Luna is a wonderful or weird person, which Ginny has already recognized when she met her, but Ginny is not a person who will make fun of others because of their character, on the contrary, she knows that her friends are better than anyone else. Everyone must be sincere.

Ginny looked at Charlotte, she didn't see any color in Charlotte.

Charlotte took the diary back to Cedric and the others. Sirius, Arthur and Cedric's father were buying books in the bookstore, so they didn't notice it.

Qiao Ya was about to ask, Charlotte winked at her lightly, Qiao Ya smiled, and the two tacitly did not mention this matter.

Cedric was just talking to the Weasley twins at the Bookstore.

George Weasley saw Charlotte coming and greeted excitedly: "Hey, Charlotte, I'm Fred."

Fred blinked and said, "Oh, it's George."

Charlotte smiled and greeted in the right direction: "Senior George, Senior Fred."

George and Fred were taken aback. They looked exactly the same. Even Molly Weasley, who was a mother, couldn't tell their faces apart. Although Charlotte played Quidditch with them, how could she know their names.

But George and Fred's expressions remained unchanged, and they waved their hands in a joking tone: "No, no, no, I'm Fred."

"I'm George."

Charlotte said with a smile: "Even twins are different people, I don't think I admit my mistake."

George and Fred pursed their lips, and said in unison: "As expected of a genius wizard, but you really don't play Quidditch?"

"It's better not to modify the Quidditch rules too much." Charlotte blinked.

The twins' eyes lit up, and George touched Charlotte's shoulder: "Hey, Charlotte, I think it was really wrong for you to choose to pull Wen Keluo, maybe you should come to our Gryffindor.

Several people chatted at the door for a while. Although they were in different grades, they were very friendly to Charlotte and the others because of Quidditch, so they agreed to set off together before the time came.


After Charlotte finished shopping, she said goodbye to Hermione with Joya, and then returned to Castle Lin Te.

The start date is coming soon, and Charlotte has learned several vampire spells in Lin Te Castle. Vampires are indeed the founders of most spells in the wizarding world. Some spells, if Charlotte has not read Antonio's book, then he may Don't know either.

London, King's Cross Station.

Charlotte and Joya looked around, then walked into the wall.

In the blink of an eye, both of them arrived at platform nine and three quarters.

It wasn't time for the train to depart yet, so the two looked around and bought some food near the train station platform.

"Hey, Charlotte! Joya~"!"

Charlotte, who was buying snacks, heard the sound and saw Hermione walking towards them with a salute. Joya turned around and waved to Hermione excitedly.


Hermione walked up to the two, obviously very pleased to see them.

"Hey, Charlotte, I'll show you something." Hermione looked in the luggage. As a top student, Hermione's salute was neatly arranged, and everything had its own place.

She reached for a newspaper from the bookcase, and handed it to Charlotte.

Charlotte opened the paper and looked at the headlines in the prophet's paper.

"Hey, isn't this you? But didn't you refuse to take a photo with Mr. Lockhart?" Qiao Ya was a little surprised [the headline of the pre-ji family newspaper was a photo of Lockhart, Harry and Xia Luo.

"Have you seen this too?" Cedric came from behind and looked at the photo in Charlotte's hand.

"Senior Cedric." Charlotte greeted, and Cedric continued: "Look, this speech is really interesting."

Charlotte coughed lightly, folded the newspaper in her hand, and handed it to Hermione.

Cedric pretended to be Lockhart without knowing it, and continued: "Oh, when I knew that Harry and Charlotte were my fans, I was so surprised, when they looked at me with such admiring eyes, I knew it was the right choice to become the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts!"

Unexpectedly, Cedric had such a side, Charlotte was slightly taken aback, and then passed Cedric with her hands.

Hermione's brows were tightly frowned. Hermione was looking forward to or longing for the characters of Heroes. She had read Lockhart's books many times, so she liked Lockhart very much.

Qiao Ya stretched out her hand to pull Hermione, rushed towards Charlotte with a pair of beautiful eyes, and said with a puffy face, "Okay, you are not allowed to say anything about Mr. Lockhart, Hermione just wanted to share with you, didn't she? What are you doing? Damn boys!"

Hermione also said angrily: "That's right, Charlotte, how can you laugh at Mr. Lockhart with Senior Cedric!"

Charlotte froze for a moment, then smiled helplessly: "Well, it's our fault, we shouldn't blame Mr. Lockhart."

Hermione and Joya calmed down, and Joya stood on tiptoe and looked towards the entrance of platform nine and three quarters: "Why haven't senior Weasley and Harry and Ron come yet?"

" "Maybe something has delayed it." Charlotte looked over too.

At this moment, a sharp train whistle sounded in their ears. The express train to Hogwarts had arrived and would leave after a while, but Weasley and the others still didn't come.

"They won't be late?" Cedric asked, and Charlotte shrugged: "Maybe."

A few people said, they boarded the train first, put all their things away, and then waited in the carriage for someone to come.

Another high-pitched siren sounded from the express train.

Qiao Ya poured a multi-flavored bean into her mouth and said: "Oh, it seems that the train is about to start, why haven't they come to the village yet.

Before anyone could answer, she covered her mouth, her watery eyes widened: "Oh, it smells like mustard!"

Charlotte shook her head helplessly, when she heard a noise coming from the carriage, and then several heavy voices dragging salutes sounded, the twins appeared outside the carriage, both of them gasped with big men on their foreheads: "Oh, my God, You are here, we have finally caught up! (Li Nuohao)”

Cedric got up to help the twins put things away, and then returned to the carriage.

Since Ginny just entered school, she went to the first-year car and went with Luna.

George and Fred sat beside Cedric, and they took a deep breath before saying, "Oh, I'm so busy this morning, one will be Ginny's clothes, one will be George's wand, After a while it will be my mother's scarf again..."

"We went out of the house many times, because we forgot something, so we went back to get it, my Merlin, fortunately we caught up!"

All the children in Weasley's family this year, except for the two sons who have graduated, of course, need to go to school, so it can be said that they are very busy.

After George and Fred finished talking and Cedric handed them a glass of water, Charlotte asked quietly, "So, what about Ron and Harry?"

The twins froze for a moment, and shook the head: "Hungry my Merlin! We forgot about Ron and Harry!".

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