【Host transformation magic world detected】

【Renovation extent: Medium, rewards are being distributed】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the item: Mithril Recipe - A recipe for refining mithril, requiring materials: silver, brass, iron, gold……】

A hint flashed before his eyes.

Merlin was a little surprised.

He had only wanted to show Mag the value, but he had not expected that he would complete a mid-level transformation? Was n't this a bit too outrageous?

However, since he had given the formula,

Merlin no longer used the excuse that he had come up with by chance, and said calmly:

"I made it by chance when I was helping the blacksmith."

The word 'by chance' is a good word. Magic can't guarantee the same product every time.

Even if he can't make it later, it's okay.

Mag's eyes moved slightly and he sighed.

"Mr. Molin, I really envy your luck for being able to refine this metal."

"If you trust me, don't go to Gringotts."

"Those goblins will only drive down its price. I will find you a more suitable buyer."

The first person McGonagall thought of was Dumbledore.

Unfortunately, her patronus had already sent out a message, and now the fastest way is...


McGonagall's eyes moved.

Seeing the desserts in the Fosco Ice Cream Shop with a huge sign on the street, she immediately had an idea.

In the wizarding world, magic photos made with special magic can preserve the memory of the owner of the photo, and can also be used as a transmitter under certain circumstances.

As the most famous white wizard of this century, Dumbledore has a lot of cards. As long as he can open one, he can notify the principal in the office.

Thinking of this, Professor McGonagall decisively paid for three chocolate frogs.

"Please, Albus, don't let me down!"

McGonagall opened a chocolate frog.


Amid the crisp croaking of frogs, Merlin noticed a familiar figure walking out of the picture on the cover of the chocolate frog box.

It was Dumbledore.

McGonagall relaxed her brows and breathed a sigh of relief. In an instant, she looked at Dumbledore on the picture with great seriousness.

"Dumbledore, I need you to come to Diagon Alley right now. I have something important to tell you."

""Okay, Minerva."

Almost as soon as the voice fell,

Merlin felt a shadow on him.

Turning around, he saw Dumbledore had appeared beside him.

A pair of wise blue eyes looked at him through the half-moon lenses, smiling.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Merlin, I'm Albus Dumbledore, and I'm glad you're here at Hogwarts."

"Hello, Headmaster. I am also very happy to be admitted to Hogwarts.

Merlin responded politely.

"Well, Mr. Merlin, please allow me to delay your orientation for a while. Minerva, Professor McGonagall seems to have something to ask me."

"Of course sir!"

""Minerva, I have received your message. What happened now?"

Dumbledore said as he waved his hand and set up a soundproof barrier.

What was even more strange was that no one noticed the three people standing here in the Diagon Alley, but they subconsciously avoided them when they approached.

"No, Albus, what I'm going to tell you is about Mr. Merlin, don't block him."


Dumbledore looked at Merlin, wondering what important matter could be related to a new wizard who had not yet entered the school.

McGonagall briefly explained what had just happened and looked at Merlin again.

"Merlin, let Professor Dumbledore take a look at that piece of metal.

The silver metal reappeared, instantly attracting Dumbledore's attention.

He was also a powerful alchemist, and he could tell that the mithril was extraordinary without even using the detection magic.

He picked up the mithril, examined it carefully through the lens, and murmured:

"It's a magical metal."

"If I am not mistaken, it is different from all the metals currently available. It can be called a perfect metal!" After a while, Dumbledore put down the mithril and looked at Merlin.

"Mr. Merlin, Minerva said you want to exchange this piece of metal for money."

"It just so happens that my friend is a very good alchemist. If you can sell this metal to him for research, I think he will definitely offer a good price."

Dumbledore's alchemist friend is Nicolas Flamel.

Merlin thought of this plan when he took out this piece of metal. He got to know Nicolas Flamel from Dumbledore, and then showed his talent in alchemy to get in touch with him.

Although this cannot directly enhance his own strength, at least he can have a golden thigh to protect himself when changing the wizarding world.

After all, according to the tradition of the wizarding world.

His own behavior of transforming the wizarding world is a bit extreme, and it is easy to remind them of someone.

As a student of Hogwarts, he may not be able to resist the fanatical conservative wizards.

But if he is Nicolas Flamel's favorite student and an outstanding student of Hogwarts, it will be different.

"Of course, Professor."

Molin smiled and agreed without hesitation.

"Thank you for your trust, Merlin."

Hearing Merlin's agreement, Dumbledore even addressed him more intimately.

After a moment, he suddenly remembered something and took out a bag from his pocket and handed it to Merlin.

"Minerva, I think Merlin doesn't need to apply for a student loan now. Just consider this as my advance payment for my old friend."

Merlin took the bag and looked inside.

He instantly knew the amount Dumbledore gave him.

It was a thousand gold galleons.

"Professor, is this too much?"

"No, I believe my friend is willing to pay this price. If you can occasionally make more of this metal, you can also consider selling it to him."

Dumbledore said meaningfully

"No problem, Professor!"

Molin nodded.

"Okay, Minerva, you guys continue, I have something else to do."

Dumbledore's feet moved together gently, and without any movement, the whole person blurred in front of his eyes, without causing any fluctuations, and then disappeared...

Two prompts appeared in front of Merlin again

【Host transformation magic world detected】

【Renovation extent: Medium, rewards are being distributed】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the talent: Alchemy Master - the host's alchemy level has been greatly improved, and the success rate of alchemy has increased.】

"Merlin's pants!"

After reading the prompt, Merlin couldn't help but widen his eyes and sighed that this system really understood him too well.

Knowing that he needed alchemy, it gave him an alchemy talent.

Now there is a reason to refine mithril later.

"Mr. Merlin, it's time for us to continue."

After Dumbledore left, the surrounding restrictions gradually disappeared.

Professor McGonagall also took Merlin to start purchasing items needed for the start of school.

Textbooks, school uniforms, equipment...

The list of items for Hogwarts' start of school was detailed enough, and with McGonagall's leadership, the owners of each store gave the lowest price.

Considering Merlin's wishes, he was unwilling to return to the orphanage.

These things would be sent directly to Hogwarts by owl before school started, so until the purchase was completed, Merlin still had nothing in his hands.

Except for the bag given by Dumbledore hanging around his waist.

And Merlin did not forget to ask McGonagall why such a small pocket could hold so many things

"It's the Traceless Extension Charm, an advanced magic that you will learn later."

"Magic is great! It can even solve space problems that Muggles can't solve."

Merlin said sincerely.

A smile appeared on McGonagall's face.

Although Merlin had expressed similar views along the way.

He always liked to compare magic with the Muggle world.

But most young wizards from Muggle families who were exposed to magic for the first time were like this.

McGonagall didn't think there was anything wrong with it at all, and even thought it was a manifestation of studious and humbleness.

If it weren't for the fact that all new students had to go through the Sorting Hat, she would have wanted to appoint Merlin to Gryffindor.

Soon, they bought almost all the equipment.

Only the last wand was left.

Under the leadership of McGonagall, the two stood at the door of Ollivander's Wand Shop.

Merlin finally became excited.

Curious about what kind of wand he would get.

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