"I'll go first."

Hermione put down her wand.

Following Merlin's example, she held the cup with her hand and released her magic power.

Some sapphire crystals appeared in the cup.

""It's the Materialization System?"

Merlin muttered.

She thought that Hermione's proficiency in spells and her personality should be more inclined to the Transfiguration System, but she didn't expect...


Merlin suddenly thought of something, stretched out her hand to dip a little water to taste, and suddenly realized.

He said why there were so few crystals of the Materialization System.

Sure enough, the taste of the water changed, becoming a kind of parchment with a grassy scent.

Transfiguration System plus Materialization System, this is right.

Sure enough, she is a top student, and both systems have achieved obvious changes, which is rare in the hunter world.

"Merlin, how is it?"

The little witch noticed Merlin's performance and looked nervous.

"You will know after you try it."

Merlin pushed the cup over.

Hermione imitated Merlin and tasted the water in the cup, and instantly showed an incredible expression.

"This is clear water, how come it has a smell? And what are these sapphire-like things?"

"Hermione, did you use any other magic?"

Harry and the others were also surprised after tasting it.

"I don't know, I just released the magic power like Merlin said, without thinking of any spells at all"

""No way, this is absolutely impossible, Merlin, can I try it?"

Ron was unconvinced and asked to try it.

Merlin naturally agreed.

Seeing that Harry was also eager to try, he simply prepared two test cups and asked them to test it together.

"Keep calm, release your magic, and don't have any thoughts"

"Yes, that's it."

Under the guidance of Merlin, the two slowly released their magic power, which came into contact with the water and leaves in the cup.

Almost in an instant, the cup changed.

The water in front of Ron began to flow out, and Harry's water turned into a dazzling gold.

One is the strengthening system, and the other is the release system.

No problem.

It also matches the personalities of the two.

"Merlin's beard! It's incredible!"

"Merlin, I... I believe your theory a little bit."

Harry shouted excitedly.

Ron continued to fall into silence and did not come back to his senses for a long time.

He instinctively wanted to refute that this was definitely not right, but the facts in front of him made him unable to speak.

If magic power was not classified, their performance just now would definitely not be normal.

Moreover, what Harry said to them did not match.

When a young wizard awakens his magical talent, some special phenomena will occur, but it will never make the glass of the zoo disappear for a moment.

At the table.

Hermione and Harry were still studying the changes in the water in their cups.

They even exchanged cups to make a bottle of something that looked like honey water.

Ron held his head and was entangled.

Could it be that he, a child who grew up in a wizard family, had learned all the magic knowledge since childhood that was wrong?

Orthodox magic turned out to be in the Muggle world?

He ignored the three people.

Merlin was ecstatic at the news that popped up in front of him.

【Host transformation magic world detected】

【Renovation extent: Medium, rewards are being distributed】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the talent: Danger Precognition - When someone is hostile to you or enters a dangerous area, you can always detect it in advance. The closer the distance, the greater the threat and the stronger the reaction. 】

What a talent!

If you are strong enough, this is almost equivalent to turning on the immortal cheat.

Even if you are not strong enough now, you can avoid trouble greatly.

At least if someone is hostile to you, you will immediately sense it and have enough time to think of countermeasures.

Although ordinary little wizards may be safe in school.


Merlin turned his head and looked at Harry.

This person has been hunted by the Dark Lord in school for seven consecutive years.

It is normal to be affected if you have a good relationship with him.

Therefore, this talent comes at the right time.

When you are stronger, you can also use it to explore other places.

These days, according to his understanding, the magic world is not just the surface.

For example, the dragon whisker in his hand.

And the materials of the magic world in other countries that he saw in the Flourish and Blotts Bookstore all show that this world is not simple.

Who can guarantee that there will not be a few creatures with higher power levels?

But at the moment, Merlin is sure of one thing.

In the system evaluation, changing the thinking of young wizards is indeed more important than simply changing the placement of some stores and new technologies.

It seems that I still need to educate young wizards more in school in the future, so that they can establish correct magic ideas as soon as possible.

Only in this way can we expand our influence step by step, and finally raise our arms and completely change the magic world!


Merlin, who was enjoying the future, suddenly stopped.

Why did he feel that this idea was a little too extreme and familiar.

It seemed to be the idea of the first generation of the Dark Lord before Voldemort?


The system asked me to transform the magic world. What if I became the first generation of the Dark Lord?

But after thinking about it carefully, Merlin was relieved again.

The first generation of the Dark Lord wanted to establish a world of wizard hegemony, and I just wanted the magic world not to be too closed, to be innovative and dynamic.

There is still a big difference.

I believe that with my performance, when the time is right, no one should object. If there is really opposition.

At that time, he can only publicly ask who is in favor and who is against.

It seems that he is not much better than the Dark Lord.

Mo Lin was a little embarrassed, and quickly coughed twice to get rid of this bad idea, and greeted the other three people

"Just now Hermione also said that, because I am a wizard from the Muggle world, I hope you can keep this method secret for the time being, and announce it after I find enough evidence."

"No problem!"

Harry nodded seriously.

It felt good to have friends in the wizarding world who were willing to trust him.

Ron nodded as well.

"Merlin, don't worry, I will never tell anyone else, not even George and Fred!"

"Me too.

Hermione followed up, making a serious oath gesture.

At this moment, the door of the compartment suddenly opened.

George and Fred collapsed directly into the door and lay on the seats, gasping for breath.

"Tired! So tired!"

"God knows why these guys are scattered in all the compartments of the four carriages."

"It took me so long to find them all. It's more troublesome than catching goblins."

"I even felt like I was playing a game of Quidditch!"

The two of them complained, and took two glasses of golden honey water from the table and drank them in one gulp.

"Eh? It tastes good. Where did you get it from? Do you have any more?"

"No... no, I made it myself, just two cups."

Hermione shook her head awkwardly, avoiding the topic.

Fortunately, the twins didn't pay attention to it, and soon they started talking about other topics.

"I really can't understand why it's so interesting that they deliberately show off these magic detection glasses?"

"That's right! Isn't it just that some people are yellow and can't be beaten, while some people are green and easy to bully? They are just boring!"

"But we finally managed to defeat those two foul-mouthed Slytherins.……"

"That was the last big dung egg, well done!"

""Can you please take off your own glasses before you talk about others showing off!"

Ron shouted.

The twins heard the voice and looked up and laughed at the same time, then pointed their wands at each other's glasses and chanted a spell.

"Streamers explosion!"

""Lights flashing!"

The next second, the glasses of the two people sprayed out colored paper ribbons and flashed colorful lights, and made a sound that was enough to burst the eardrums.

"Ron, my dear brother"

"What did you say? We can't hear you!"

Ron held his forehead. With such a brother, he felt that his Hogwarts career would be dark!

Merlin was very satisfied with the twins' self-created magic.

He decided that if he really opened a shop one day, he would invite the twins to perform. It must be very attractive.


With the sound of the whistle outside the window, the train slowed down significantly.

A voice was transmitted to every corner of the train.

We are about to arrive at Hogwarts. Everyone, please pack your luggage and prepare to get off.

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