Hogwarts: What Bad Intentions Could A Little Badger Have?

Chapter 91: King Of Horned Camels! Cassandra Was Shocked To The Point Of Numbness...

"Hmmm..." Blake held his nose.

Approached the fainted mountain giant.

This stuff really stinks.

It's like it just came out of the sewer.

The first thing Blake does first.

Just to see if this thing counts as Fantastic Beasts.

After all, it's humanoid.

Many humanoid creatures can be counted as human beings.

And not magical beasts.

For example, giants...

So just as Blake didn't know if he could tame the giant.

He didn't know if he could tame the mountain troll.

Blake blocked Cassandra's view with his body.

to make sure she couldn't see what she had done.

However, Blake was clearly overthinking.

This mountain troll stinks.

Now Cassandra can't wait to hide as far away as possible.

Not paying attention to Blake's movements at all.

Blake turned his back on Cassandra, and the druid's magic surged out.

It rushed in towards the small coconut-like head of the mountain giant.

Just when Blake thought it might take a lot of druid magic to know the result.

Blake's Fantastic Beasts panel has an extra entry for a mountain troll!

This means that this mountain monster has been subdued by him!

Blake puts his hand down, this thing...

Is it so easily tamed?

To know that his druid mana is only consumed a little...

But I think that many wizards will train mountain trolls as security guards.

To guard certain locations....

Blake wasn't surprised.

After all, ordinary wizards can be tamed by themselves.

Not to mention Blake's Archdruid ability.


Blake clapped his hands.

Now the mountain monster is completely at his command.

What Bligh "One Zero" Gram tames is completely different from what other wizards tame.

Tamed by other wizards, it may hurt friendly troops from time to time...

And Blake was tame.

Although the melon seeds in the head are still not working well.

But it won't suddenly go berserk and hurt people.

Blake took a step back.

Then point the wand at the big bag on the mountain troll's head.

"Back to the original!"


After a while.

The mountain giant sat up.

It looked around with wise little eyes.

Then he saw Blake in front of him.

Cassandra was taken aback.

"The troll has woken up... what's going on here...?"

The troll subdued by Blake woke up so quickly at this time?

Cassandra couldn't help feeling worried again.

Blake held his nose and waved at Cassandra.

Then took a few steps back again.

"Stand up."

The mountain giant scratched his little head.

"He seemed to be ordering me."

"Well... I think I should listen to him."

"But why should I listen to him?"

"Forget it, it's tiring to use your brain, just listen to him."

The mountain giant grabbed the big stick that was polished by the big tree next to it.

Then got up.

"Go to the cave entrance and challenge me."

Blake gave the order.

"Provocation? What do you mean by provocation?" The mountain giant scratched his head.

Blake had black lines all over his head.

Almost forgot.

This guy's brain might be bigger than a walnut.

"Go there, call!"


The mountain troll cheerfully dragged his club.

Run to that cave entrance.

Blake waved his wand.

There was a breeze in the woods.

Dilute the stench left by the mountain troll.

"Ugh...this guy stinks." Blake said as he walked over.

Cassandra looked at the mountain troll in shock.

It seems to be getting orders from Blake here.

Run straight to the entrance of the cave.

"You...you tamed it...a mountain troll?"

"That's right." Blake replied, deodorizing himself with a cleansing charm.

"How did you do it... I... heard... It takes a long time to tame the mountain monsters, because they are too stupid." Cassandra said .

"It's my talent, Cassandra, and I don't know how, but Fantastic Beasts like being around me. No one else can learn it.

After Blake finished speaking, the unicorn Karina came over and stuck to Blake.

The archdruid's template is equivalent to full affinity for magical animals.

It was indeed Blake's own talent.

It's like a born Transformation Magus.

When you use it, it's like your own instinct.

An instinct as natural and simple as eating and drinking.

But these skills they think are instinctive, others can't learn them.

In fact, wizards have a strange and magical talent or two.

This is not a strange thing in the wizarding world.

What's more, Dumbledore and the others knew that Blake was actually a man-made life form.

Awakening any special ability is justified.

This layer of identity actually gave Blake less ability to show later.

Lay down the most effective patch.

Because he didn't need to explain why he did this at all.

Don't ask, but it's my nature to...

Cassandra watched the unicorn close to Blake.

I completely believed it in my heart.

The unicorn that never let a wizard ride on its back.

And that litter of Bowtruckles trying to follow Blake.....

All this shows that Blake does have a special talent.

Can attract and tame all kinds of magical animals.

Then Cassandra understood why Blake was so happy to run the Forbidden Forest.

Exactly, with such a strange talent.

The Forbidden Forest is no different from his home...

If it were her, she would come here often!

At this time, the mountain monster has come to the entrance of the cave.

He started waving his stick and calling out.

The cry of the mountain troll was terrible.

It's like frantically beating a broken drum.

Even Blake and Cassandra, who were standing far away, couldn't bear it.

Not to mention the one in the cave.

An angry roar came from the cave.

Then a huge creature walked out slowly like this.

It was a leopard-like creature with a raised back.

It is covered with purple scales all over its body.

On the top of the head are two sharp golden horns.

Kind of like a saber-toothed tiger.

It's just that there are a lot of slippery tentacles growing around its mouth.

"This... what kind of creature is this?" Cassandra asked despite her family background.

But not all magical animals know each other.

"It's a purple horned beast...but people usually call it a horned camel."

"Although it is a XXXX-level creature in name like the mountain giant monster.

"But... this one is different!"

"This should only be the strongest of the horned camels on the edge of the forbidden forest."

"The one who can own such a cave alone is generally Ren Tu among the horned camel monks.

Blake looked at the horned camel, which was obviously two or three circles larger than its peers, with satisfaction.

so handsome!

The mountain giant saw the Horned Camel appearing in front of him.

A naive smile appeared on his not-so-smart face.

Mountain trolls and horned camels are old enemies.

Mountain troll thieves like to ride on the back of the llama and try to tame the llama.

But generally........horned camels will beat them all black and blue....

Obviously, the Horned Camel saw the giant mountain monster showing off its might in front of it.

The anger came up after a while.

But the not-so-intelligent mountain giant rushed up.

Blake didn't hold back.

He just wanted this mountain monster to try the fighting power of this horned camel.

The horned camel stomped on the ground.

rushed out!

Lightning fast!


The horned camel beast slammed into the mountain giant monster.


Blake and Cassandra raised their necks to look at the flying mountain troll...


The mountain troll made a big hole in the sand.

Already passed out.

The Horned Camel glanced at the giant mountain monster, then snorted disdainfully.

Then he walked slowly back to the cave.

Blake's eyes lit up.

This horned camel beast is very capable.

If you put it in the elf ball and cultivate it a little bit.

That would be like a tiger with wings added!

Blake and Cassandra ride the unicorn again.

Go to the beach.

Not far from the mountains.

Blake jumped off and ran over.

Carefully inspected the mountain giant monster that had been killed again.

Its entire chest bone was broken.

But there is still a breath.

The injuries suffered were extremely serious.

From this we can also see how fierce the horned camel is.

Blake drew his wand.

Use your own ridiculously strong healing spell.

Heal and revive the mountain troll.

Then let it go back to the Forbidden Forest.

Let it stay here again.

This bastard might want to provoke that Horned Camel again.

This time there was no Blake to save it.

It must be beaten to death.

"Okay! Let's go back."

Blake went back to Cassandra.

Then ride on the back of the unicorn.

"Are we still going to pass through the territory of that acromantula?"

Cassandra asked with lingering fear.

"Hmmm...actually a detour." Blake scratched his chin.

"Although it's a bit far away, if we take a detour, we can go to a few more magical animal habitats tonight.

"But it may be late to return to the castle."

Cassandra waved her hands again and again.

"It's okay to be late!"

"It's just... I don't really want to pass through the territory of those spiders..."

Blake nodded... 0

"Oh well."

"Don't fall asleep in tomorrow's transformation class."

The unicorn Karina neighed and rushed out.

I have to say that unicorns are only measured by the standards of horses.

All of them are Maxima.

It's just... Few people can ride a unicorn like Blake

This is the way back.

But it's much safer than when I came here.

Together they passed the habitat of the ball-stalking bird.

Blake also stopped to collect a lot of ball dunk feathers.

Although this kind of bird can't fly, it can teleport.

Feathers are still useful.

Next is the habitat of the soundless bird.


It is a very beautiful bird.

It just never barks.

But when it calls out.

It is time to die.

At that time, they will call out all the voices they have heard in this life, starting from the nearest...

Blake stopped again to collect some feathers.

The Feather of the Soundbird can be used to make Veritaserum and Memory Potion, very useful.

Seeing that Cassandra likes this little bird very much.

Blake tamed one and gave it to her.

Since it is already past twelve o'clock in the evening...

So, the system's beautiful beep sounded in Blake's ears again.

Delighted, Cassandra contributed another silver treasure chest to Blake.

It was almost one o'clock in the morning.

Blake and Cassandra had just returned to the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

They climbed off the back of the unicorn.

Blake strokes Karina the unicorn's head.

He whispered something in her ear.

Afterwards, Linna happily turned and left.

Cassandra watched the novel scene silently.

In fact, Cassandra was already somewhat immune to Blake's novel manipulations.

However, what happened tonight still gave her an unprecedented feeling.


She rode a beautiful unicorn.

Met the cute Qiu Dunniao.

I saw the majestic Horned Camel.

I also encountered a giant monster with a foul smell.

Even raced against a bunch of big spiders that eat people without spitting out their bones...

what happened that night.

It was much more exciting than anything she had encountered in most of her life.

"It seems that... the feeling of adventure is also very good?"

Two days later.

Blake runs into an old house-elf in his dorm.

Though he's wrapped in a Hogwarts house-elf tea towel.

But Blake recognized it instantly.

He's not a house-elf at Hogwarts.

There was a fierce look at the corner of his brow.

It's a house-elf who's had a fight!

"My name is Gucci. I'm Baker's father."

The old elf saluted Blake humbly.

He looked at Blake's eyes, full of joy and respect 1.5.

"Here are the materials you want. The old master said that he was a little slow because he got a few more copies for you.

Gucci said, and handed over a suitcase.

"Thank you, Gucci," Blake said happily.

Gucci showed an ecstatic expression.

"Oh! The little master is so handsome, so elegant. Still so humble, he actually thanked Gucci?!"

"Ding! Emotions of extreme joy and emotion detected."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a silver treasure chest."

Blake looked at Gucci in surprise.

There are also a lot of house elves at Hogwarts.

When they saw the humble Blake.

Also very touched and happy.

But no house-elf ever made Blake pop even a single treasure chest!

but now.

This is an elderly house-elf named Gucci.

He actually exploded a treasure chest for himself?

That just goes to show one thing!

It was this house elf who was absolutely strong.

It can only be said that he really deserves to be Grindelwald's most trusted house elf?

Every ethnic group has the potential to give birth to powerful individuals.

Blake felt that this Gucci could study the reasons for its strength in the future.

If this kind of factor can become stronger.

If it can be applied to other house-elves...

You can train a mighty army of house-elves.


"Hiss.....No...I'm not right..."

Blake suddenly woke up.

Seems like his mind is getting a little dangerous

Why did it suddenly occur to me to train an army of house elves?

I am obviously a good person!

"Oh! The little master is exactly the same as the old master when he was young!"

Gucci was amazed on the side.


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