Hogwarts vampire professor

Chapter 8 School starts

From that day on, Dracula never ate in the Great Hall of Hogwarts again.

Although as the oldest existing vampire, Dracula does not have the weaknesses of low-level vampires and is immune to damage from sunlight, silverware, and garlic, his innate dislike of these things is still indispensable.

Fortunately, since 1811, Grogan Stump, the then Minister of Magic, has established a new definition of "person" - goblins, vampires, hags, giants, house elves, Veela and werewolves in human form are all divided for the category "people".

Therefore, food and drinks suitable for the tastes of magical creatures such as goblins and vampires have gradually flourished in the past one hundred years.

Since Dracula woke up, he has discovered that there are many more drinks and food specially provided to vampires in the magical world. Such as Honeydukes' blood-flavored lollipops, Florin Fusco's blood-flavored ice cream and many blood-flavored products.

It is precisely because of these foods that are more in line with his taste that he is completely unwilling to go to the auditorium to see dishes like Maoxuewang...

In the month before the start of school, Dracula left all the lesson plans and other preparations to his teaching assistant Quirrell, while he himself traveled throughout Britain, looking for all kinds of interesting things.

As for the consciousness of being a professor, Dracula probably will not have it...

Before we knew it, September 1st had arrived.

This day is the first day of school at Hogwarts.

The old students jumped off the Thestral carriage one after another, walked around the square teaching area of ​​Hogwarts Castle, and arrived one after another at the luxurious auditorium in the southwest.

There are four very long tables extending in the auditorium. Thousands of candles floating in the air above the tables illuminate the auditorium brightly. Four tables were set with gleaming gold plates and goblets. There is another long table on the stage at the top of the auditorium, which is where the teachers sit.

"Li, do you want to make a bet with us?"

At the long Gryffindor table, two red-haired boys who looked exactly the same were sitting side by side, talking mysteriously to the dark-skinned boy next to them.

"If you don't bet on anything else, just bet on how long this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor can stay in his position!" One of the red-haired boys, George, said with a wink.

"I won't bet with you, you two profiteers!" The black boy Lee Jordan turned his head and looked like he didn't want to pay attention to the two of them.

"Hey! Don't do this, brother!" Another red-haired boy, Fred, put his arm around Jordan's shoulders and pulled him back. "Listen to our conditions first. We bet that the new professor can only stay on the job for 6 months!"

Lee Jordan opened his eyes wide. His two white eyeballs, against the background of his dark skin, were like two big light bulbs floating in the air.

"Are you serious?" he exclaimed in disbelief. "Then I'll bet, I'll bet for 9 months!"

"You are lost. In such a short period of time as 6 months, even a dog can survive!"

Jordan slapped a gold galleon on the table with great confidence.

Fred and George looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

They have decided that if the professor has not been laid off in six months, they will help the new professor leave!

Just when the two of them had begun to think about how to spend the gold coins they earned, suddenly a slender white hand stretched out and placed a thick pile of gold galleons next to Jordan's.

Fred, George: "!!!"

The twins could swear by Merlin's beard that they had never seen so many galleons in their lives!

The two of them turned their heads to look at the owner of the hand in shock, and saw a silver-haired wizard standing behind them with a playful smile on his lips.

"I bet 20 galleons that the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor won't be laid off."

After hearing Dracula's words, Fred and George were overjoyed.

As we all know, there is no Defense Against the Dark Arts professor who is not laid off, just like there is no man who is not lustful! They will definitely win this time!

"I decided happily, no regrets!" they said in unison.

The two high-fived each other and jumped up and down in the auditorium, as if they had already obtained the more than twenty Galleons.

However, while jumping, Fred and George suddenly found that the surrounding atmosphere had become strangely quiet. The black man next to them, Lee Jordan, kept winking at them, but because his skin color was too inconspicuous, the two of them didn't see it at all...


A serious cough sounded in the twins' ears.

The two slowly turned their heads and saw Professor McGonagall, whose lips were pursed into a thin line, standing beside them.

"Two Mr. Weasleys, how dare you openly gamble at the opening ceremony, and you are betting on a professor!" Professor McGonagall's cheeks flushed with anger, and her hands clenched into fists. The troublemaker was shaking with rage.

Only then did the twins realize that the auditorium had been filled with people for some time, and only the two of them were still jumping around as if no one else was around.

On the stage where the professor's chair was located, only two seats were still empty. One of them was the seat next to Dumbledore, who was looking at them happily, and belonged to the Vice-Principal Minerva McGonagall.

Then it goes without saying that the other vacant seat belongs to the silver-haired wizard who just made a bet with them! In this situation, anyone with a little bit of brains can see that he is the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor!

George and Fred opened their eyes in shock and looked stiffly at Dracula with a playful smile on his lips.

"Professor...professor, would you believe it if we said it was not intentional?" George said weakly.

"We just saw that Li was a little unhappy and wanted to make him smile." Fred added with a smile.

Lee Jordan, who was sitting in the seat next to him, was still pretending to be quail just now. Hearing these words, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Fred in disbelief.

"Quiet, Weasley!" Professor McGonagall said angrily, pushing the two of them back to the Gryffindor table unbearably, "Come to my office after the opening party. There will be enough confinement waiting for you in the next month. you!"

After that, Professor McGonagall left the auditorium without looking back and headed to the entrance courtyard to welcome the new students.

Dracula glanced at the two of them with interest, then walked towards his seat with a chuckle.

"Professor, your Galleons are still... ugh."

Fred also wanted to discuss the 20 galleons with Dracula, but was immediately covered by Lee Jordan, who had quick eyes and quick hands, and took revenge on him for just throwing the blame.

George then joined the fight, and the three of them became entangled like twists and turns.

But soon they separated again and sat uprightly in front of the long table.

Because Professor McGonagall is back, bringing with her a group of immature freshmen.

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