Chapter 314 Test passed

Lupine said very calmly: "I think Charlotte's test has come to an end here. What I said is that it is true that I plan not to start again. Do you still want to use your own understanding?"

Ron also saw that Lupine's tone of voice was not right, and he couldn't speak anymore, so he quietly ran to the back of the line.

Charlotte didn't speak any more at this time, and took the initiative to shake hands with Lupin, expressing her gratitude, and at the same time went back to her place to stand.

After Charlotte took the test, everyone came to the test one after another, and the results were all smooth sailing and passed everything.

In fact, everyone has something in his heart that he really fears. This thing has been revealed by the Boggart. Fortunately, everyone can control themselves, not be disturbed, and read out the words that the Boggart drives away in an orderly manner. Curse, it's time for Harry to play next.

Harry seemed to be a little nervous, but he couldn't back down any longer. He walked up to the Boggart slowly, not knowing what to say, but tightly clutching his own weapon.

At this time, Harry himself was actually nervous, and he probably didn't want others to see what his real fear was, but this time was unavoidable, and the Boggart began to operate, turning back and forth around him , only heard a stop sound, it should be the end of the identification.

When everyone was relaxing, they suddenly saw a dementor. The soul-eating monster was huge and had thick limbs. Compared with ordinary dementors, it was almost a circle bigger, and everyone backed away in fright.

But at this moment, Harry was already confused, he didn't know what to do, his feet seemed to be planted in the ground, he didn't move at all, he wanted to move but couldn't move, he had no choice but to wait for the dementor to move quickly rushed towards him.

At this moment, Lupine spoke, and shouted: "Be careful and avoid~!"

But at this moment Harry was incapacitated, even shouting was useless, there was no way, at this moment Lupine immediately ran to him, put him behind him, and prepared to fight the oncoming dementors.

The dementors were slowly approaching Harry, but when he suddenly saw Lupine appearing, he stopped immediately, not daring to go any further.

Just when everyone thought they were going to be deadlocked, the dementor suddenly turned into a painting, the kind of frivolous painting that disappeared into thin air, and suddenly he floated into the air, slowly rose to the highest altitude, and then disappeared, and then the sky A round moon appeared in the sky.

But the Boggart's soul is still here, that's just his blindfold.

Lupine pointed at Boggart and asked him to continue changing, and he turned into a balloon, flying around the classroom, and everyone thought it was quite interesting for a while.

Lupine didn't speak either, and pointed to a wardrobe in the classroom. Boggart didn't say anything, and immediately turned into a wisp of green smoke, drifting in through the door of the wardrobe, and then there was no more sound.

Just when everyone wanted to watch it again, Lupine said, "We'll stop here for this class, and see you in the next class. I'm really sorry."

Everyone didn't understand what was going on, why the class was going well and suddenly stopped, could it be that the Boggart was out of control?

Besides, the students haven't finished the test yet, and there are still many students who haven't taken the test. Is this the end of the class? There is also a confused expression on everyone's face.

Lupine then said: "As for the students who haven't finished the test, please take the test again in the next class. I really can't continue this class. I'm really sorry.

Lupine immediately opened the door of the classroom, and he walked out of the classroom. After reaching the door, he didn't move any more. He told everyone that we are going to go. After a while, everyone had no choice but to leave the classroom one after another. .

At this time, Charlotte was actually very eager to learn in his heart. He looked at Professor Lupin with longing eyes, and took the initiative to greet him, and wanted to ask Professor Lupin for advice.

At this time, Lu Bin also thought of Charlotte's brave performance before, so he readily agreed and told him to come to him at three o'clock in the afternoon.

Charlotte was also very happy at this time, with a happy expression on her face, and she looked a little complacent, as if he knew something inadvertently, and Lupine couldn't guess what he was thinking, and even a little Surprised, Charlotte didn't say anything more, and slowly walked out of the classroom door.

After the students left, Lupine cleaned up the classroom by himself. He put all the tables and chairs away, and then put the rubbish left by the students into the trash can. When he was about to clean up the door, he looked up A figure appeared at the door of the classroom.

Immediately he was startled and backed away, because not all the students had finished walking, but suddenly there was a figure, who would be shocked.

He quickly raised his head and saw that it was Harry.

Professor Lupine covered his chest and said: "..."Why don't you talk when you're here, you scared me to death!"

Harry hurried forward to support him and said, "Professor, are you okay? I really didn't mean it. I just wanted to ask you a few questions."

Professor Lupine was also in a calm mood at this time, and said: "Actually, you don't need to say it, I know what you want to ask, this place is not suitable for talking, let's go outside ["

After the two walked out of the classroom, they talked and came to the long bridge of the school. Because it was winter, a thick layer of ice formed on the long bridge, and the water in the river was also frozen. The cold wind was blowing bitterly (good for money), and it did hurt a bit when it was blown on the face.

At this time, Professor Lupine made the point: "The reason why I ended get out of class early was because I was afraid that Boggart would slowly accept all the influences Voldemort had on him, and that he might even become Voldemort after a long time. If there were no such If so, I will definitely continue to study.”

"When you face a Boggart alone, you actually have no fighting ability, because your ability is far inferior to him, and I am also afraid that you will be hurt, and other students will be injured, so I terminated the fight." class."

Harry was also a little stunned at the moment, and said, "Professor, I've actually thought of it, but I can't say it in class."

"Actually on the train before, on that dark night, I actually saw something [the Boggart] until the end he literally turned into a dementor.

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