Hogwarts: What Bad Intentions Could A Little Snake Have?

Chapter 94 Super Alchemy? Three Treasure Girls Gather Together! {Please Subscribe! }

[Congratulations to the host for starting the King’s Treasure Box and receiving the reward: Super Alchemy Talent! 】

[Super Alchemy Talent: You are the person with the highest alchemy talent in history. Even if it is a small stone, you can refine it into a powerful magical weapon.

[Note: The host already has the best alchemy talent, this reward will cover the best talent!]

[Note: The super-grade alchemy talent has reached the top level, and there will no longer be super-grade alchemy talents in the future!]

Crow looked at the reward with some disappointment.

"Is it just the alchemy talent? Hey, it's pretty good to be able to get this out of the synthesized King's Treasure Chest. I thought I'd been lucky for so long, but I had to be unlucky twice. "You've got two galleons.

"Now it seems that I wrongly blamed you, System! You are still my dear System! I was ready to attack you at first, but now it seems I don't have to."

The system {silently put away the gold galleons}: ...You may not believe it, but I really...didn't want to reward me with gold galleons.

Crow yawned.

The eyes began to fight.

"It seems I'm going to look for Dumbledore tomorrow. Being talented doesn't mean being proficient. Hey, you still have to learn.

Crow drifted off to sleep.

Nagini saw this.

Then he lay down with peace of mind.

Holding Crow gently.

With a gentle smile on her face.

The master is really like a child sometimes.

Still eat

It's a pity she didn't...

Otherwise, the owner will be kept fat and white.

That's so cute!

early morning.

Hogwarts Great Hall Restaurant.

"Very good, great! Crow let us go again, guess what he will say this time?"

"Oh~ As you know, Qingluan and Aurora need to be taken care of. Can you safely leave them to Vivian?"

"I think so too!"

Hermione and Cassandra smiled at each other.

Some unhappy moods also became relieved.

"Then you guessed wrong. I really didn't use this reason this time."

Just when the two women were about to continue talking.

Crow appeared behind the two of them.

"Hey, our busy man is back to save the world? Let us guess, you failed to save the world this time? Did you defeat the enemy?"

"The world hasn't been destroyed yet. Nak must have succeeded. Don't you need to ask?"

The two women laughed and laughed.

The branches of laughter trembled wildly.

There was no sense of nervousness at all because Crow caught them and said bad things.

On the contrary, it was very relaxed.

Even making fun of Crow directly.

"Oh~ This is really not a funny thing. I think in a few days, you will know what I did yesterday and whether I saved the world. w

Crow spread his hands.

I have long been accustomed to the laughter between the two women.

This is exactly the effect he wants to achieve.

Only when facing someone you are defenseless against.

That's why there is no baggage.

This means...900 and the two women are already unconscious.

Become His shape!

The two women were still unaware.

Wait until they realize something is wrong.

It's already too late!

They can't live without themselves!

Boil the frog in warm water.

The fastest, simplest and most practical way.

none of them!

Of course if you have the ability.

He didn't want to use this method either.


Crow lowered his head to look at his ferocious friend.

There was some loss in his eyes.

How long will it take for this to start?

I can wait.

Hermione and the others?

Oh... we can wait.


She...can wait.

That's okay...

Crow shook his head.

Dispel the distracting thoughts in your mind.

"Crow! There are two more...can I do it here?"

Hermione and Cassandra looked at each other in surprise.

They thought.

There is no living thing within a hundred miles of this place.

I didn’t expect that someone who was ‘not afraid of death’ would come over.

The two women looked at Zhang Qiu strangely.

I seriously doubt she was aware of Crow's bad reputation.

"Zhang Qiu, I'm glad to see you again. I thought the next time we would meet would be at noon."

Crow stood up.

Looking at Zhang Qiu with a smile on his face.

Three treasure girls gather together!

All that's left is to find a way to capture Pansy.

It's a pity that I never had time.

Otherwise, Pansy would have been in the bag a long time ago.

After all, that little girl...

It is not an ordinary worship of oneself.


Ever since I learned that he could make beautiful potions.

"Hermione Granger, this is Cassandra Warley."

Hermione greeted Zhang Qiu politely.

Then introduce it to her.

Cassandra also nodded coldly.

Completely opposite to the laughing Yan Yan before.

It was so cold that he seemed to have no emotion at all.

"Hello, fellow juniors. I am Zhang Qiu, a second-year student from Ravenclaw. I have heard of you a long time ago. It is a pity that you did not enter Ravenclaw.

Zhang Qiu sat next to the two women.

He usually talks to two women.

In fact, it is not that she is really familiar with it.

But because...

Hermione and Cassandra.

Really perfect for Ravenclaw!

They should just enter the Ravenclaw.

Instead of Gryffindor and Slytherin.

The names of two female top students.

But it spread throughout Hogwarts.

And they like reading books very much.

Understand the truth that books have their own golden houses.

None of this made it into the Ravenclaw.

But it's something that all the little eagles who pulled (bjch) Winclaw regret deeply.

Even Professor Flitwick.

I also often feel that the two women are more suitable for Ravenclaw.

Unfortunately, it's a done deal.

Powerless to change!

"Ravenclaw? That's where I wanted to go, but unfortunately the Sorting Hat sorted me into Gryffindor. Being with that group of people every day, even reading a book quietly is a luxury for me.

"I finally earned some college points, but they turned around and deducted them. I think I probably missed out on the honor of the College Cup."

Hermione also seemed to have opened up a chatterbox.

He started to complain to Zhang Qiu.

The expression on his face when he spoke was also full of speechlessness.

She was really miserable in Gryffindor.

It's not that Gryffindor is bad.

But those little lions.

Don't understand Gryffindor's philosophy at all.

What a fearless spirit is.

In their view.

Fearless...that's when I'm in class.

Under the nose of the professor.

Be naughty!

The result is Gryffindor's low points.

Under their fearless operations.

It bottomed out soon.

She even calculated it specially.

Gryffindor points.

It should be 35 o'clock now.

Well...minus thirty-five points!

It is estimated that it will reach a new high today.

Reaching an astonishing fifty points is not impossible!

Describe it in one sentence.

Gryffindor points.

In the four major colleges.

It can be said to be... far ahead!!

Hermione and Zhang Qiu seemed to have opened up a conversation.

Constantly trashing each other.

Then recommend the books you have read.

Cassandra couldn't help but interject a few words from time to time.

Gradually, the three of them became happier and happier as they talked.

They are inherently studious people.

Now come together.

There are simply too many common topics.

Just a few sentences.

It makes them feel that it is too late to meet each other.

The words became more familiar.

Crow saw this situation.

Just chuckled.

He didn't say anything.

Putting everything in will only hurt you!

Especially at times like this.

Let them get along among themselves.

Wait until they become good friends.

Then slowly conquer Zhang Qiu.

Even if they realize something is wrong with each other then.

There is no other way.

After all, they have become...their own shapes!

Crow bit into the bread with relish.

From time to time, he would take a sip of Hermione's milk.

After drinking, he went to bring Cassandra's milk.

The three women who were talking saw this scene.

Hermione and Cassandra just rolled their eyes angrily.

Didn’t rebuke Crow.

After all, I have become accustomed to it.

On the contrary, it was Zhang Qiu.

She covered her mouth in disbelief.

Look at Crow and then at the two women.

"This...didn't I just see you drink this milk? Why did Crow...then it becomes indirect...!"

"Indirect or indirect? He has done all the direct ones, is he still missing this point? Wait...you won't know until now, right? This guy...is a gangster!"

"Yes, you have to be careful with Crow, he is very bad. Don't be fooled by his handsome appearance, otherwise you will have no room for regrets."

Cassandra and Hermione talked to each other.

It directly reduced Crow to nothing.

He was talking like an old gangster.

It's just that he molested a little girl.

The words of the two women frightened Zhang Qiu for a moment.

The look he looked at Crow became increasingly weird.

Wasn't it an accident that Crow hugged me yesterday?

He actually treats himself...

Think of this.

Zhang Qiu couldn't help but feel a little complicated.

The cute little face was also a little blushing.

Two small hands unconsciously rubbed the sleeves.

Crow... was just a ten-year-old kid.

He probably won't

Oh~ You are only eleven years old?

Then it'll be fine.

Well... Crow does have evil intentions for himself!

Real hammer!!

【A strong feeling of shyness is detected!】

[Get reward: gold treasure chest! 】

【Detected rich....】

British Ministry of Magic.


"What did you say?? Professor Dumbledore, this joke is not funny! You should know, that man...he is dead long ago!!"

Fudge slammed the table in anger.

Standing up and glaring at Dumbledore.

Don't blame him for not being well-educated enough.

It's actually what Dumbledore said.

He couldn't help but be so frightened and angry.

That's Voldemort!

The Dark Lord who brought disaster to the entire wizarding world!

I finally looked forward to his death.

It has been stable for more than ten years.

As a result, Dumbledore came to talk to him.

Voldemort is resurrected?

Is there anything more nonsense than this?

Even if he knew it was unlikely that Dumbledore was lying.

But Voldemort....

He absolutely did not believe that Voldemort would be resurrected!

Or he absolutely didn't want to believe it.

I will once again live the same bleak life I had more than ten years ago.

I can understand your anger, but Voldemort is indeed resurrected, I saw it with my own eyes. Because he appeared in Hogwarts and possessed Quirrell, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

"Appeared in Hogwarts? Did you take action? Is that person dead?"

Dumbledore had just finished speaking.

Fudge continued to ask urgently.

In two old and cloudy eyes.

Full of expectation and longing.

He asked for nothing else.

I just want Voldemort to die quickly!!

The sooner you die, the better!

The more thorough the death, the better!

It’s best to have your soul shattered.

There is no more Voldemort in the world!

"It's a pity that I didn't have the chance to take action. I..."

"No chance to take action? Are you kidding? Are you kidding?? You are Dumbledore! You are the most powerful white wizard, and there is still Hogwarts! How could you

No chance to take action?"

Dumbledore hadn't finished speaking yet.

He was interrupted by an angry Fudge.

At this time, Fudge was very panicked.

Also very desperate.

Experienced that dark era.

I have experienced the life I enjoy now.

He really didn't want to go back to that dim era.

After all, his current identity is different from before.

If Voldemort really comes back.

He will definitely find a way to kill himself.

If we put it in the past,

Voldemort probably wouldn't even look at him.

Because he is now the Minister of Magic!

Control the wizarding world in Britain!

One of the people Voldemort had to get rid of on his way to his great cause...!

The more he thought about Fudge, the more panicked he became.

His body was not obeying his orders and kept trembling.

That's Voldemort!

He is just a poor, weak and helpless Minister of Magic.

What to do except be afraid?

Poke Voldemort's nostril with a wand?

That he can guarantee.

You will definitely die miserably!

Very miserable!!

"Actually, I haven't finished speaking yet. You shouldn't be so afraid of Fudge. Don't forget your identity. You are the Minister of Magic. Even if that person really comes back, you shouldn't."

Should be so panicked. "

Dumbledore shook his head in disappointment.

Although he has known about Fudge's ability for a long time.

But he couldn't help but be a little disappointed.

So Voldemort really makes a comeback.

That's a guy like Fudge.

Definitely become a Death Eater at the first opportunity.

Hesitate for a second.

He loses!

"That man has infiltrated Hogwarts, and you haven't killed him yet. Doesn't this count as a comeback? Are you crazy, Dumbledore!!"

Fudge roared angrily.

At this moment, he had already forgotten Dumbledore's identity.

The old respect was long gone.

Now all he has left is anger and boundless fear!

What Dumbledore isn't Dumbledore.

Those people are all resurrected!

The wizarding world is about to fall into a dark era again.

And he, the Minister of Magic.

If nothing else happens, we should fight...

Joined Voldemort and became a Death Eater.

Help him take the wizarding world by storm.

By then he and Dumbledore would be enemies.

So why should we care about etiquette now?

Couldn't you be more respectful to Dumbledore now.

Later on the battlefield.

Would Dumbledore be gentler on him?

Hmm...that seems to be the case.

Dumbledore cared about old friendships.

It shouldn't be difficult to save your own life by then.

Fudge was furious.

His expression also became stiff.

Just when he was hesitating whether to apologize or not.

"Fudge, I think you should let me finish. Voldemort did break into Hogwarts [and I did not take action against him. But this does not mean that he escaped from Hogwarts."

Dumbledore shook his head.

The tone was a little low.

He was about to continue explaining to Fudge.

Fudge grabbed his sleeve tightly.

Fudge was grasping at the last straw.

Clutching Dumbledore's sleeve tightly.

Two with frightened eyes.

Looking at him expectantly.

"What do you mean? Voldemort is still in Hogwarts? I understand. You discovered his identity, but you did not act rashly. Instead, you chose to come to the Ministry of Magic for support. I

That’s right!”


"You did a great job! Dumbledore, you have saved the wizarding world again. Don't worry, leave this matter to us. I will mobilize all the elite Aurors immediately, and I will never let Voldemort

The devil escapes!"

Dumbledore opened his mouth.

The words of explanation have not been spoken yet.

He was interrupted by Fudge who had 'guessed the answer'.

After saying this, Fudge hurriedly wanted to contact the elite Aurors.

Dumbledore saw this.

He sighed helplessly.

Pull out the Elder Wand and wave it.

Let Fudge, who had just made the call, stop where he was.

"I'm really sorry. You know, I don't want to do this to you. But if I don't, you won't hear me out."

"Voldemort was indeed resurrected, and he did break into Hogwarts and possessed Professor Quirrell. It's true that I didn't take action against him, but that doesn't mean that others won't."

Dumbledore paused subconsciously when he spoke.

Only then did he remember that Fudge was controlled by a curse.

Unable to speak.

Dumbledore then continued to speak with satisfaction.

"That's why I came here this time."

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