Selwyn was so frightened that he could not move at all, and he was just shaking.

Two Death Eaters beside him, who were unknown to him, simply lifted one of his arms and lifted the limp Selwyn to Tom's face.

As soon as the two men loosened their hands, Selwyn fell to the ground like mud.

He was not a tough guy, otherwise he would not have been caught by the Ministry of Magic and started to reveal information without being interrogated.

Tom took out a silver bone-handled wand and wiped it carefully with a white cloth, neither expressing his opinion nor taking any further action.

But the sense of oppression became more and more dignified, like the calm before the storm, and the Death Eaters couldn't help but hold their breath.

Selwyn's mind was slowly occupied by his own fear, and he felt like he was going to pee.

He looked up desperately at the still calm Dark Lord, fearing that he would be killed by the Killing Curse the next moment.

He simply made up his mind and began to admit his mistakes with tears and snot, knocking his head and making a loud noise on the mud.

"Master, I was wrong, Master, I was really wrong! Please give me another chance."

Tom took a step back slightly without leaving a trace, and a trace of disgust flashed in his calm eyes. Is this the virtue of Voldemort's subordinates?

Then he waved his wand, and did not release the Cruciatus Curse or the Killing Curse as everyone thought, but simply flipped Selwyn to the side, letting this disgusting guy stay away from him.

Then he said in a warm voice.

"Don't be afraid, my friend, in this world, any mistake can be redeemed. Tell me, Selwyn, what can you pay for your mistake?"

All the Death Eaters were stunned, and then they all reacted.

The Dark Lord is pragmatic.

No more talking about loyalty and ideals.

Is this good or bad?

Everyone didn't know what to think for a while, only Lucius was not surprised. Although the Dark Lord's momentum and temperament had changed from the last time he saw him.

This calmness to the point of no longer using torture and the idea of ​​only looking at benefits are consistent.

But it's hard to work under such a Dark Lord.

The Dark Lord gave Selwyn the way, but Selwyn hesitated.

If a patriarch who has a little brain and wants to continue the family has no reason to pay out money.

Now is not the time when the Dark Lord first started to gain power, and he would take the initiative to curry favor with the pure blood, make all kinds of promises, and later split the stolen property 50-50, otherwise who would follow him?

When Selwyn was weighing whether his life was more important or the continuation of the family was more important.

Tom made a decision directly, waved his silver sleeves, and said in a clear voice.

"100,000 gold Galleons, a seat on the board of directors of Hogwarts, to be transferred to Lucius within ten days. If this is not done, Selwyn's direct line and relatives will all die!"


A sound of people gasping for air rang out at the scene.

The Dark Lord's punishment is to make the Selwyn family completely fall. It is really better to kill Selwyn directly.

In the small closed society of the British magic world with only tens of thousands of people, if you want to earn 100,000 gold Galleons, even if the pure bloods have power, money and channels, and even if every investment does not lose a penny, it will take at least three generations of people to work hard.

All the Death Eaters at the scene, although they are all pure bloods, can only be counted on the fingers of one hand.

This certainly does not include Selwyn. If his family's land is cleared, plus the premium of the school board seat representing social status, it is estimated that it will just be enough.

The Dark Lord must have planned it long ago.

Selwyn suddenly became unusually brave and quickly crawled to Tom to beg for death.

"Master, I am a selfish villain, I am a shameful traitor, I am willing to use death to atone for my sins, please kill me."

Tom's facial features are actually quite strong, but there is always an indelible gloom in his eyes.

He curled his lips slightly and smiled warmly at Selwyn, but gave the other party the feeling of a devil in the world.

"Death can't offset your sins. Living in poverty is the greatest punishment for you."

Seeing Selwyn's eyes widened, and then he hurriedly took out his wand, trembling and wanted to shoot himself.

Tom said slowly.

"Don't rush to see Merlin. I heard that you have a son studying at Hogwarts."

Selwyn's courage that had just accumulated was drained in an instant, and he fell to the ground and cried.

Tom didn't care about him. This was just a chicken to scare the monkeys.

He walked towards the Death Eaters who were kneeling on the ground and trembling.

While pacing in the circle, he patted their drooping heads one by one like patting chicks, and said with some sigh.

"I died once and lived again, which made me understand a truth. Loyalty can be measured. It is useless to rely on military deterrence and life and death threats.Infinitely high, then people can't afford the price of betrayal. "

When Tom took a photo of a Death Eater with platinum hair showing from under the mask, he said in an inexplicable tone.


Lucius quickly knelt on his knees and said respectfully.

"Master, I'm here."

Looking at this guy who handed the notebook to Shaw in person, Tom wanted to give him a killing curse.

But he was still rational, and Shaw's mission was not completed, so he could only hold it in.

"There are seven Death Eaters who occupy seats on the board of directors of Hogwarts. I ask you to secretly transfer the contract within ten days. I don't think they will have any objections. Remember, this is very important."

"Yes, Master. "

Lucius took the order and glanced at a few people not far away. It was these school directors who had been jumping up and down to oppose Director Black before.

Now he dared not breathe.

Lucius thought of Shor Black, the mastermind of this matter, and quickly calculated in his mind.

Tom continued his inspection.

"Loyal friends, no one will not pay the price for making mistakes. Well, everyone should rely on self-consciousness. I don't think anyone will cheat."

Ignoring the painful Death Eaters, Tom paced back to the original place and turned around and said.

"Some people may think that I can continue to act recklessly after my return?

Then you are wrong!

Ten years ago, we were so strong and so united, but we still failed.

What does this mean? It means that we are still not strong enough!

Now, for a better future for everyone, I announce three things, please do them well.

First, secretly infiltrate the Ministry of Magic, where everyone has a deep network of contacts. Within two years, I will take the position of Minister of Magic!

Second, integrate all industrial resources, increase production capacity and export abroad, and expand influence through economy. The British magic world is still too small, and we should set our sights on the whole world.

Third, recruit a large number of people, including werewolves, vampires, dark wizards, neutral wizards, and other magical creatures with wisdom.

And before we are weak, who will mess around? Expose my plan? Humph! "

When Tom said this, his tough and gloomy temperament immediately became crazy, and he returned to the familiar Dark Lord, and then waved his wand directly.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The green light spread across the entire courtyard, and a huge green light column as thick as a thigh passed over the Death Eaters, scaring them and directly blasting the courtyard gate into dust.

"Boom! "

Tom put his wand on his back and looked at the trembling Death Eaters with a disdainful look that looked down on ants.

The wind in the courtyard blew up the sleeves of his silver robe, and his strong demeanor was fully revealed.

Only Shaw behind him noticed Tom's slightly trembling hands. The previous attack seemed to be powerful, but it did not break through the upper limit of level six.

But with the special effect of magic power loss, it is still very intimidating.

In fact, this is enough to constitute a deterrent.

After all, no Death Eater would be stupid enough to want to practice with Tom.

Well, this is thanks to Old Volt. He raised his notoriety to a terrifying level that others dared not call him by name.

And the only thing that Shaw feared in the British magic world was It was Dumbledore. He had no intention of confronting the other party.

The best strategy is to keep the other party busy.

Shaw is still in the stage of accumulating food and building high walls.

He must develop at home and abroad, inside and outside the school, in the magic world and the Muggle world.

The only thing that is difficult to win back now is the wizards on the side of justice protection. This has to be done slowly. Brainwashing their children is a good way.

As for pushing Tom to the front, one is that he is too busy to do anything, and the other is that he has a shield, or cruelly speaking, a scapegoat.

What if he was killed by the old bee when he pretended to be the Dark Lord to hold a meeting with the Death Eaters that day?

Shaw never dared to underestimate Dumbledore's sharpness and good ears.

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