Hogwarts: The Strongest Annie Magus In History

Chapter 77: Summer Vacation Is Here, Excited Snape!

In July, summer vacation comes.

According to regulations, students cannot stay in Hogwarts, Charlotte packed up her things and prepared to go back to the orphanage.

"Charlotte, if you don't want to stay in the orphanage, you must come to Bulgaria." Qiao Ya said while chanting a spell to put her salute in order.

Charlotte made room for her to sit next to her.

"When the time comes, I may come."

Asking himself, he is used to life in the magic world, after all, the orphanage is not a place where he can live for a long time.

So, after staying in the orphanage for a while, he might go to Qiao Ya.

After all, he was really interested in the books that Antonio left behind.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione walked in, and sat down opposite Charlotte. Harry said to Charlotte, "Maybe you can come to my house, Sirius will definitely welcome you, and at Laike's house, maybe you can use it without being supervised." magic."

Hermione frowned, with a somewhat complaining tone: "Are you sure about Harry? The school forbids us to use magic outside. If we are found out, we may be expelled and even go to trial court!"

"If you don't do something interesting, you don't want to read books all summer, do you?" Ron said with a shrug, and he smiled a little mysteriously.

"I see, you don't want to use your method of escaping the Ministry of Magic's regulations and take Harry Charlotte to do something illegal!" Hermione turned her head and stared at Ron

"I'll keep an eye on you."

"Charlotte, how about doing something fun this summer?" Ron ignored Hermione and turned his head to look down.

"No, I'll read books all summer." Charlotte said with a smile.

Ron froze for a moment, then leaned back on the chair in frustration: "Come on, Harry, let's go play together."

Harry smiled from the side and said: "Maybe not, Ron, Sirius is ready for this summer vacation, maybe we will go to Venice for vacation."

Ron showed a little envious look, and then sighed: "It seems that I have to spend this summer vacation with George Fred`

At this time, the Hogwarts Express train whistled, and several people turned their heads to look out the window, and began to chat about the topic of summer vacation again.

At this time, in Hogwarts where all the students had left.

In Snape's office, with a wave of Dumbledore's wand, Dumbledore sat on the chair he conjured up: "Severus, maybe it's time for you to change your taste, even if it's alchemy "maybe it should make this place brighter."

Holding a green bottle in his hand, Snape poured the liquid into the cauldron without any haste: "Albus, did you come to me just to talk about this? Also, since Grindelwald has already shown his favor to Voldemort, they There must be an alliance, our plan needs to be changed, maybe that kid doesn't need to do these dangerous things anymore."

No matter how much he hated James, Snape never forgot Lily. Although Harry was James' child, he was also the only continuation of Lily's blood.

Snape actually didn't want Harry to go face to face with Voldemort, he was a Death Eater and knew the horror of Voldemort.

"Severus, this is his fate, and fate cannot be violated, but maybe we will have a turning point, and this turning point has already appeared.

"Charlotte Elvis?" Snape frowned, but opened his hand neatly and poured another bottle of potion into it.

When not in class, he usually refines potions in his office.

"He's really good, for his age." Snape evaluated Charlotte objectively, and then said, "If he can kill Voldemort, maybe..."

"Except for Harry, there is no other person in the world who can completely kill Voldemort, but Charlotte must also be the savior of the wizarding world, Severus."

Snape turned his head, he looked at Dumbledore, he had never heard such a straightforward compliment from Dumbledore.

"Wait a minute, Severus, we still need to wait for someone." Dumbledore stood up, looked towards the entrance of the office, and then there was a knock on the door.

"Professor McGonagall." Dumbledore opened the door.

Professor McGonagall looked into the door, walked in, and asked, "Professor Dumbledore, is what you said true?"

Dumbledore nodded, and Snape frowned slightly, not knowing what Dumbledore was trying to trick.

Dumbledore waited for McGonagall to come in, and then took out the potion formula and said: "Severus, I need you to refine a potion for me. This potion, except for the three of us, cannot be known to others for the time being."

Snape took the potion formula and just glanced at it [a huge shock appeared in his usually calm eyes.

"Albus..could it be?" Snape thought about something.

Dumbledore nodded: "This is the potion formula that the child Charlotte gave me, which can make wizards transform into magic."

As a master of potions, Snape knew as soon as he got the prescription that this prescription was definitely not just written in random, but real and feasible!

His expression was very calm. Since Lily's death, nothing could shake his heart, but this prescription made him excited unexpectedly.

When he was still a Death Eater, he had come into contact with the transformation of magical creatures. At that time, Voldemort asked him if he could make a potion for people to transform into magical creatures.

When Snape thought about it, he denied it.

The transformation process of Annie Magus is very complicated, the chance of success is very low, and the objects of transformation are generally ordinary creatures, and the transformation of magical creatures is simply a delusion.

However, this prescription broke his understanding somewhat.

". "Where did he get this prescription?!" Snape couldn't contain his excitement.

Dumbledore shook his head: "Everyone may have their own secrets.

Professor McGonagall stood aside, looked at the potion formula, and said: "This child always does some amazing things, but once this prescription is spread, it will be very dangerous for us."

Only then did Dumbledore realize that he didn't come here to hear Snape praise Charlotte, although Snape probably wouldn't.

"Severus, can you make this potion?"

(No Zhao good) Severus nodded. The refining of this potion is not complicated. In fact, the most important thing is to transform after taking the potion.

Because it is an unprecedented deformation, there is absolutely no experience to learn from, and the probability of danger in this is nearly 100%.

"Of course, but Albus, I need phoenix feathers."

Different from Charlotte's blood fusion, the key to this potion formula is actually the things on the related magical creatures, such as the feathers of the phoenix, the feathers of the thunderbird, and so on.

When Albus came, he brought Fawkes's feather and gave it to Snape.

Then he turned to McGonagall and said, "Professor McGonagall, this transformation is dangerous, but we don't have anyone more suitable than you."

Professor McGonagall doesn't have much fear in her eyes, but is eager to try. No matter how old she is, she is also the dean of Gryffindor, and what a qualified Gryffindor "must lack is the heart of adventure.

"Of course! Professor Dumbledore."

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