a long time. Just when the luxury car stopped at Privet Drive, Harry asked what was in his mind.

"Then, since Sirius is my godfather, he must have had a very good relationship with my father. Why did he betray?"

Draco didn't know too many details and the truth, so he couldn't answer.

Shaw pondered for a while before speaking.

"Harry, this world is not black and white. There are some things that you won't understand unless you experience them yourself. I can't give you an answer now, but when you are strong enough, you can pursue the truth of everything yourself."

Harry clenched his fist, his knuckles were blue and white, and he nodded firmly.

"I know."

Then Draco sent the distracted Harry back to Aunt Petunia's house.

Alice then said.

"Chief, you know the truth, right?"

Shor looked atAlice glanced at him and nodded without denying it.

"I do know, but it's not time to reveal the truth yet. It's just the right time to use this to inspire Harry and let him know the evil of this world."

Alice understood and didn't ask any more questions.

After Draco, who was holding his chin high, was sent out by the fat man Vernon with great respect, Shaw did not choose to take the car again. He asked the driver to go back and choose a corner, and took the two of them away by Apparition.

Draco was still mumbling that he had just come to comfort Harry and had not sat enough and studied the car well. He also sighed that although Muggles were ignorant, their technology was really good.

Nothing happened after a few days.

On this day, two violent tremors occurred in a suburb of England, just like the one half a month ago, which made people in London feel the movement.

However, in the end, the official only gave an explanation of a small earthquake, and the people could only believe it with suspicion.

On a hill somewhere, Shaw looked at Tom, who was in a mess, and finally asked him in a somewhat unfriendly tone.

"Why didn't you notify me every time? If I had been a little late this time, you would have been dragged down and died together."

Tom, dressed in a silver robe, still looked so cold that no one could get close to him, and he said out of thin air.

"Only between life and death can we further squeeze our potential, comprehend the mysteries of elements, and advance to the legendary level! Those old guys are afraid of death, and they deserve not to reach the legendary level in their lifetime. And I have died!"

Shor pointed at Tom, unable to speak for a long time, and was almost angry to death.

But he couldn't say such ruthless words as "Your greatest value is to protect yourself from the knife."

He took a deep breath.

"I'm not in a hurry, why are you in a hurry? You can take your time to advance to the legendary level."

A trace of contempt flashed in Tom's eyes, meaning that you believe this yourself?

Then he wrote out of thin air.

"There is still one family that cannot be found. Do we need to mobilize more resources?"

Shor narrowed his eyes, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and waved his hand.

"No, let's stop here first. We have completely gathered the pure bloods on our side. As long as Voldemort does not make trouble, they dare not attack."

Shor actually already has a suspect. He asked Alice before, how old is old?

It turns out that old Foley, who looks only fifty years old, is actually over ninety!

Come to think of it, the other party participated in the first wizard war. At that time, old Foley had a pair of adult children. Now fifty years have passed, it is normal to be over ninety.

And this is in line with the symbol of the Pure Blood Club's heritage, low-key, wide network, and strong strength!

Most importantly, the news of the other four old antiques was provided by Foley.

If old Foley is really the last one, then the other party's position is difficult to tell.

Is it going with the flow, or killing with a borrowed knife? Or is there another plan?

Tom saw that Shaw should have known, and suddenly wrote something else.

"I am going to leave for the Albanian forest."

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