Hogwarts: Who taught you to transform like this?

Chapter 76 The Meaning Of Violating School Rules, Hermione Begins To Turn Evil


The little witch nodded vigorously.

Ever since she made the magic potion, she has been thinking about doing some other research.

For example, can the magic potion allow Muggles to have magic power?

Is there an upper limit to the magic power that the magic potion can increase?

Does the magic potion have any effect on magical animals?


But because of the relationship between laws and regulations, as well as her busy course schedule, she has no time to do these studies at all.

Now hearing Merlin's proposal, the little girl Wolf Wolf was tempted.

She just hesitated for a moment, and she still bit her lip.

"But... Filch was very cruel when he caught Harry and the others yesterday, and he also sent them to the Forbidden Forest to die... "Merlin, you know, Professor Dumbledore does not allow first-year students to enter the Forbidden Forest. "

"I've read the book, and there are many dangerous magical animals in it."

"I feel that Filch wants to kill them."

Hermione lowered her voice but couldn't hide her fear and nervousness.

"No, no, no, I've been in there too, and it's not that dangerous inside. "

Merlin knew that Hermione would not listen to his persuasion at this time, so he just blew himself up.

"But you are different from them "290"..."

"Huh? What?"

Hermione was halfway through her sentence when she suddenly realized that the point of Merlin's words seemed not that there was no danger inside.

But he had been in there before.

"When did you go in?"

"Yesterday afternoon."

"Shouldn't you be in the Herbology class at that time?"

Hermione remembered Merlin's schedule.

After a brief thought, she said what Merlin should have done yesterday.

"Snape called me to do something."


The little witch suddenly grabbed Merlin's clothes nervously.

"He didn't do anything to you?"


Merlin looked embarrassed.

When he said this, he always thought of some bad things.

Snape did something to himself, which was very British.

However, it's better not to tell Hermione about this evil thought now.

Otherwise, she might imagine Harry and Ronald.

The picture is too beautiful to think about.

"Of course not, he just asked me to make potions."

"That's good."

The little witch patted her chest and felt relieved.

"I thought he punished you to sort out the potion warehouse."

"That's Ernie and Justin."

Thinking of his two unlucky roommates, Merlin also sighed a little.

"But why would Snape be so kind to teach you to make potions?"

"How could it be kind."

Merlin pouted.

"He just wanted to use me to participate in the Extraordinary Pharmacist Association competition to help him slap the face of those who once looked down on him."

"This is too... Wait, what did you say?"

"The Extraordinary Pharmacist Association competition?"

"Merlin's beard, you Merlin...you...are you telling the truth?"

The little witch grabbed her hair, not believing what she heard.


"That's the Extraordinary Pharmacist Association!"

"I've seen their recruitment requirements. At least you need to have outstanding contributions and talents in the field of potions to be eligible to participate in the competition."

"You...are you going to be selected?"

"Not yet. "

Merlin shook his head.

"No, I didn't say it correctly. Strictly speaking, Snape recommended me to the Potions Championship."

"Is there any difference?"

Hermione rolled her eyes.

"The top three players in each Potions Championship will receive an invitation to the Extraordinary Apothecary Association for an assessment."

"With your strength, there will be no problem as long as you can produce magic potions."

"In fact, I didn't produce any magic potions."

"Ah? You... Merlin! I hate you so much!"

"Can't you just say it all at once? You've made me so nervous."

Hermione turned her head away in anger, pouting and not wanting to pay attention to Merlin.

But Merlin asked back calmly.

"Then aren't you curious about what potion I used to pass Snape's test?"

"No! Not at all!"

Hermione said viciously.

"Well, I was going to tell you about this potion idea that created the latest historical achievement." "Since you are not interested..." "I changed my mind, Merlin, I am very interested now!" Hermione heard about the latest potion in history, and immediately turned around and pulled Merlin's hand and started to act like a spoiled child. "Please, Merlin, just tell me!" "Okay. It was almost time for Filch, so Lin stopped teasing the little witch.

He told her about the potion he brewed in Snape's office and how he deliberately set a trap for Snape.

"Merlin, you are so brave!"

Hermione opened her mouth wide, not knowing what to say for a moment.

She had never thought of such a joke, let alone experimenting on a professor who was the worst to her, Snape.

Hermione got goose bumps just thinking about it.

Then she grabbed Merlin's hand and asked worriedly.

"Aren't you worried that you will be expelled?"

"Why would you expel me?"

"Didn't you violate the school rules? Going to the forbidden forest, deliberately drugging the professor, raising a dragon, skipping classes..."

The little witch became more and more excited, and she couldn't even count the number of times Merlin violated the school rules.

"Have you read "A History of Hogwarts"? Do you remember how many people were expelled for violating the school rules?"

"It seems... almost none?" Hermione said uncertainly.

"Only two." Merlin gave the exact number.

"They were expelled because they were suspected of raising magical animals and threatening their classmates' lives."

"So what?"

The little witch still didn't understand what this had to do with what Merlin said.

"This is what Hogwarts has really taught you."

Merlin smiled and explained to the little witch.

"As a wizard, you should not only learn magic and these methods in school.

"You should also master the real means of survival in the wizarding world."

"What is that?"

The little witch was confused.

Merlin thought for a while and looked at a sculpture outside the castle.

"Did the Fred twins say that there is a secret passage under the sculpture that leads to the outside of the school?"

"The statue of Gregory the flatterer..."

Hermione said the name, her face sinister and nodded

"Indeed, I heard them tell Harry and Ronald."

"I told them that they shouldn't sneak out, but they didn't listen to me."

Hermione was still a little angry when she said this.

Merlin smiled and rubbed her head.

The little witch is still as hateful and hateful as in the book.

She thought for a while and said.

"Then do you think that Dumbledore and Filch don't know about the secret passage that Fred and the others know about?"

"They...should know about it too."

Hermione hesitated, but still admitted it.

"Why don't they seal it?"

"I don't know."

The little witch shook her head.

"This is the truth you haven't paid attention to."

Merlin said easily.

"In Hogwarts, only situations that may threaten the lives of classmates will be expelled."

"As for violating school rules, it is actually the behavior tacitly approved by the professors."

"How is it possible?"

The little witch couldn't believe what Merlin said.

"Then you see that the George brothers often violate school rules and lose dozens of points every year, but nothing happens, right?"

"Yes... yes."

The little witch nodded blankly.

"So, the rule of Hogwarts is that it's okay to break the school rules, as long as you don't get caught."

"That's why Filch showed up at Hogwarts."

"If a real wizard patrolled the school and filled the corridors with spells, how many people do you think would break the school rules?"

"Maybe... no?"

The little witch said uncertainly.

"Yes, Filch is already like this, he's just doing his job."

"We can only blame Harry and his friends for not learning the skills well enough."

"Ah! Is that so?"

Hermione quickly realized what Merlin meant by 2.2.

"So, Harry and his friends didn't have the ability to escape from Filch, so it's not unfair for them to be caught?"



Hermione hesitated again.

"Then will there be any problems if we help Filch like this?"

"Of course."

"What problems?"

"In the future, we may be able to break the school rules in front of Filch."


The little witch was stunned, and for a moment she didn't react to the fact that Merlin was thinking of such an outrageous thing.

"Why, don't you want to go to Ravenclaw's private library anytime?"

Merlin dropped a bombshell.


Hermione didn't hesitate this time and decisively ordered it.

Merlin smiled and began to look forward to what Hermione, who had already accepted the violation of school rules, would become.

She couldn't be more evil than herself, could she?

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go and see if the magic potion has any effect on Filch."

Before the little witch could react, Merlin took her to Filch.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Filch!"

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