In 1066, Armand Malfoy followed William, Duke of Normandy, to participate in the war of invasion of England, which is known as the "Norman Conquest".

After helping William become the King of England, William I granted Malfoy the title of Duke and land, and established Malfoy Manor.

Before the establishment of the International Statute of Secrecy three hundred years ago, the Malfoy family had always been exchanging what they had with the British royal family and the upper class of Muggles, and even intermarried and served as court wizards for the royal family.

After the establishment of the Statute of Secrecy, although the Malfoy family also hid themselves, they did not really break off contact with the royal family, and the title of Duke has continued to this day.

After Shaw heard Draco talk about Harry at noon, he understood what was going on.

He knew the virtues of the Petunia family very well. In order to make Harry's life easier in the future, Shaw asked Narcissa to take out the Duke's badge, and the other party was embarrassed for a while.

Then he contacted Albert, prepared a luxury car, and drove to Privet Drive.

After using a Confusion Charm to get rid of Vernon's real client, he asked Kreche to catch Dobby and go directly to the door.

After crushing Vernon's social status and financial resources, the scene just now appeared.

In the luxury car, Harry listened to Draco's excited narration.

"Haha, you don't know, your uncle just wanted to bow to me, but he was too fat, it was really funny."

Harry laughed foolishly, after all, with this incident today, his life in his aunt's house will surely be much better in the future.

He touched his trouser pocket, and there were still 500 pounds in it for public expenses for entertaining people, but it was a pity that he couldn't use it.

Harry suddenly thought of something.

"Draco, I didn't expect your family to be dukes by the Muggle royal family, it's really amazing."

"Burp, cough, you..."

Draco's face flushed instantly with this sentence that Harry didn't know whether it was a compliment or a disparagement.

God, I was talked to death by Harry.

Then the car arrived at the door of the Leaky Cauldron. As soon as the three teenagers got off the car, an owl flew over, dropped a red official letter from the Ministry of Magic and flew away.

Harry bent down quickly to pick up the official letter, opened it and took a look, his face immediately became depressed.

"The Ministry of Magic said that I just used magic at my aunt's house, which caused the reaction of the wand Trace, so I went to the Ministry of Magic, but that was the wand used by Kreche to catch Dobby."

"Dobby? That's not..."

Draco was very good at catching keywords. Just as he opened his mouth, Shaw immediately interrupted him.

"Draco, write a reply to your father in the bar later, saying that you used the magic and let him deal with it."

Draco received Shaw's eye signal and said "Oh oh" to indicate that he knew.

Harry wanted to ask if this was really okay? Shaw waved his hand.

"Let's go. This is not a big deal for the Malfoys. Draco, arrange for an adult wizard to live near Harry's house, so he can use spell training."

Harry was not interested for a moment, and suddenly felt that this underage wizard law was really unfriendly to young wizards from Muggle families.

After experiencing it personally today, a feeling of injustice quietly arose.

The three of them entered the dirty and messy Leaky Cauldron, where Alice was already waiting.

Draco borrowed paper and pen from the bar owner Old Tom to write a reply to his father.

Shor faced the scrutiny of other drinkers and passers-by calmly.

After the four young wizards entered Diagon Alley, a drinker who saw Shaw last year immediately gave Old Tom a thumbs up.

"Old Tom, you can even predict the future. In less than a year, many of the Black family's properties have been taken back. Many people are really unlucky."

"Haha, the new savior, who can not give face."

"To say that this Shor Black is really amazing, I heard from my son that his strength is also very strong."


Old Tom laughed and didn't explain anything. These civilian wizards don't know anything, they just follow the crowd.

At the entrance of Diagon Alley, Alice tapped on the stone wall, and the famous scene in HP appeared again, an arch appeared in the deformation of the brick wall.

Shor looked at the prosperous Diagon Alley, feeling a little emotional, a year has passed.

He is different too.

The four of them joined the crowd and prepared to buy school supplies. At this time, they heard a chattering conversation from the front.

"George and Fred, straighten your crooked mouths and slanted eyes quickly, it's too embarrassing! If you don't listen, I'll pull your ears off."

"Mom, don't you think this is very unique and cool?"

"Mom, isn't this good? Now you won't mistake me for George anymore."

"Are you two going to piss me off to death? Ron, stop right there, don't run around with Ginny!"

"Mom, Ginny and I want to see the flying broom."

"What are you looking at?", don't expect Percy to buy it for you, those gold galleons are earned by him working part-time and studying, and you still have the nerve to say that the new wand he just bought was broken by you in a fight.

Percy, don't buy a new wand for this bastard, let him use the old wand obediently, it's better to buy Ginny a flowery dress and more new books for Lockhart. "

"Okay, Mom, I get it."

"Ah, Mom, I'm your own son! "

Shor looked ahead and saw a group of red-haired kids, very lively, they were the Weasley family.

Draco looked at the group of people in front with disdain. The Weasley family and the Malfoy family had never gotten along.

Today, Lucius didn't have to deal with the diary and frame Weasley, and the Ministry of Magic didn't really issue a decree to investigate the dark magic items of pure-blood families.

So he didn't come to Diagon Alley.

The funny scene of the two families fighting each other would naturally not happen.

Draco snorted proudly and pulled Harry.

"Harry, let's go buy a broomstick. My dad gave me a lot of money and asked me to buy a Nimbus 2001 for each member of the team, so that I don't have to sit in the cold, cough cough. "

Draco was halfway through his words when he saw Shaw's probing eyes.

He quickly pulled Harry, who was a little confused after hearing the explosive news, into the Nimbus store.

Shor ignored them and went to Madam Malkin's robe shop with Alice to order a few sets of clothes, and then went to Flourish and Blotts.

These things could have been done by the elves, but Shaw was bored at home every day and rarely wanted to go out for a walk and relax.

When he arrived at the door of Flourish and Blotts, he saw a sea of ​​people. The wives and girls pushed and squeezed towards the bookstore.

Shor saw a promotional poster hanging above the bookstore-the famous wizard Mr. Gilderoy Lockhart released his new book "Magic Me" at Flourish and Blotts today-

Hai In the newspaper, a middle-aged wizard in a red-based gilded wizard robe showed eight dazzling white teeth, holding a wand and making a handsome pose.

Not to mention how showy.

This kind of wizard is indeed very attractive to witches. Housewives like Mrs. Molly will rush in without a care in the world, not to mention how tough.

When Shaw saw this, he remembered that this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor was this vain liar who was proficient in the Forget Spell and could not use other spells.

He looked across the crowd and looked at the main hall of the bookstore.

Lockhart sat upright and signed books for fans with an elegant posture, without showing his eight bright white teeth at every turn.

He also gently reminded fans to be careful from time to time.

Shaw was stunned.

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