Hogwarts: The Strongest Annie Magus In History

Three Hundred And Twentieth Chapters Boil Potion

Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty

At this time, Charlotte just developed it, so Professor Snape doesn't need to develop it anymore, and she can even claim credit with Charlotte, because when Charlotte brewed the potion, after all, he was also present on the spot, so it can be regarded as participating in the potion remember Boil work.

As for this time, everyone will guess whether Snape will do anything to the potion, in fact he will not, because Dumbledore asked him to brew the potion, and he is worried about what to do, Charlotte just brewed it at this time , It was exactly what he wanted, so how could he tamper with the medicine again.

After Charlotte finished speaking, she turned around and left the office door. As soon as Charlotte left, Snape's curiosity drove him to look at the pot again. He suddenly saw some unused potions in the trash can next to him. .

He just remembered to bring the trash can, put it on the chair in the office by himself, and then took out a few sheets of paper, and put the potions on each sheet at a time, because he wanted to know what kind of potion Charlotte used. potion.

He slowly pulled out the materials in the trash can and put them on the papers one by one. After checking for a period of time, he didn't find anything, so he left it there and ignored it. .

At this time, he saw the medicinal soup again. Before going to 270, he took a bigger spoon and stirred it vigorously. He also wanted to see if he could find any clues about the relevant ingredients. If nothing unexpected happened, he still couldn’t find it. .

Charlotte is different at this time, he has already completed more than half of the potion, and there is only the last step left at this time, it is a matter of time, when the potion is ready, he will wait for a while, and read the complete potion That's it.

Now there are about several hours for the circle of resentment, so it is completely enough in terms of time. Now he only needs to wait for the potion to be successfully brewed, and this does not need to be stirred by himself, it needs the fusion of the potion itself .

Thinking of this, Charlotte also found himself a little tired, and wanted to go back to the dormitory to have a good sleep, but on the way back to the dormitory, he suddenly found two people in front of him looking back and forth on the ground, as if they were looking for something thing.

But looking at this figure, Charlotte felt that one of them seemed familiar to him, at least he knew him, and suddenly he shouted,

"George, Fred!"

Charlotte yelled, all he could see in the distance was someone standing there, and he was pretty sure they were the Weasley brothers.

The Weasley brothers yelled: "Mr. Charlotte, Mr. Charlotte" and the two ran panting and shouted.

When the Weasley brothers saw Charlotte, they immediately started running wildly, eager to rush over, as if they wanted to tell him something very important. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, but their appearance seems to be a bad thing.

Charlotte looked at the flustered expressions of the two of them. Charlotte thought that the Weasley brothers, the two of them had done something shameful, so they flustered their expressions and were very nervous. He really asked what's wrong? Is it? Why does it look so flustered? Could it be something shady?

Among them, a brother, her name is George George quickly said Mr. Charlotte, you listen to me, we have a very important information, and it is also a very important thing, he was panting as he spoke, his whole face turned red .

In addition, a brother hastily added that yes, Mr. Charlotte, what we will talk about tomorrow is really a very important thing for you.

Charlotte frowned, and saw that his nerves became very flustered. He looked around with his eyes and found a corner that was suitable for talking with people. He said to the two brothers, let's go there together. Carrying out this information report, after finishing speaking, he pointed to that place with his finger, and then the three of them passed there together.

The reason why Charlotte, (bgfc) did this is because now for Hogwarts College, most students and professors are not reading or studying in the library, or eating in the restaurant, so they have no There are activities in the school at any time, so I chose this place, because this place is relatively hidden, no one will see what they are talking about here.

And Charlotte and these two brothers are now next to Professor Snape's office, no one will pass by the students and will not come to this place, so it is relatively safe for them.

When the three of them arrived at their destination, Charlotte asked, "Let's talk about it, tell me what it is that made you so flustered." After speaking, brother George took out a map from his wizard robe , This map is white in appearance, like a piece of foreign leather, after he opened it.

He opened the map stealthily, only to see that there were patches in the map, and nothing was left blank.

But for someone as smart and extremely smart as Charlotte, he could tell at a glance that there was something strange about this map that might be a Marauder's Map, but he didn't point it out.

George and the man took this map and said to Charlotte, you know what? Do you know what I want to tell you?

Charlotte pretends not to understand [shakes her head to show that she is very puzzled.

Filch immediately added that this map is the Marauder's Map, which we found in a drawer of Filch's desk. We feel very mysterious.

George became mysterious again, and he said: "This is a map of Hogwarts College. On this map, you can see where the students and professors of the entire college have been. Clearly understand where they are.

Charlotte smiled, and said indifferently: "Could you two become the people who know Hogwarts best because of this map?"

The two brothers nodded, they didn't show any. Because they told Mr. Charlotte that we originally wanted us to give this map to Harry, but you asked us to do things for you before, so the two of us decided to give you this map now, because at Hogwarts You are also a relatively rare figure in the academy.

Because the two of us know that it is you who need our help to do things, it must be indispensable, this Marauder's map, and this map happens to be in our hands, it should be more convenient for you.

We thought there was a big problem with this map before, but we didn't expect it to be intact. .

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