Hogwarts: What Bad Intentions Could A Little Snake Have?

Chapter 15 Ollivander's Wand Shop {Please Give Me Data On The First Day! }


"Is this Gold Galleons? It doesn't look like pure gold. Why is the exchange rate so high?"

"That's because the role of the British pound in the wizarding world is not as good as waste paper. The reason why the British pound can be exchanged for gold galleons is also to attract new students from the Muggle world."

Listen to Professor McGonagall's explanation.

Everyone nodded in understanding.

"Are the faces of those guys just now so ugly? Oh God, if I were one of those guys, exchanging gold galleons for waste paper, I'd probably be pissed to death."

"Fortunately, we are the one who takes the waste paper and returns the gold Galleons! Hahaha~"

One second I thought I was losing money to death.

The next second I realized I had earned my death.

Combined with the ugly expressions on the fairies' faces.

Mr. Granger couldn't help but laugh.

Crow is a little pity.

This group of goblins actually didn't contribute a treasure chest to themselves.


Their resentment was not caused by themselves.

Otherwise, according to the character of the goblin, wealth is as important as life.

Likely to explode diamonds... No!

King's Treasure Chest!


"Professor McGonagall, are we going to buy books next? Can you learn magic from books? Are there any spells like Crow used? Can I cast spells without a wand?"

"Oh, and there are wands! Can you buy them all here?"

Hermione looked at Professor McGonagall expectantly.

She wanted to use magic like Crow.

Crow can and she can't.

It made her feel unbalanced.

"Oh, dear Miss Granger, spells need to be used under the guidance of a wand. Casting without a wand requires a high level of proficiency in spells."

Professor McGonagall paused.

After taking a deep look at Crow, he continued to speak.

"Although I don't know why Crow can cast spells without a wand, it is obvious that for young wizards, it is best to use a wand to cast spells."

"As for where to buy a wand, you have to turn around and look behind you."

Hermione quickly turned her head when she heard this.

A slightly shabby little shop comes into view.

"Ollivander: Crafting exquisite wands since 382 years before the Park!"

"Doesn't that mean it's been two thousand years ago? No wonder the store is small and shabby."

Hermione covered her mouth in surprise.

Then he couldn't wait to pull Crow and ran to the store.

She wanted so badly to do magic like Crow.

"Sorry Professor McGonagall, Hermione was a bit rude."

"Oh, it doesn't matter. I like her curiosity about new things so that she can learn magic better."

Professor McGonagall smiled and waved his hand.

She had seen many children like Hermione who were curious about magic.

Already used to it.

In other words.

A magician.

If you are not even interested in wands.

Can he become a good magician?

It's like men are not interested in beautiful women.

How sad that would be.

That man....

He must be gay!


The wand shop is small inside.

Full of tall cabinets.

There are hundreds of rectangular boxes on the cabinets.

It was already covered in dust.

Or rather the whole room was covered in dust.

Ollivander heard the sound of the door opening.

Poke your head out from behind the counter.

"Oh, Professor McGonagall, nice to meet you."

"Are these two children the new students this year? The two at the back should be their parents, right? Oh, it's such an honor to choose a wand for you."

Ollivander is of slight stature.

The gray hair is a mess.

There was a serious look on his face.

He has the feeling of an old scientific research professor.

"Long time no see Garrick, please pick a suitable wand for these two children."

"They are all extremely smart children and will definitely make your wand shine!"

Professor McGonagall greeted with a smile.

She often picks up new students to do their shopping.

Nature was familiar to Ollivander.

After all, every new student needs a wand.

Ollivander is a master at making wands again!

"Let me see what kind of wand a little guy should use that would make Professor McGonagall praise him."

"Before you choose a wand, let me take your measurements so that you can find a wand that fits your grasp."

Ollivander took out the measuring stick.

Walked up to Crow and Hermione.

"Which one of you two comes first? Oh, actually it doesn't matter which one comes first. After all, it is the wand that chooses the wizard, not the wizard who chooses the wand. It doesn't matter who comes first and who comes last."

"Then Hermione, come first. Relax, I'll be behind you, nothing will happen."

Crow comforted Hermione softly.

Seeing that her nervous expression relaxed a little.

Then he stepped aside and quietly watched Ollivander measuring the data for Hermione.

In fact, he was very curious.

Teenagers are the time when their bodies are growing.

It may grow a lot in a year.

Why would Ollivander waste so much strength data?

Wouldn’t a wand made for the body become inappropriate after a few years?

Crow raised his lips.

I thought of a good idea to farm treasure chests.

I wonder what Ollivander, as a wand master, can bring to him?

Ollivander, who was taking Hermione's measurements, shuddered.

It was as if he was being targeted by someone with malicious intentions.

He looked around and found nothing strange, so he lowered his head in confusion and continued recording data.

"Oh, Miss Granger, I already know what wand is right for you, wait a minute!"

Ollivander excitedly ran to the counter and rummaged around.

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