Hogwarts: The Strongest Annie Magus In History

Chapter 80: The Dursleys Now, Harry Potter Attacked!

The suburbs of London, Dursley's house.

Ding dong doorbell rang.

Petunia Dursley came out of the kitchen wiping her hands and opened the door: "Dear Dudley!"

A big smile appeared on Petunia's face, she stretched out her arms and hugged the little fat man in front of her lovingly.

Today is Dudley Dursley's summer vacation, Petunia prepared a sumptuous lunch, before entering the door, Dudley smelled the aroma of the rice, he couldn't wait to go inside: what are you eating today?"

Petunia reached out and took Dudley's schoolbag from Vernon's hand, followed step by step with a loving face on her face: "Oh, my dear, of course all of them are your best food.

When Petunia said this, Dudley couldn't wait to sit on the dining table, stretched out his hand and tore off a chicken leg, and began to feast on it.

Petunia blinked happily, Vernon walked in, and said with a smile: "Look at the kid, I can't wait for the things I like.

Petunia put down her schoolbag with a smile, and was about to go to "Six Five Three", Vernon stretched out his hand to hold him, turned his chubby body to one side, and said in a low voice, "Harry will be back soon, you can tidy up the upstairs."

Petunia's face darkened instantly, she reached out and took off her apron and threw it on the sofa: "Honey, I think he will clean up his room."

Dursley's face was a bit ugly, but he soon calmed down. He didn't want to spoil the warm atmosphere, so he didn't say anything, but before he could walk over, he heard the doorbell ring.

"Oh? Is Maggie here?" Petunia said, sitting next to Dudley.

Vernon took off his tie and moved his fat body to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, Vernon was a little surprised, and then his face sank: "Harry, you are back.

Harry Potter smiled gently. Behind him, a gentleman-looking man with brown hair stepped forward, smiled and stretched out his hand to Vernon: "Hi, Mr. Dursley, I'm Sirius Olaine Laike, is Harry's godfather.

Vernon Dursley was taken aback for a moment, but his smooth dealings in the business field made him feel the unique aura of Sirius.

The Laike family is an ancient family that has lasted for a long time. Even though he stayed in Azkaban for so many years, his elegant aristocratic atmosphere has not been dissipated, especially after he learned that he could adopt Harry, he felt that he was in the past All the pain and suffering suffered by Azkaban can be healed.

Although, he couldn't forgive Peter, but he was still somewhat polite to Dursley in front of him.

After all, no matter how much the Dursley family cherished Harry, the fact that they had adopted Harry for more than ten years could not be erased. Moreover, he also hoped that Harry would not be influenced by this family and could leave in a dignified way.

"Hello, Boo, Mr. Boo Laike." Vernon greeted cautiously. He didn't know Sirius, and he didn't seem to have heard Sirius' name among his partners.

But Sirius' unique aristocratic feeling made him dare not underestimate Harry's godfather in front of him.

"Oh, please sit inside." Vernon was stunned for a moment, and then immediately realized how rude it was for him to let the guests stand. Unfortunately, his fat body blocked the door

There are not many gaps on the side.

Sirius smiled politely: "No, Mr. Dursley, I will be Harry's guardian from today, and Harry needs to follow me back to the Laike family."

Bu Laike family?

Vernon was stunned for a moment, he was a little bit at a loss, he looked down at Harry, Harry had an unconcealable smile on his face, Vernon's mood was a bit complicated immediately.

"Harry, this is your godfather, do you really want to leave with your godfather?" Vernon asked.

At this time, Petunia also came out, looking out and asking: "Maggie, why are you still standing?"

She poked her head out from inside and saw Harry yelped slightly: "Harry Potter? Why did you come back so early?"

Vernon's expression froze, he turned and pushed Petunia and said, "Harry's godfather, Mr. Bo Laike is here to pick him up."

Petunia was stunned for a moment, with some doubts on her face: "Godfather? I've never heard that the child has a godfather!"

Vernon waved his hand and didn't explain much, blocking Petunia in the kitchen. After Sirius and Harry packed up their things, Vernon's face was still full of embarrassing smiles. Sirius gently took off his hat, and then took Followed Harry to leave.

"Leaving here at last." Harry walked out the door without hesitation, Sirius followed behind him, carrying a box in his hand.

Harry didn't have a lot of stuff here, half the box was full.

"From now on, you will have a better life." Sirius reached out and rubbed Harry's head, then walked forward.

Not long after walking, the smile on Sirius' face froze immediately, he took out his wand, raised his finger to the sky and shouted: "Muggle shield!"

Muggle Shield is an expulsion spell for Muggles, which can prevent Muggles from entering the range he is in.

After casting the spell, Sirius pointed his wand at the northeast corner, and after a space distortion, Leyna appeared in place with a vampire in a medieval dress and a house-elf.

"Sirius, hand over Harry Potter!" the vampire said, pointing his wand at Sirius......

Sirius pushed Harry behind him: "Don't think about it!"

Harry stared wide-eyed at the vampire and Lena on the opposite side. This was his first time facing a dark wizard. Looking at Lena and the vampire, there was a bit of fear in his eyes.

The vampire sneers [holds up Morgan and yells: "Avada Kedavra!"]

Sirius was protecting Harry, with some seriousness in his eyes: "Super armor protection!"

Lena stood aside holding her wand, and with a sweep of her wand, the surrounding decorative stones and street lamps flew up from the ground: "Thousand bullets!"

With a movement of Sirius' wand, the magic barrier of the super-armor body shattered instantly, and he himself was knocked aside by the impacting magic wave.

It wasn't long before Sirius came out of Azkaban. After so many years of torture, his mana value dropped a little. After casting a super armor, he couldn't hold on anymore.

Harry looked nervously at Sirius: "Sirius!"

"Tripping Curse!"

Just as Harry was running towards Sirius, the house-elf suddenly appeared, waving his slender fingers in the air, and tripping Harry on the road.

"Harry Potter!" The house-elf screamed strangely, and jumped at Harry's calf, and Harry immediately felt a tingling pain in his calf.

"Tempering Curse!" Sirius waved his wand in his hand, and the house elf lying on Harry's calf was immediately knocked out.

"Harry!" Sirius shouted anxiously: "Harry!"

The vampire was on the side, pointing at Sirius with his magic wand, faintly glowing: "It's just right, I will remove a trouble 3.3 for my lord!"

"Nowhere to be seen!" the vampire yelled, and a burst of white light from his wand threatened to hit Sirius.

Harry's eyes widened, showing a bit of despair: "No! Sirius!"

At this moment, a powerful wave of magic power came from behind Harry: "All spells are empty!!"

The voices of the three came at the same time, and at the same time, the space twisted, and Mad-Eyes Moody, Lupine, and Tonks appeared behind Harry, and the wand in the owner's hand also emitted a burst of white light at the same time.


The two rays of light converged, creating a powerful magical impact in the air, causing the surrounding lawns to be blown from the ground to the sky, and the houses on both sides also made creaking sounds, as if they would be blown by this gust of wind in the next moment. Walk.

Lena stood behind, opened her eyes, and seeing that the situation was not good, she immediately pulled the vampire's clothes: "Phantom!"

The next moment, the man and a house elf immediately disappeared in place. .

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