Hogwarts: What Bad Intentions Could A Little Snake Have?

Chapter 74: The Heartthrob Harry Potter, Grindelwald’S Confusion {Please Subscribe! }

"Well, it is indeed very popular. How about you come to my place tonight and I will teach you how to wear it? I am also good at making this kind of clothes. It's free. Do you want to try it?"

Crow looked at the two women with a wicked smile.


He has always teased others.

When will it be the turn of two women to tease him?

A man teased by a woman.

Is he still a man?


Not bad!

And he definitely looks handsome!

Otherwise you won’t be teased!

Crow smoothed his hair.

A smile appeared on his face.

Just paired with clothes with holes everywhere.

No matter how you look at it, there is an indescribable sense of dissonance.

Hermione and Cassandra looked at each other.

They shook their heads helplessly.

They have looked away.

Let Crow tease her as you please.

Anyway, the news has spread.

Not to mention these few teasing words.


Cassandra just spoke.

There were exclamations of exclamation one after another in the auditorium.

This forced her to swallow back the words that came to her lips.

"Holy shit...Merlin! What did I see? Is this our new student at Hogwarts? Why haven't I seen her!"

"What did I see? It's really...so beautiful, especially those eyes, as if they can talk, so beautiful!"

"She is accompanied by Ronald? No way? The secret of Merlin's beard falling out? Why does such a beautiful woman stay with the Weasley family?"

"Are you... a little perverted? Looking at her height, she is only ten years old. What you are doing is wrong! In Eastern terms, it is birth!"

"Oh, dear, I don't think you need to be angry. You know, we just sighed and didn't have any bad thoughts. Just like when you drooled when you looked at Crow, don't I know you don't have any bad thoughts? ?”

"I...I really don't have any bad thoughts. I just appreciate, um, appreciate."

Everyone was talking about it.

The noisy environment made Crow couldn't help but frown.

However, he did not stop everyone's discussion.

On the contrary, I wish they could make more noise.

Attract Snape and the others.

As for why?

Because the "beauty" who came in was none other than someone else!

He is the savior of the wizarding world.

That lucky boy.

Harry Potter!

Although this plan was implemented by him.

But he didn't expect that either.

After Harry Potter put on women's clothes and put on makeup

Still quite handsome.

Coupled with long-term yin and yang imbalance.

It makes him look thin.

The Adam's apple is not obvious even at a young age.

This resulted in no one seeing that it was Harry Potter.

Especially when he specially changed his eyes.

Crow nodded with satisfaction.

227Harry Potter in this state.

Snape absolutely loved it!

I guess you’ll smile crookedly!

"What? Are you stunned? Don't you know who... he is?"

Hermione looked at Crow with disgust.

Forget it kid.

Now I know that Harry Potter is a man.

He was actually still in a daze.

Cassandra was also furious.

Stand next to Hermione.

He glared at Crow with an annoyed look on his face.

Harry Potter can only be considered handsome even if he wears makeup.

It's just that the eyes are special.

It's like there's magic.

It adds some unique charm to him.

But that’s not enough for him to compare with them, right?

Crow is really....

My vision has dropped a bit!

"I know who he is, what's wrong? You don't think...what do you think? I'm contented with you, even if I'm not satisfied, you won't fall in love with him, right?"

Crow rolled his eyes angrily.

"I just stood from the perspective of a friend and praised his appearance and his courage to face his true heart. After all, not many people have this kind of courage. y

A gift that could shock Snape after all.

Not common!

Crow added silently in his mind.

"Huh, you're the only one who can speak. And... let's talk about it later, let's"

Cassandra hasn't finished speaking yet.

I was impressed by Crow's head-touching attack... I was stunned on the spot.

Hermione's eyes flashed with anger at this.

Why should I touch her but not me?

Could it be in Crow's eyes.

Is Cassandra closer than him?


Hermione hadn't finished her questioning yet.

He was impressed by the warmth coming from his head.

Warm temperatures.

Gentle force.

She couldn't help but feel weak all over.

A soft hum escaped his lips involuntarily.

Hermione and Cassandra looked at each other.

They all blushed and lowered their heads silently.

But he didn't break away from Crow's hand.

Instead, he pushed up in cooperation.

【A strong feeling of enjoyment is detected!】

[Get reward: gold treasure chest! 】

【Detected rich...】

"Be good, don't make trouble here, wait until you get back.

Crow has a little loli in each hand.

He spoke to the two women in a soft voice.

Now is not the time to flirt with them.

It’s time to reap the fruits of your labor!

I just don't know if Snape has seen his letter.

If you don't see it.

Then the fruits of this labor will be collected later.

But he couldn't wait any longer.

It's not a king's treasure chest or any other treasure chest.

I just wanted to see Snape's reaction.

Absolutely wonderful!!

"Harry, did you hear their compliments? I just said this dress suits you very well. You know, I have always had good taste, and the facts prove it!"

Ronald raised his head with a proud face.

Feeling the gaze of everyone in the auditorium.

This feeling of being in the spotlight.

It made him feel as if he was floating on the clouds.

I heard some people speculate that Harry Potter is his girlfriend.

He opened his mouth.

He didn't even open his mouth to explain.

Instead, he nodded proudly.

The body moved closer to Harry Potter intentionally or unintentionally.

Try to show them how close they are.

It wasn't that he liked Harry Potter.

But this kind of attention.

The feeling of being in the spotlight.

It's really great!

He couldn't help but want more of this attention.

"Thank you...Thank you Ronald, I don't know what I would have done without you."

Harry Potter didn't realize much as soon as he opened his mouth.

He quickly lowered his voice.

He leaned into Ronald's ear and thanked him.

At the same time, he carefully observed the auditorium.

According to his guess about Snape.

Snape must be watching him from somewhere in the Great Hall.

It will definitely rush out after a while.

It just depends on how long he can endure it before he comes out.

Harry Potter, who is focused on finding Snape.

He didn't even notice how big a ripple his little action caused.

Everyone was still doubtful.

At this moment, it was finally determined that there was something wrong with this beauty's eyes.

Actually fell in love with Ronald!

Obviously this kid is not good-looking and has a big nose.

His personality is also very annoying.

How big does this beauty have to have eyes to look at him?

Why aren't you attracted to me?

Think of this.

Everyone stared at Ronald with jealous eyes.

Ronald felt the jealous stares.

Not only did I not feel scared.

On the contrary, he was extremely proud.

He raised his hand and put it on Harry Potter's shoulder pretending to be casual.

This action.

Making everyone even more jealous.

Ronald enjoyed the envy of everyone.

At the same time, he seemed to look at Crow accidentally.

I saw Crow looking this way.

Ronald couldn't help but raise his head.

A proud look on his face.

【A strong feeling of pride is detected!】

[Get reward: gold treasure chest! 】

【Detected rich....】

Head of Slytherin's room.

Looking at the letter in his hand.

Snape frowned.

"What exactly does he want to do? What is the purpose of calling me over under the guise of discussing the formula of a potion? That so-called gift?"

You know class is about to begin.

Crow instead left himself to discuss the potion recipe.

If we were really discussing potion formulas.

Why didn't he discuss it when delivering the letter?

Why don't we discuss it after class?

The Slytherin common room was not far from his office.

Why doesn't he come to discuss it tonight?

This is the time to discuss it.

It was obvious that discussing potion recipes was just a cover.

The purpose is to attract yourself.

But what is his purpose?

Is it really for the so-called gift?

Even if it is really a gift.

Why didn't he just send it over?

Should we use this method instead?

Snape tapped the table absentmindedly.

Make a "bump~bang~" sound.

It was extremely harsh in the silent dean's room.

"No matter what his purpose is, as long as he doesn't hurt anyone with black magic and doesn't attack Harry Potter, it has nothing to do with me!"

Snape stood up.

Swinging his robe, he walked out of the dean's office resolutely.

Even so.

But not before he met Crow.

It is also impossible to confirm whether he used (bjeb) black magic to hurt people.

Did he take action against Harry Potter?

So he must go this time!

【A strong feeling of doubt is detected!】

[Get reward: gold treasure chest! 】


"The master is inside. He has never come out in these years. If you want to go in, do you want Luo Er to report it to the master?"

A house-elf in rags bowed respectfully.

Cautiously asked Dumbledore.

This is the greatest white wizard.

His master was also defeated at his hands.

He didn't resent Dumbledore though.

Just as his master didn't resent Dumbledore either.

"No, just let me go by myself. After so many years, it's time to meet. You go down first, you are no longer needed here."

Dumbledore waved his hand.

He looked at the dilapidated attic in front of him with complicated eyes.

I wonder if he wants to see me?

I guess you don't want to, right?

Dumbledore shook his head bitterly.

A little wand in hand.

A hole for a person to walk through appeared on the wall.

Like the one at the Leaky Cauldron.

Dumbledore gathered himself together.

Stepping into the dim attic.

"You're here. I didn't expect you to come here. Are you here to see if I'm dead? I'm sorry, I'm still alive. You should be disappointed, right?"

The hoarse and old voice echoed in the room.

Dumbledore did not respond to this statement.

Just go to the window.

Open the shabby curtains.

Let fresh sunlight shine into your attic.

After doing this, he turned around and looked at the man nestled in the corner.

"I think you should know that I never wanted you to die. I am not disappointed but happy to see you alive and well.

Dumbledore looked complicated.

If not necessary.

He really didn't want to come here.

It wasn't that he resented Grindelwald for not wanting to see him.

But I don't know how to face him.

After all he….

Dumbledore sighed to himself.

His expression became more complicated.

"Oh? That's right, after all, you are a white wizard. I heard that you also became the principal of Hogwarts? It seems that you have lived a good life these years."

Grindelwald narrowed his eyes.

Barely adapting to the harsh sunlight.

Standing up with some difficulty.

"The great hero of the wizarding world? Well, or the savior, just like the child ten years ago."

"You defeated the first-generation Dark Lord, and that child killed the second-generation Dark Lord. Oh, no! The second-generation Dark Lord is not dead yet, so that child cannot stand at your level."

Grindelwald shook his head.

Somewhat decadently, he leaned against the old bookcase.

"Harry is a great child. Sooner or later, he will surpass me and become the new guardian of the wizarding world. I have always believed in this and have never wavered.

Dumbledore finished speaking firmly.

He looked at the sarcastic Grindelwald with some confusion.

"You should know the purpose of my coming here. That kid...how did you get out? This prison can't control you? How many other kids like Crow are there? What on earth do you want to do?"

Grindelwald was stunned when he heard this.

Dumbledore looked serious.

He couldn't help but chuckle.

"It's really incredible. I just finished praising you, and you came to take the shit out of me with your back. What, you want to kill me directly? Well, let me think about it, is it those guys from the Ministry of Magic who think that I am a threat? ?”

"So you want to kill me directly to avoid future troubles? They are afraid, so they let you come. Of course, if you want to kill me, I won't fight back. You don't have to frame me.

Grindelwald looked disdainful.

What do those people at the Ministry of Magic think?

He knew it all too well.

It has even been speculated.

They will send people to kill them.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to remind you. There were several people in front of you who wanted to kill me, but they were all killed by Luo Er. After all, no matter how bad I am, I can't die in their hands. If I want to die, I should die in your hands! "

Dumbledore frowned.

Frightened and angry flashed in his cloudy eyes.

The Ministry of Magic had promised it back then.

As long as Grindelwald doesn't escape from prison.

He wouldn't be in danger.

Now it seems that I believe in them too much!

However, he did not completely believe Grindelwald's words.


I didn't believe what he said before.

If Crow had nothing to do with him.

So why would he say it was for the greater good?

But no book has this sentence.

So it could only be Grindelwald who taught him this!

"I don't know about the Ministry of Magic, but don't worry, no one will come here to kill you again. I will take care of this matter.

Dumbledore tightened his grip on his wand.

"But I also hope that you can tell me about Crow and the others, as well as your purpose. Do you want to come back? We are all old, and this is the generation of young people."

"We shouldn't continue fighting like this! Haven't you looked away yet? Is it really necessary to go to this point for that ideal? Gellert Grindelwald, answer me!!"

Dumbledore's voice was thick with disappointment.

He didn't want to be Grindelwald's enemy anymore.

Especially locking him up again.

Even...kill him with your own hands.

"Crow? That's...oh, that kid, how's he doing? Did he get into Hogwarts? Well, from the look on your face, it's obvious he did. Let me see, is it Slytherin? "

Grindelwald looked confused at first.

Then he reacted.

Dumbledore cared so much about this.

You can even guess his head.

As an old friend.

How could he not satisfy his guess?

"You are right. We are old and can no longer fight. But my ideas are not wrong. I should find a successor to inherit my ideas!"

Grindelwald spoke tentatively.

Although he doesn't know who Crow is.

But that doesn't stop him from using Crow to scare Dumbledore.

Who let this man betray him.

He even sent him here with his own hands!

"Is that really the case? No wonder he said that for the greater good, he became your heir. Hey, I will find a way to lead him on the road to fight for it, just as atonement for you."

Dumbledore nodded understandingly.

Grindelwald was confused.

He just said a few words casually.

Why did Dumbledore really believe it?

And that kid named Crow.

Is it so ideal?

It actually has the same philosophy as my own?

[Detecting strong feelings of disappointment!]

[Get reward: Diamond Treasure Box! 】

[A strong sense of curiosity detected!]

[Get reward: diamond treasure chest!].

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