Hogwarts vampire professor

Chapter 86: Starlight igniting on the battlefield

Dracula raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound.

That is a very heroic girl. Her hair is half black and half white, with a pair of red eyes unique to vampires. She wears a dagger-like hair accessory on the temples next to her right ear, and wears a short cloak and a long dress that are black on the outside and red on the inside.

"Long time no see, Serena." Dracula chuckled and waved to her.

"It's been a long time." Serena descended from the sky, retracted her two wings, one black and one white, with the same color as her hair, and looked at Dracula angrily, "I have been living outside for more than a hundred years. Aren’t you ashamed to leave Dracula’s Castle to a kid like me?!”

"Ahem," Dracula coughed twice and smiled sarcastically, "You are no longer a child, Serena, you are already over a hundred years old."

"Is it time for me to take care of the castle for you when I'm over a hundred years old?" Serena imitated Dracula's movements and crossed her arms. "I finally understand. You picked me back just to find someone to manage the territory. Coolie, and then happily become a hands-off shopkeeper!"

There is actually nothing wrong with Serena's accusation.

Dracula really was too lazy to take care of all the troubles in Dracula's castle, so he wanted to find an agent of his own.

However, except for Dracula, a powerful vampire lord who has lived long enough and is also the master of the castle, the arrogant vampire does not agree with the leadership of anyone else at all.

So more than a hundred years ago, Dracula, who was really too lazy to take care of things, adopted a little girl from an orphanage who was malnourished and almost weak to death.

After bringing her back to the castle, Dracula personally transformed her into a member of the vampire family, and successfully allowed her to survive the weak years of malnutrition with the super-strong physique of the vampire family.

As for her name, she was also named after Dracula - Serena Alcatel. Selena represents the moon, and Alcatel (Alucard) is formed by inverting the surname Dracula.

When Serena grew up, she quickly gained considerable strength with the help of the pure blood passed on to her by Dracula. In addition, she inherited Dracula's bloodline and was equivalent to Dracula's daughter, so the vampires in the castle had to give her some respect.

As a result, Serena soon gained the ability to stand alone.

Dracula left Castle Dracula with peace of mind and became a glorious hands-off shopkeeper!

Not only that, when he felt bored soon, he even shut himself into a coffin that had been prepared and slept for a hundred years without any worries...

Although he really wanted to be a hands-off shopkeeper in his heart, Dracula naturally did not dare to say this verbally, otherwise his cheap daughter would probably lose his temper.

The reason why Dracula didn't want to return to Dracula's Castle was actually because he was afraid of Selina being upset.

"Isn't this just to cultivate your abilities, Serena!" Dracula quickly thought of his words and said to this cheap daughter earnestly, "In the future, the world will eventually be dominated by you young people. Elderly people over a thousand years old should have withdrawn from the stage of history long ago. You are the moon that has just risen at night..."

Before he finished speaking, Dracula saw Selina looking at him with contempt.

"Do you listen to what you said is what a vampire should say?" Serena curled her lips and said speechlessly, "Since you said that we are the moon that has just risen at night, let me ask you, you have already risen Will the moon set in mid-air?"

"Um..." Dracula was silent for a moment and said without confidence, "...it's not impossible to go down the mountain. I can lie down in the coffin."

"Why are you lying down?" Serena yelled angrily, "You have been lying silently for a hundred years, and you feel relaxed. I am exhausted from taking care of such a large group of unruly vampires. ”

"So I told you before, just abandon those low-level vampires who have no self-control and let them fend for themselves." Dracula's voice became much softer and he said to her softly, "This way you can relax a lot."

"No!" Serena shook her head persistently, "Even the lowest vampires are transformed from ordinary people like me. Besides, they still have their will and obsession deep in their consciousness, and they cannot be said to be abandoned. Just abandon it.”

"As you wish." Dracula shrugged.

At this moment, the werewolf under the city wall couldn't stand it anymore.

"We are already preparing to attack the city, but you still dare to chat on top?!" A tall man shouted ferociously from under the city wall, "I think you don't take me seriously!"

Dracula and Selina looked down together.

I saw a man standing under the city wall with gray hair and beard, a ferocious expression, sharp teeth showing when he spoke, and long yellow nails on his fingers, just like a real evil wolf.

"Who is he? The leader of the werewolves?" Dracula asked.

"Probably." Serena said with some uncertainty.

"Probably?" Dracula raised his eyebrows, "Dracula's Castle has been neighbors with the werewolf tribe in Romania for such a long time. As the current vampire leader, you haven't figured out who the leader of the werewolves is?"

"Of course I know who their leader is!"

After hearing Dracula's mocking words, Serena jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and eagerly defended herself.

"The leader of the werewolf tribe was another person some time ago, and he has a pretty good relationship with us." She said, "And the name of this werewolf is Fenrir Greyback, and he came from the UK. of."

"He didn't know where he brought such a large number of Inferi from, and put them into the werewolf team to expand their combat power. The non-emergency signal I sent you before was because of the discovery of a large number of Inferi. .”

"Given that we didn't see the previous leader today, and that the werewolves suddenly and uncharacteristically launched an attack on Dracula's Castle, I guess that the former leader has been killed by this Fenrir."

"From England?" Dracula frowned thoughtfully.

Fenrir Greyback below saw that the two people on the wall still ignored him, and he couldn't help but became so angry that his hair stood on end and he let out an unpleasant roar.

"You wait, when the moonlight comes, I will be the first to tear you into pieces!"

The surrounding werewolves also responded to their leader's call and howled loudly.

Most of the vampires on the city wall felt strong pressure, their faces were paler than usual, and their bodies were trembling slightly in the cold wind, appearing to be crumbling.

But one vampire stood there with a confident face, which was in sharp contrast to the other weak vampires.

He just saw their vampire pillar, Lord Dracula!

With that adult present, there's no way some tiny Inferi could break through the castle's defenses!

As for Dracula and Selina, it was even easier.

"Selena, you can catch him later and let me see if you have made any progress in the past hundred years." Dracula chuckled.

"Why don't you catch him yourself?" Serena rolled her eyes, "Or you can get rid of all the Inferi down there and let me see if you have become weaker in the past hundred years?"

"It's not impossible." Dracula looked at the group of Inferi under the city wall and raised the corner of his mouth.

The last trace of sunlight in the sky completely disappeared, and the entire area became dark.

A full moon rose from the end of the sky, and the moonlight shone on the werewolves mixed in with the Inferi.

One after another howls of wolves resounded around the castle, and immediately afterwards, countless werewolves who were originally in human form began to twitch.

Their front beaks elongate into wolf kisses, their backs are arched, their hands are stretched out, and their bodies are covered in thick fur.

Fenrir was the first to jump up from under the city wall, using his amazing jumping ability to get over the wall's obstruction in one fell swoop, rushing all the way to Dracula and Serena's side.

"It's just you two who ignored me, right?" His wolf mouth spat out vague human words, "You will pay the price for your arrogance!"

"A new breed!" Dracula's eyes lit up, "Can today's werewolves stay awake while transforming?"

"You may not know that someone developed wolfsbane potion a few years ago." Serena introduced, "Some wealthy werewolves will take wolfsbane potion before transforming, so that they can Keep people conscious.”

"When people remain conscious, their attacks are more targeted and can cause greater damage."

"What a luxury." Dracula smacked his lips, "Other werewolves can't even afford a bottle of wolfsbane potion to keep them awake, but these evil rich wolves actually use wolfsbane potion to cause destruction."

Fenrir saw that Dracula and Serena still ignored him, and finally couldn't help the strong anger in his heart, and rushed towards them with all his strength.

The next moment, he saw the silver-haired male vampire raise his hand.

Then Fenrir felt that his limbs were no longer under his control, and hung limply beside his body.

And his wolf body flew up lightly, like an old dog being held by the back of the neck by an invisible force, hanging in front of the two people.

"Tell me, who are you working for?" A mellow voice rang in his ears, "You can't summon so many Inferi for a bitch like you."

"Damn it, put me down!" Fenrir struggled violently, "If you can use this weird magic, let's give me a fair fight!"

Dracula glanced at Selina and found that she was looking at him with a smile.

"Are you thinking of playing games again?" Serena asked teasingly.

"Indeed, it is rare to encounter such a species that has good physical strength and can also maintain human sanity." Dracula admitted straightforwardly, "You watch here, if we can't hold back the Inferi, If you feel any pressure, just call me."

Serena nodded with a smile and stepped aside, leaving ample space for the two of them on the city wall.

Dracula put Fenrir down with great interest and untied all the magic restraints on him.

"Come on, let's listen to you and let's have a fair fight." He smiled playfully.

Fenrir lay on the ground in confusion, feeling his limbs regain consciousness, and his head was buzzing.

Is there such a good thing? A high-level vampire with high magic power chooses to fight a werewolf hand-to-hand without using magic?

Fenrir knew in his heart that although vampires were relatively strong physically, they were still creatures that retained human form. These races that are still limited to human appearance cannot be as powerful as werewolves who have directly changed their body shape.

He will definitely win this battle!

"Don't go back on your word and use magic secretly!" He wrinkled his nose and said fiercely.

Seeing Dracula nod, he moved his limbs fiercely and rushed towards Dracula with all his strength.

Dracula moved his wrist calmly, and at the same time, the sharp nails on his long fingers suddenly extended, flashing with an icy cold light.

Seeing the ugly werewolf getting closer and closer, Dracula moved slightly and nimbly avoided Fenrir's impact.

While passing by, he quickly turned around and grabbed the werewolf's short tail from behind.

Fenrir suddenly felt that his tail was being pulled by a huge force, and the part connected to the tail vertebra seemed to be broken.

The next moment, he was hit hard by Dracula against the dark city wall, knocking him unconscious.

"Your physical fitness is not as good as you think." Dracula said heartily.

After hearing this, Fenrir was completely angry.

The effect of the Wolfsbane potion dropped sharply, and an urge to devour others emerged deep in his heart.


A wolf howl echoed throughout Dracula's castle.

Then, Fenrir's eyes turned scarlet, and his sharp teeth were drooling. He opened his bloody mouth and rushed towards Dracula——


A big-eared melon slapped Fenrir in the face. The werewolf's two big scarlet eyes instantly rolled open and he fell heavily to the ground.

"This werewolf is not interesting!" Dracula stretched out a hand to Selina.

Serena took out a handkerchief and handed it to Dracula with a wink, curled her lips and said:

"You should have thought of this before the fight started. It's not like you haven't fought with a more powerful wolf king before."

Dracula casually wiped his hands with a handkerchief, then handed it back to Selina. Serena glanced at the dirty werewolf with disgust, jumped back, and shook her head quickly.

"You're right." Dracula chuckled and ignited a white flame on his finger, burning the handkerchief to ashes. "Forget it, let's deal with these inferi first."

A pair of broad wings spread out behind Dracula, driving him to fly over Dracula's castle, casting a dark shadow under the cold moonlight.

The vampires on the city wall raised their heads and looked at the figure suspended in mid-air. They were shocked at first, and then expressions of admiration and ecstasy appeared on their faces.

The senior vampires spread their wings and flew into the air, folded their hands on their chests, lowered their heads in the air, and paid high respect to the pillars of the race.

The low-level vampires didn't understand the current situation, and they couldn't conjure a pair of wings out of thin air, so some of them turned into bats and surrounded the high-level vampires.

The lowest vampires, who couldn't even change into bats, prostrated themselves on the spot.

Dracula chuckled and waved downwards.

Then, countless small bats fluttered out from the shadow he cast, and in an instant they densely covered half of the battlefield.

Their wings were all burning with forest-white flames, and each one had its own goal. They each found an inferi with stiff movements and festering body, and landed on the back of their necks, just like settling on a rotting corpse to make a home. The clawed butterfly caused the bodies of every corpse to ignite with white flames.

The Inferi are not afraid of pain and have no emotions. They let the flames burn on their bodies and still drag their heavy footsteps towards the dark city wall.

However, the flame would not go out and began to burn from the neck. The head connected to the neck was the first to turn into ashes with an indifferent and dull expression.

But the footsteps of the Inferi are still moving.

Then, the flames slowly burned downward until the entire spine pillar was burned away, and then the two rotten legs fell to the ground, losing all movement. Only the lingering white flames continued to burn, burning everything into ashes as white as snow.

Under the dark night, flames ignited everywhere, like a different kind of starlight on the ground, reflecting each other with the stars in the sky...

After all the Inferi were eliminated, the remaining irrational werewolves completely lost their threat to the advanced vampires.

The high-level vampires who greeted Dracula in mid-air flapped their wings and flew under the city wall. them

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Use innate magic to stimulate the blood of werewolves and limit their ability to move. The low-level vampires rushed forward and used their arrogant bodies to confront the werewolves head-on.

Seeing that everything was on track, Dracula retracted his wings and landed lightly next to Serena.

At this time, Serena had tied up the werewolf Fenrir with a binding spell and hung him on a lamppost inside the city wall.

She looked at the sparks scattered like stars on the battlefield, her eyes sparkling.

"Quick! Teach me this, I want to learn!" Seeing Dracula coming over, Serena quickly ran to his side, grabbed his arm and acted coquettishly, "How can you hide such a beautiful magic? !”

"Didn't I teach you?" Dracula glanced at her.

"I must have never been taught it, otherwise how could I not remember it!" Serena raised her head and snorted angrily.

"Okay, then you watch." A strange smile appeared on Dracula's lips, and he stretched out a finger, "Can the talented flame do it?"

Serena nodded.

"Can you summon a bat phantom?" He stretched out his second finger.

Serena nodded again.

"Then you still don't know how?" Dracula chuckled, "ignite the flames on each bat phantom, and then control them to fly towards each Inferi."

"Ah?" Serena's face fell. "Who can be as perverted as you and control so many bats at once..."

"So, you still have a lot of room for improvement!"

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