Alice didn't think much about Shaw's inquiry. She was loyal and devoted, and she believed that the Fry family belonged to Shaw.

Moreover, for their ideals, his grandfather dared to take advantage of a person like Grindelwald.

"Except for some employees in shops, workshops and plantations, my family has no direct power. Before, my grandfather looked for people on the black market to find people to do things. The source of information about those hidden pure-blood old men should be the result of the connections that my grandfather has accumulated over the years."

After hearing this, Shaw's eyes flashed with thought, and he even involved the black market.

Moreover, he and Tom have not found the last hidden house of the pure-blood antiques, which makes people suspect the old Fry who provided the information.

Shaw said "I know", and left with Alice, who wanted to add a few words.

In front of the window sill of the western-style building, old Fry smiled after watching the two disappear, then returned to the study, thought about it, and took out a two-way mirror...

Shaw and Alice Apparated to the dark manor of Theodore's house.

The two informed the servants guarding the door, and soon, Gloria walked out quickly and glared at Shaw.

"Chief, hum! Shaw Black, how dare you show up in my house!"

Shaw touched his nose, a little puzzled, what happened to Sister Theodore?

He did not ask questions or make further moves. Alice understood and stepped forward and said coldly.

"Gloria, watch your identity and words. If it weren't for the chief, your Nott family would have been swallowed up."

Gloria was originally a delicate and beautiful girl, but her eyes also carried the crazy temperament that the Nott family should have.

At this moment, hearing Alice's words, her little face was a little distorted.

"I know what I'm saying. I'd rather my family fall into poverty than have my brother targeted by the Dark Lord. Look at what this is?"

She then tore open her sleeves, revealing a Dark Mark, and a pitch-black snake wriggled and stuck out its tongue on her slender white wrist.

"It's all because of you, Shorblack. Everyone knows about your relationship with my brother, but my brother refused to join the Death Eaters, and now he's become neither human nor ghost.

And in order to appease the Dark Lord's anger, I had to join the Death Eaters on behalf of the Nott family. It's all your fault. Get out of here, get out, and don't hurt us anymore."

Gloria pointed at Shor and spoke crazily, tears falling down, crazy and pitiful.

Shor muttered in his heart, what is Tom doing? Why don't he know.

And what does the other party mean by saying that Theodore is neither human nor ghost?

Alice felt sympathetic and opened her mouth to say that we would help.

At this time, a young man of eighteen or nineteen years old slowly walked out of the manor.

The young man had brown hair, blue eyes, pale skin, and a cold and arrogant temperament, but the magic power in his body was so strong that the air around him was slightly distorted. It was obvious that he could not restrain the magic power.

Although the young man was tall, he was too thin. He was wearing a green robe with silver patterns on it.

His familiar face and illogical height shocked Xiao Er and Alice, who were already good at cultivating their qi.

"Theodore!?" *2

The two people's shocked tone was uncertain.

Gloria walked over with distress and said in a reproachful tone.

"What are you doing out here? You need to rest more and eat more after using the secret method."

The young version of Theodore refused Gloria's support and walked towards Xiao Er firmly, speaking in the other's puzzled eyes.


Xiao Er came back to his senses from the circle.

"What's wrong with you?"

Before Theodore could explain, Gloria got angry again and pointed at Shaw and scolded him.

"You still have the nerve to ask, since the holiday, my brother has always been talking to the little animals that he is too weak and unworthy to follow you, and then, he secretly used the family secret method with a great cost to give his bones and blood age, which will make him live thirty years less! Woo, my poor brother."

Shor's eyes were solemn and full of realization.

The Christmas gift that Theodore gave him was a note on the research of human bones. Although it was very perverted, it also indirectly showed that the Nott family was very profound in the research of the human body, especially human bones.

It's not surprising that the Nott family has a secret method of bone and blood that is similar to a permanent aging agent.

It's just that the price is too high.

He looked at the grown-up Theodore with complicated feelings. He was really a stubborn and unyielding boy.

It was probably that unfair fight that made Theodore feel that the thing that limited his strength was that his young body's magic power grew too slowly.


Gloria burst into tears.I wanted to come up and drive Shaw away.

"Blake, why don't you get out of here quickly? My brother is like this because of you. If it weren't for you, how could my father..."

Theodore took out his wand at this time, turned around and scolded his sister.

"Shut up!"

Gloria was scolded by her brother, and she felt very uncomfortable, but she was also used to her brother's rebellion. Seeing her brother staggering, she hurriedly showed concern.

"I won't say anything, I won't say anything, don't get excited, go home and rest first, okay."

Short had a complicated mood. What a bloody family ethics drama, and he seemed to be playing a villain.

He couldn't help but sigh, and then ordered.

"Theodore, put down the wand, your sister, alas, it's not easy either."

A trace of inexplicable flashed in Theodore's cold eyes, but he silently put away the white jade wand and prepared to stand behind Shaw.

Shaw waved his hand.

"Since your body still needs to rest, you don't have to go to Diagon Alley today. We will bring you a portion of the stuff."

Theodore opened his mouth to show that he had no problem, but Shaw said directly.

"This is an order!"

Theodore paused, and finally could only say.

"Yes, Chief."

Shor wanted to pat Theodore's shoulder out of habit, but found that he was a little short.

Before Theodore was about to bend down, he took his hand back and continued to instruct.

"Although your body has entered youth and your magic power is growing rapidly, you still need to keep up with your nutrition. Remember to eat more good food. I will ask Kleche to send you a portion of China's famous ten-in-one tonic soup every day."

"Thank you, Chief."

"Well, we'll leave first, and you should go back to recuperate."

Shor said goodbye to the Nott siblings and left with Alice, who was eager to move.

The two came to the outside of Malfoy Manor, and Alice immediately said what she wanted to say.

"Chief, if I also use this secret method, it is not..."

Shor knew what Alice meant and refused without thinking.

"No, you are different from Theodore. You are almost an adult, and your magic power is in a period of rapid growth. There is really no need to overdraw your vitality. Theodore will have to find a way to replenish his life in the future. You can find out which pure blood has the relevant secret method."

Shor was relieved and tired. One or two of them were so worrying.

Could it be that he was too impatient and made his subordinates so eager to improve their strength?

No, it was all Tom's fault.

"Chief, you are here!"

Before the two of them could say anything more, Draco's excited voice came from the direction of the manor.

Shor looked over and saw a little boy in a platinum dress running out in a hurry.

Narcissa called her son to slow down from behind, but Lucius was nowhere to be seen.

Draco trotted over to Shaw and said anxiously without even saying hello.

"Chief, do you have any news about Harry? I haven't received a reply from him during the entire holiday."

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