Chapter 299 Dementors

Charlotte immediately shouted to be quiet and not to cause unnecessary panic.

Joe Joseph closed his mouth when he heard Charlotte's roar.

The professors on the Slytherin car were also very frightened, this was the first time they had encountered such a situation, and they were even more frightened by the fear of the unknown.

At this time, classmate Hermione suddenly shouted, everyone, look at the car windows are frozen, and all the cars are covered with a thick layer of ice.

In order not to frighten people, Charlotte told everyone not to worry and keep calm, no matter what happens, I am looking for "I will protect you all.

Then Charlotte pulled out her wand and stood in front of everyone.

At this time, all the people in the car became quiet, and with Charlotte's appearance, they seemed to have taken a reassurance.

At this time, Harry next to him suddenly behaved very strangely, he held his head tightly and twitched non-stop.

After a while, he was lying on the ground, and he could only hear his constant groaning.

Charlotte and Hermione hurried over to check, and asked each other, "What's going on, it was fine just now, why did it suddenly become like this?"

Harry couldn't control himself at this moment, his whole body was shaking like crazy, he didn't know what he was going to do.

Hermione hurried over at this time, supported Harry and looked at him carefully, to see if he could see what was going on, but there was no gain.

At this moment, a door was suddenly opened, and an invisible black thing came in from the door. After a closer look, I found that it was a person with only a forehead, and was covered by a cloak. It looked terrifying, and I couldn't help but shudder.

In fact, at this time, Charlotte had already discovered that he was a dementor, and said silently in her heart: "It must be a dementor."

Charlotte has seen a dementor before. It has a strange shape, and its whole body is in a withered shape, as if dried up. The most important thing is the cloak on his head

It's their signature look.

At this moment, everyone became frightened and shouted: "The dementors are coming, the dementors are coming!"

Everyone retreated one after another, but at this time, Lamuer did not retreat, but encouraged everyone to say: "Use the Patronus Charm, the dementors are afraid of this!"

Everyone hurriedly used their skills, formed a magic wand formation, and prepared to launch the skill of Patronus Charm.

But before they had time to form their formation, suddenly there were more dementors in the carriage, and on the windows of the carriage, two dementors were slamming on the windows, intending to smash the carriage The car window comes in from there.

Everyone reacted more intensely, each one became more frightened, and squeezed into a corner.

Charlotte didn't understand why there were so many dementors coming in. He thought about it carefully, and it must be because the prefect's carriage was too long to give the dementors room to take advantage of. Many dementors To break in, we saw only three of them, and the ones we didn't see were still outside the carriage, and we tried to break in in various ways.

But I didn't have time to think about it so much. There were already three dementors in the carriage at this moment. They looked at Harry, staring at him like a tiger, as if they saw their own real thing, ready to move, and planned to go up and have a feast.

Charlotte thought, it has been a while, haven't the formations of the prefects been set up yet? He turned his head and saw that everyone was in a daze, not moving, they should have been bluffed by the dementors who suddenly barged in , I don't know what to do, my hands and feet are weak and I can't use my strength.

Another possibility is that the dementors are taller, but the formation of the prefects needs a lot of space, and the dementors have taken over the space, the prefects will definitely not be able to use this skill, and they see The dementor looked terrified, and couldn't think calmly, and it was normal that he couldn't cast the Patronus Charm.

The dementor looked at Harry, but at this moment Harry was powerless, he had lost his senses, and everyone backed away, the dementor approached again, Charlotte also felt everyone's fear at this moment, especially Hermione, he was in a panic all over. Trembling, leaning against Charlotte, Charlotte could feel it.

At this moment, Charlotte is also trying her best to think of a way. He is frowning. The only thing that can deal with dementors is definitely the Patronus Charm, but I haven't learned it yet. How can this be good.

But if there is no Patronus Charm, Charlotte should not be able to defeat the Dementor, so he must do everything possible to learn the Patronus Curse Servant.

But suddenly, he himself thought of a way to defeat the dementors, that is the power from the wizard's spirit.

The power of the wizard can make the power of magic stronger, and it can accelerate the space and speed of casting to a certain extent, which can make the power of magic to the extreme. Thinking of this, Charlotte feels at ease.

The Patronus Charm is also transmitted through spiritual power, so that the power of the spell can be maximized. A long time ago, Harry used the Patronus Charm to gather powerful spiritual power and drive away the dementors. The power should be exactly the same as this one.

Therefore, if you want to defeat the dementors, you don't necessarily have to use the Patronus Charm. As long as you can gather your spiritual power, you can defeat the dementors and make them invisible.

But this also takes time. At this time, the dementors are already red-eyed. Looking at Harry, they are about to go up and have a full meal, but everyone and the prefects are helpless, and there is no way to save Harry. What should we do at this time? .

At this moment, Hermione (got it) was standing behind Charlotte, not daring to move, she could only stand there blankly, not even daring to breathe, not daring to blink her eyes.

Charlotte quickly grabbed Hermione, hugged her into her arms, passed the power from Hermione to herself, and suddenly he felt that he was full of power, and fresh spirit was constantly gushing out from his whole body. Looking at the dementor again, that This kind of power became stronger and stronger, and the feeling was about to gush out, and the dementor was scared back a few steps.

Charlotte yelled: "... "Psychic attack!" Three shock waves hit the three dementors one by one, and they fell to the ground one by one, but their mouths were still breathing, but their willpower was relatively weak Already, I also felt Charlotte's strength.

The three dementors didn't know what kind of code language they used. They activated the escape skill and used a trick of blindness. The three dementors quickly escaped from the door and window together. .

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