Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 65: The House of Requests

In the early morning, the bedroom was still dark. While Wade was sleepy, he suddenly felt someone looking at him.

In the dormitory where he was alone, the sight that did not belong to him was particularly obvious.

Wade opened his eyes drowsily, and suddenly saw a row of huge, shining eyes in the darkness, like small lanterns floating in the air.


His heart twitched violently, Vader sat up suddenly, subconsciously grabbed the wand and pointed it at him: "Who is it?"

"Mr. Gray is awake." The house elf's shrill voice sounded, "Zoe knows that Mr. Gray will return to the castle today, and Zoe has been waiting."

His slender fingers snapped in the air, and the oil lamp in the dormitory immediately lit up——

The three house elves stood side by side on the floor in the center of the dormitory, not realizing how scary it was for them to appear like this in the middle of the night. They looked at Vader with a warm smile on their faces.

Wade felt that his rapidly beating heart almost hurt his ribs. He took a deep breath, his cold fingers gradually became warmer, and his scalp still had a tremor like an electric shock.

"Zoe, Happy, Phil." Wade said as calmly as possible: "Long time no see - why did you suddenly show up in the middle of the night?"

The elves bowed deeply, swayed their big ears, and said happily:

"It's like this - for Christmas, Phil received another gift from Vader Gray -"

"But Vader Gray must have noticed—he didn't get a gift from Happy—"

“It’s not that there are no gifts, but because Zoe has prepared a better one——”

"Phil wanted to give Wade Gray the gift he really wanted. But what did Wade Gray want? Phil thought and thought—"

"While cleaning in Ravenclaw Tower, Hubby heard the words of the first years, and then Hubby finally knew—"

The three house elves smiled happily and said in unison: "Wade Gray will definitely want a broom!"

"I do want it." Wade sat on the bed and looked at them and said, "But the school regulations prohibit freshmen from bringing brooms into the school."

Otherwise, he could actually buy a new one himself during the Christmas holidays.

"There are indeed rules, but Vader Gray will not break the rules." Zoe opened her arms and said, "Because the broom is already in the school, Vader Gray just uses it."

As long as the first-year students perform well in the flying class, it is of course possible for them to borrow the upperclassman's broomstick to fly for a while after class. When the Quidditch teams of various colleges are training, there are often some little wizards waiting around the field, just to wait for them to finish training and borrow brooms to have fun.

But it is impossible for a house elf to steal a student's broom, nor to give him a school broom as a gift.

"Did you find a lost broom?" Wade looked at the elves and asked in surprise.

"More than - more than one." Happy waggled his ears: "There are several! A broom without an owner -"

"Come with Zoe, Vader Gray." The elf pulled his finger and said, "Zoe wants to take Vader Gray to get his gift."

"Oh, okay - wait, let me put on some clothes." Wade lifted the quilt and sat up, looking at the elves again: "Uh - can you guys step away for a while?"

On a January morning, the sky was very dark, the cold wind blew against the windows, and there was even a layer of frost condensing on the windowsill. Vader followed the three house elves and walked in the empty corridors of the castle, and could clearly hear the echo of his own footsteps.

It was almost early in the morning, and even Filch was not patrolling around, waiting to catch students who violated the curfew. It seemed that Vader was the only one left in the entire castle, as if he was walking in an ancient oil painting.

Vader, who was wearing thick clothes, looked at the house elf who was still wearing only a thin tea towel, and couldn't help but ask: "You guys are wearing so little, don't you feel cold?"

Phil shook his head and said, "It's not cold. Phil can adapt to different environments, summer, winter, very cold, very hot, whatever."

——What a strange creature.

Vader looked at them deeply.

What a strange and powerful creature this is. It does not rely on a wand like a wizard. It is born with the ability to cast spells without a wand. It also possesses outstanding and unique magic. It has powerful magic power and can also apparate without limit.

If wizards hadn't planted thoughts of "absolute obedience" and "house elves must be enslaved by wizards" in their genes or souls, they might be more dangerous to wizards than fire dragons.

In history, goblins have had many rebellions, always fighting for the rights of the race. But even if house elves are abused and killed by wizards, they will not resist, or even disobey their master's orders.

Therefore, ordinary wizards almost always look forward to having their own house elves, but wizards who have house elves rarely treat them well. These house elves who belong to Hogwarts are treated well among their kind, at least the students do not take pleasure in abusing them.

Vader lowered his eyes and followed the elves along the corridor for a long distance, sometimes going down two flights of stairs, sometimes going up several floors, and then arrived near Gryffindor Tower.

The empty corridor had a white wall with nothing on one side, and on the opposite side was a tapestry of a giant wizard in a hat teaching the trolls how to dance ballet. The trolls all turned their heads to look at them.

Wade suddenly thought of a place, and he suddenly felt a great expectation in his heart. He asked softly: "What is this place?"

"The Come and Go Room, Mr. Gray." Zoe said: "We also call it the 'Room of Requirement'. It will only appear when others really need it."

"You need to walk through this wall three times and concentrate on what you need." Habby said, and walked to the front of the wall, muttering to himself: "Habby needs a place to hide things... a place to hide things... a place to hide things..."

He walked back and forth, and when he passed by for the third time, a smooth door suddenly appeared on the wall, with a shiny and warm copper handle on the door.

Phil stood on tiptoe, pulled the copper handle hard, and the door was slowly opened.

Wade couldn't help holding his breath.

It seemed as if there was a city with high walls in front of him, with countless abandoned debris piled up inside, forming a hill of "streets" - broken furniture, rusty weapons, statues cut off by black magic, Muggle cannons, thousands of books, various banned dangerous toys, and glass bottles containing unknown potions.

His heart was beating fast.

The three house elves showed him a broom that was wiped and tidied and tied with an old red ribbon with proud and joyful smiles on their faces.

"This is a Christmas gift for Mr. Gray!" they said loudly: "It's the best one here!"

"It's a little old, but it can still fly well." Phil added softly.

- No.

Wade thought.

- This Room of Requirement that he had been looking for for a long time is the real gift!

He grabbed the broom and a surprised smile appeared on his face, as if the whole room became brighter because of it. His smile was very contagious, making the three elves also show silly and satisfied smiles.

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