"Oh, Lucius, I smell guilt."

A sigh came from behind a tree, and Lucius shuddered. He quickly knelt down and crawled towards the tree.

Shaw slowly walked out from behind the tree and looked at Lucius who crawled up to him and wanted to kiss his robe.

He sighed in his heart that these men were really capable of bending and stretching.

They could enjoy the wine and the meat, and they could also endure the humiliation under their crotches.

Lucius buried his head and stabbed the ground, his voice trembling.

"It's great, Master, Master, you are finally back, and the magic world will usher in greatness again."

Shaw paced around the kneeling Lucius, imitating Voldemort's tone and sarcastically said.

"It's been ten years, but I still remember clearly how you united under me and said all kinds of ridiculous words of loyalty all day long.

I am also glad that I failed once and saw who is truly loyal to me."

Lucius quickly crawled lower to express his humility and loyalty.

Shaw put his foot on his back without hesitation and continued to speak quietly.

"But I asked myself again, why don't you believe that I have defeated death? Will I make a comeback again?

Is it that what I showed before was not enough magical power?

Maybe you think that there are more powerful than me? Can pure blood live forever?

Hehe, such as the leader who protects the mudbloods and Muggles for the common people, the greatest and most hypocritical white wizard of this century, Albus Dumbledore?"

I don't know if Shaw said these words to Lucius or to himself, anyway, he said it more and more smoothly.

I almost acted in his true colors.

Lucius was terrified, fearing that the angry Dark Lord would cast a killing curse on him without reason.

Sweat dripped down his forehead, and he stuttered to explain.

"Master, no, for the past ten years, I have been asking for your news all the time. As long as there is news about you, I will always arrive at the first time. My loyalty, Tianri..."

"Heh, ridiculous!"

Shaw snorted coldly, and without waiting for Lucius to continue to argue, he suddenly took out his wand and pointed at the tree beside him.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The wand spewed out a dazzling green light, and a killing curse as thick as a wrist directly blew the tree into two pieces, and the wood chips hit Lucius' back.

Although it was very painful, Lucius resisted and dared not scream.

He was even more amazed and terrified in his heart.

How long has it been since the Dark Lord was defeated in Hogwarts? How did he recover so quickly?

Shaw put down his wand. If he hadn't considered Draco and Narcissa's feelings and the embarrassment of being exposed in the future, he might really use the Cruciatus Curse. These cunning people, if they don't give proof of their strength and cruel attitude, they will probably be exposed soon. Shaw retracted his foot and asked lightly. "Where's the notebook?" Lucius was stunned. He had actually been mentally prepared to withstand a Cruciatus Curse. After all, the Dark Lord might not kill him, but he would definitely punish him. And then, that's it? But he didn't have time to think about it. Fortunately, it was too late. He quickly took out the notebook and handed it to Shaw with both hands. The moment he looked up, he saw Shaw's disguise at the moment. Lucius had a fierce brainstorm in his mind. How could it be? This is the young Dark Lord! Then he quickly lowered his head. Shaw took the notebook and sensed it slightly. There was indeed a familiar fluctuation of black magic. He turned it over to see the signature inside. The system also prompted whether to absorb it, and it was confirmed that it was Tom Riddle's first Horcrux diary.

Silently rejected the absorption prompt.

Before yesterday, he would have absorbed this Horcrux immediately, but now.

Shaw put away the notebook, and little Tom went back to slowly make it. Maybe he would soon have a genuine Dark Lord's younger brother.

"Raise your head."

Lucius heard the order and quickly raised his head full of cold sweat. His platinum hair became very messy, and there was no arrogance and aristocratic temperament.

He said with a smug face.

"Master, do you have any other instructions?"

Shaw handed him a piece of parchment.

"Collect these materials."

Lucius took the paper and took a quick look. He immediately felt distressed.

There were all kinds of precious and unusual alchemical materials on the parchment. Even if the Malfoy family's high-end material warehouse was emptied, it would probably not be enough.

But thinking of what Narcissa said, money is just a thing outside of the body, and it is good to be alive. At most, I can spend money to collect it.

"Yes, Master, I will collect it as soon as possible."

Shor looked at Lucius's flash of pain, and put away his cold expression and became warm.

"This is the first batch of materials, and I will continue to collect them in the future."

These warm and gentle words almost made Lucius faint.

Shor then instructed lightly.

"Estimate how many loyal Death Eaters I still have, and collect them together. Remember, this is very important to me!"

Lucius secretly breathed a sigh of relief. This is more like it. If it is handled properly, maybe he can make a fortune.

"Master, don't worry. Maybe some companions are temporarily obsessed, but when you return as a king, they will definitely be extremely loyal. That, do you need to summon them to meet you?"

"Not for the time being, I still have unfinished plans."

Shor was too lazy to discuss this ridiculous loyalty issue with Lucius.

Thinking about it, he explained again.

"By the way, give up targeting Shaw, and the contact person will restore his identity as a Hogwarts director. He is now my partner. This is only known to you. As for how you do it, you don't need to explain to me. I just need the result! "

Lucius felt that his brain was not enough today.

Shore and Voldemort, a cooperative relationship?

Then the Battle of Hogwarts last month was just as guessed by "The Quibbler".

A show?

Who was the show for?

Thinking of Shaw's growing reputation and the conflict between Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic.

It's terrifying to think about it!

What a big layout.

As for not targeting Shaw, he had been hesitant.

Since Voldemort recognized Shaw's equal cooperative relationship, his strength was at least quasi-legendary, and legend was expected in the future.

And now, my goodness, isn't this just two dark lords, one bright and one dark, joining forces?

Lucius felt that today's The cold sweat was not enough.

He also found that the Dark Lord was not crazy or cruel today, but also had a sense of wisdom.

Not only did the Dark Lord's new body become younger, but his intelligence also returned to the state before he went crazy.

This kind of Dark Lord is the most terrifying.

Lucius became more cautious, thinking about how to work under the Dark Lord in the future and how to repair his relationship with Shaw. This is also a life-saving chip.

Shaw was very satisfied with Lucius's performance. The brain emperors were really good.

"Okay, you can go back. Collect the materials. Let Old Nott send them to *** Street in ten days. I don't need to tell you about the confidentiality."

Lucius' eyes were burned by sweat and he didn't dare to wipe them. He nodded respectfully.

"Yes, master. "

Then, Shaw Apparated away silently and without a wand, leaving Lucius stunned.

He slowly stood up and staggered back to the manor, where Narcissa had been waiting at the door.

She hurried up to support her husband and kept checking whether Lucius was injured.

"Are you okay? The Dark Lord didn't make things difficult for you, did he?"

Lucius shook his head and told Narcissa.

"Sissi, the Dark Lord has become more terrifying. The British wizarding world is about to change. We must be more cautious in the future."

Lucius sat down on the sofa in the hall, took a big sip of the water handed to him by Narcissa, and said after a sigh of relief.

"Sissi, please go and call Draco. I have something to tell him."

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