Time flies, a month has passed, and exam week is coming soon.

All students are nervous. At first, they complained about the extra time for evening self-study, but now they have no time to complain.

However, Shaw has not done much preparation in the past month. Instead, he has been focusing on the discipline of the house. He does not ask for more house points, but tries his best to ensure that no points are deducted.

Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup, and according to the rules, the house was awarded 100 points, which is basically the same as Slytherin.

Fortunately, there is a snake king in the Snake House who is so partial to the original.

Snape has been deducting Gryffindor's points crazily this month, and Harry Potter almost collapsed because of the deductions.

Snape and McGonagall have been at odds recently, and the two have argued more than once or twice.

Professor McGonagall was angry and wanted to cheat for personal gain, but the elegant and fair cat couldn't do it.

Shaw and Snape cooperated well with each other, and directly pushed Slytherin to the top of the college score list, opening up a 100-point gap with the second-place Lion House.

Shaw had nothing to be embarrassed about. As the saying goes, one should do his job.

And he was well-behaved. The bad things were all done by the old bat, so what did he have to do with it?


Today was a clear and sunny day, and the one-week exam began.

Countless little wizards walked into the exam room with heavy steps and "resolutely".

In addition to answering questions on the test paper, each subject also had practical tests.

The potion class was about boiling the water of life and death.

The transfiguration class was about turning mice into snuff bottles.

The spell class was about making pears tap dance.

The herb class was about squeezing pus out of the Babo tuber.

The astronomy class was about arranging the coordinates of the nine planets.

The dark magic defense class was about how to deal with Little Red Riding Hood.

The flying class, well, just fly well.

Cheating is everywhere. Cheating in the magic world is just more magical, but it can't escape the professors' experience.

The quill pen is anti-cheating, and the test paper only absorbs specific prepared ink. There are also various anti-cheating spells in the examination room. Once you enter here, you can't even open your clothes.

Of course, it's unclear whether there are individual fish that slip through the net.

Shaw was not nervous at all after the test. It didn't matter whether he did well or not. Besides, except for his Potions class, he should have all Os in other subjects.

No, when I was taking the test with Professor McGonagall, the other party looked at me with a bit of unkindness.

After the test, except for Slytherin, the little wizards in the other three colleges started to let themselves go directly, and various disciplinary committees couldn't control them.

There are also some people with post-test anxiety, such as Hermione who kept muttering which question she didn't answer perfectly.

Listen to what this is? It's not a wrong answer, but an imperfect answer!

Draco was also very anxious. He felt that his prediction would come true and he would sit on the bench next year.

Shaw had no solution here, he was too ruthless, Draco was considering whether to ask his father for a solution, such as sponsorship?

On the day of the final dinner.

After a week of playing, the little wizards found that the usually smart and hardworking classmates were all dressed appropriately and elegantly today, and their expressions were very solemn.

Those who were well-informed were very envious, knowing that they were actually students favored by Shaw, and they seemed to be going to attend a private party organized by Shaw today.

The little wizards who knew nothing thought that these people were preparing for the dinner, but soon found that these outstanding students were all gone.

In a huge abandoned classroom not far from the Room of Requirement.

This place was arranged as a banquet scene, and at this moment, the outstanding students of Hogwarts arrived one after another.

There were four large round tables in the classroom, filled with various delicacies, not limited to Chinese cuisine, but all over the world, many of which the little wizards had never heard of.

These people sat according to their colleges, and everyone held their heads high and was very confident.

As the peripheral forces expanded, Shaw had to reclassify them in order not to attract the attention of the old bee.

The members of the throne were divided into three levels.

The primary members were a large group and a talent pool. These people only knew that this was a simple mutual aid society initiated by Shaw.

The society did not promote any ideas and had no other purpose. It was just to help everyone further improve their grades and provide poverty relief.

The intermediate members were formal peripheral members, and they had vaguely known that Shaw had a more private confidant organization.

After these people became proficient in general self-defense spells, they could choose to learn black magic under supervision, including the three unforgivable spells and the illusion spell.

The college tasks issued by Alice were basically completed by these people.

The senior members were those who held the sequence poker.

Today's banquet was nominally a celebration.

Shaw just showed his face and announced "No rules today, let's start!"

Then he disappeared.

Without the big devil, the atmosphere of the lunch was not veryWrong

Of course, there will be a high-level meeting after a while, and only the official outsiders can participate.

The lunch was hosted by Montague, and everyone began to eat and drink elegantly, discussing their plans for the holiday.

And Shaw and his team were actually holding the last meeting of the throne this semester.

The lights were bright in the Pentagram Hall.

This meeting was not just for two or three big cats and small cats.

In the luxurious chairs of the four-pointed area of ​​water, fire, wind and earth, there were at least two people except Hufflepuff.

In the Gryffindor position, there was Percy with the 10 of hearts and Neville with the 7 of hearts.

Neville suddenly came to Shaw one day to ask if he could save his demented parents. After getting a positive answer, he suddenly became a fanatic of Shaw.

This is a true filial son.

In view of the other party's swordmaster potential and the magnificent courage he inspired, Shaw gave him a 7 of hearts, a very magical sequence.

In the Ravenclaw position, there was Hermione with the 10 of clubs and Penelope with the 6 of clubs.

Penelope was naturally enthusiastic. She was also born a Muggle, and her parents were lawyers.

Considering that he would definitely write new laws for the wizarding world in the future, Shaw also took her under his wing and asked her and Hermione to start drafting the code from now on.

And the Slytherin area with the most people.

There was Alice, the Earl of Spades, Draco, the 10 of Spades, and Theodore, the 9 of Spades.

And the mysterious Duke of Spades who appeared for the first time today.

The Duke of Spades was covered with a silver cloak and sat on the highest and most gorgeous seat in the middle of the Slytherin area.

His momentum was like the abyss and the sea, giving people a mysterious feeling, almost competing with Shaw, who was wearing a luxurious purple robe on the throne.

This made all the other members of the throne look sideways, and they all guessed who the other party was in their hearts.

He was so valued by the chief, and now was the early stage of the development of the throne, and he was given the Duke sequence?

Then wouldn’t the upper limit of the sequence be increased to the prince in the future?

Among all the people, Alice's face was slightly ugly. No matter how selfless she was for her ideals, there was suddenly someone who was more respected by the chief.

It would be strange if Alice was in a good mood.

And Draco was full of questions, constantly looking left and right at Theodore and the mysterious Duke.

This, this, did he misunderstand last time?

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