“Hmm, hm? What did you say? Solved!”

Dumbledore looked like a Muggle.

After a while, he realized what Nico had assigned to the people.

“Just this one”

“Could it be that the sensing was wrong and the boy destroyed the envelope directly?”


Nico shook his head.

“The magic mechanism I set up is quite clever. If it is destroyed, there will be no feedback.”

“It can only mean that he really cracked this mechanism.”

“No, I want to see how he did it!”

Nicolas Flamel couldn’t sit still for a moment, he took out a bottle of potion and drank it, then stood up tremblingly after his face calmed down.

“Oh, Nico, look at the time now.”

Dumbledore shook his head and reminded.

Not every little wizard sleeps as late as we do.

“This is a world-class magical problem!”

Nicolas Flamel said excitedly

“I know, Nico, but it doesn’t matter now no matter how difficult it is. Merlin has solved it, right?”

“We just need to go find him tomorrow to find out.”

“All right.”

The principal’s office returned to peace.

Merlin finished his analysis and lay down on the bed to sleep, thinking about who designed this thing. Who would use this kind of question to embarrass the first-year wizard

? Could it be Nicolas Flamel himself?

It’s impossible. He’s hundreds of years old and still so naive?

Merlin thought about it, but had no clue. He was too lazy to think about it and closed his eyes to sleep.

The next morning, it was Snape’s Potions class again.

Merlin got up and woke up his two roommates to remind them that they should go to class.

Ernie and Justin were excited, thinking that Merlin was going to class with them, and they dressed and packed up in a hurry.

The next second,

Merlin continued to lie down and said goodbye to the two.

The two were shocked and asked Merlin why he got up and called them if he didn’t go to class.

“I’m going to the toilet by the way, reminding you to pay attention to safety during class”


The two were stunned for a moment, not understanding why Mo Lin suddenly said this, and even forgot to question him about calling them to wake up early.

“If you don’t want to be hit by Snape, Madam Pomfrey, and Professor Sprout at the same time, you’d better be careful.”

“Why did I offend these three people at the same time?”

The two godsons asked sincerely.

They really couldn’t understand this relationship.

If they didn’t make a good potion in Potions class, Snape would criticize them at most.

As for Madam Pomfrey? Maybe, when they were injured, they would go to her and listen to her nagging that the professor’s course was too dangerous, and it would be better for her to teach them magic safety.

But what about their own dean?

She didn’t even care about the deduction of points, so why would she criticize them for this matter?

“Um… I heard that what you are going to learn today is the expansion potion, do you understand?”

Mo Lin dragged out the last word.

“I don’t understand.”

The two godsons shook their heads vigorously.


“Halloween Pumpkin”

“Professor Sprout has just reserved a large area of land from Hagrid to grow Halloween pumpkins.”

“At that time, these swelling potions will be used on pumpkins. If your mistakes cause problems with the pumpkins, then……”

Merlin didn’t say anything more.

The two little badgers were already wide-eyed at the thought of this terrible situation. No matter how much Snape was scolded in class, he was still the dean of another college.

But if he really ruined his own dean’s plan to grow pumpkins, he would probably have trouble for the next seven years.

“Thank you Godfather”

“What do you want for lunch, Godfather? I’ll ask the elf to pack it for you!”

The two immediately became flattering.

“Back off, I’ll handle it myself.”

“Okay, Godfather!”

The two said goodbye to Mo Lin and packed up to go to class.

Mo Lin continued to take a nap.

As soon as he covered his head, he heard the glass start to tap.

“Another owl?”

Mo Lin was a little surprised.

Aren’t owls only used to deliver mail in the hall? Why did they come to the dormitory?

He stuck his head out and took a look, and instantly came to his senses.

There was actually a phoenix standing outside the window.


Merlin recognized it as Fox and called out his name.


Fox raised his neck and continued to peck at the window of Merlin’s dormitory.

“Stop, stop, stop! I’ll open it for you!”

Mo Lin couldn’t help but look at Phoenix’s little mouth knocking on the glass.

It’s not a woodpecker, what are you doing here!

Open the window.

Fox was very dissatisfied and pecked his arm again.

Fortunately, he was protected by clothes and the force was not very strong.

Confused, Mo Lin asked Fox what was going on and why he came to him so angry so early in the morning?

“”Boo, boo, boo!”

Fawkes bit off the letter tied to his body and screamed loudly, even waking up the Sorting Hat.

Merlin was stunned.

No wonder Fawkes was in a bad mood.

Who would have thought that Nicolas Flamel would stay overnight at Hogwarts and chat with Dumbledore all night.

Not only did Fawkes not sleep well all night, but he was urged by Nicolas Flamel to deliver the letter early in the morning.

If Dumbledore hadn’t stopped him,

Fawkes would have come here to knock on the glass two hours earlier.

And because of this, Phoenix didn’t even have time to eat breakfast.

It seems that his doubts from yesterday can be solved.

This question must have been set by Nicolas Flamel himself.

Is it really appropriate to test first-year students with such questions?

But it’s okay. Nicolas Flamel came in person, which means that he can get in touch with him. It saves him from writing to him again.

Dumbledore will probably find it annoying by then.

Then he looked at Fawkes.

“It’s really pitiful. I just happened to have some jerky for Norbert. Would you like some?”

Mo Lin took out a few pieces of Riem beef jerky, sprinkled them with sulfur powder and handed them over.


Fox cried out happily.

Mo Lin smelled the smell himself and could only say that Phoenix liked it. He couldn’t stand the smell of gunpowder.

However, maybe Norbert would like it.

���Lin plans to try it another day

“Okay, Merlin, go see what Dumbledore wants to talk to you about, don’t chat here!”

The Sorting Hat climbed onto the table and approached Fawkes to greet him.

After all, one person and one hat had been in the same office for a long time, and now there was no sense of distance.

The phoenix cried and pecked off a feather and inserted it on the head of the Sorting Hat. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

“Wow, Fox, you are so sweet!”

“”I’ll be the first to come and play with you after I renovate the house!”

The Sorting Hat and the Phoenix were talking.

Merlin was looking at the note written by Dumbledore.

“Merlin, please come to my office and bring the invitation letter from the Merlin Alchemy Club.”


Merlin clicked his tongue.

If he hadn’t understood what Fawkes said, he would have thought Dumbledore was calling him over to talk about this matter.

But now.

Merlin packed the goodies and signaled Fawkes to take him back directly.


Fox opened his eyes wide, unable to believe what he heard, and cried.

Such a big man, but he had to take him back by himself?

Is this a human being?

How can a mouth with a temperature of 37 degrees say such cold words? []

Mo Lin pouted.

He raised his finger and knocked Fox’s head.

“Don’t think I don’t know that you can easily hang three or four people with your current size. I’m still a child.”


Phoenix turned his head away, not wanting to pay attention to Mo Lin.

“If you don’t take me with you, it will take me a while to walk there by myself.”

“What if I get lost along the way and can’t find my way back? You don’t want to come out to look for me again, right?”


Fox was furious. He pecked Merlin fiercely and stretched out his legs to signal Merlin to grab his claws.

Merlin smiled slightly and raised his hand to grab Fox.

The next second, he flew out of the window and flew towards the eighth-floor tower of Hogwarts in a strange posture.

The speed was very fast, but Merlin did not feel any discomfort.

Instead, he felt a special magic around him, blocking all the cold and the stinging feeling of the wind.

There was only a soft wind around him.

Merlin was a little surprised.

He didn’t expect that the phoenix could create such a protective layer when flying with people.

I don’t know if Dumbledore taught it later or it can be understood naturally.

I can discuss it with Norbert at that time.

If Norbert can be so good, I may become the first wizard in the magic world who truly rides a fire dragon.

Thinking of this, Merlin was less angry even when he got up.

And soon.

Two shadows appeared by the window of Dumbledore’s office

“.”Knock knock!”

The phoenix opened its mouth and pecked at the glass.

Merlin waved and greeted Dumbledore through the glass.

“Professor! Can you open the window and let me in?”

“Merlin’s beard!”

Dumbledore covered his forehead. He never thought that Merlin would come back with Fawkes in this way.

But he still waved his wand to open the window.

“Professor, it’s a good thing your window doesn’t open outwards, otherwise I would have to call Madam Pomfrey now.”

Merlin jumped into the room and greeted Dumbledore with a smile.

“Fawkes, how could you do this?”

Dumbledore shook his head.

“Taking the little wizard to fly in such a dangerous way”


Fox opened his mouth and spurted out a smell of dried meat with a sulfur smell.

Dumbledore shook his head helplessly.

Who would have thought that the phoenix would be bribed by a piece of sulfur dried meat.

But if this goes on, will Fox be abducted by Merlin?

Seeing the look in Fox’s eyes when he looked at Merlin, Dumbledore couldn’t help but feel a little worried.

Merlin was already looking at Nicolas Flamel at this time.

Just like in many photos, his hair was as white as snow, and he wore a simple wizard robe without any badge to mark his identity.

But standing there, he had the aura of a real scholar (of Zhao)

“Good morning, Mr. Nicolas Flamel!”

“Oh? Do you know me?

Nicolas Flamel looked at Merlin with some curiosity in his eyes.

“Of course, you look exactly like you did in the photo published in Witch Weekly, nothing has changed.”

“What a talking little wizard! It’s been more than a hundred years since I appeared in”Wizard Weekly”, right?”

“I really miss my younger self back then.”

Nicolas Flamel had a hint of nostalgia in his eyes.

“Sir, can I ask what the difference is between being over 500 years old and being over 600 years old?”

Mo Lin asked curiously


Nicolas Flamel was stunned. He didn’t expect Merlin to be curious about this.

Shouldn’t he ask about his alchemy or magic insights when he met him?

But I can master all that knowledge later, but I can’t get such a long life at present.

“That makes sense.

Nicolas Flamel nodded, thinking about how to answer this question.

After a while, he slowly spoke:

“I think my body is better at 500 years old, and I won’t break bones by coughing. Now I have to be very careful to avoid getting hurt!”

“That’s really tragic. Is calcium supplementation useful?”

“Maybe, but it’s not very useful.”


Listening to two people with an age span of more than 600 years seriously exchanging hundreds of years of experience, Dumbledore even felt a little numb.

After a while, when Fawkes went back to sleep, he coughed twice to remind them that they could start their business.

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