Chapter 285 Announced

After a long time, Professor Dumbledore also relaxed a little bit about the basilisk.

Because no students were injured by the monster's attack during this period, they were not so vigilant.

The most important thing for Dumbledore right now was the House Cup.

Soon the college ushered in its own end-of-semester college cup, at which the professor would present college gifts to the students.

During the ceremony, the tables in the hall were filled with an assortment of food, which looked very delicious.

The summer vacation is coming soon, and the atmosphere of the whole college has become cheerful and less depressing than before.

Because of the basilisk, the professor and students have been worried throughout the semester.

This made the stone in their hearts finally fall down.

On the other side, Professor McGonagall picked up his spoon and tapped his glass lightly.

At this point the professor and students fell silent.

Professor Deng Dumbledore also stood up with a smile and told everyone that this semester is finally coming to an end.

But I have another announcement before the summer break, and then we will start the 090 Academy Cup.

Professor Dumbledore said: "Because this semester, each of us is very depressed due to the incidents of the basilisk and Xia Luo, so I decided to cancel this final exam."

After speaking, all the students cheered and shouted happily and discussed with each other, as if they were releasing a kind of pressure in their hearts.

But there are also many top students, such as Hermione, who wants to take an exam.

Then Professor Dumbledore waved his hand in the air for a moment to silence everyone and he had something to say.

"Then everyone gave warm applause to welcome the two big names and invite them to come on stage."

"It was these two saints who used some grass that they made to heal the people who were attacked by the basilisk."

At this time, there was roaring applause in the auditorium, and they cheered even more in order to express their gratitude.

Professor Dumbledore added: "In addition to this, we should thank two other heavyweights."

Presumably everyone already knows a thing or two.

"Let us warmly welcome Professor Charlotte and Professor Lockhart", Professor Lockhart (bgcd) stood up with a smile.

Charlotte stood up slowly from her seat.

Dumbledore told everyone that everyone should encourage this Professor Lockhart more, if it weren't for him, we would not have discovered the existence of the Basilisk.

The entire auditorium was filled with thunderous applause, and some students even shouted Charlotte's name, calling her the head of the West.

The whole college became very lively, but Professor Snape, as if he had nothing to do with himself, sat on the sidelines and enjoyed the scene in front of him.

The whole thing is simply unbelievable for Xiang Luo, as a student in the grade who has not yet graduated, it is already very remarkable that he can achieve such a feat.

But everyone thinks that Charlotte's grades were very good when he entered school, and it is well known that he has the current grades.

Professor Dumbledore calmed down the students in his own way.

Charlotte was also at the side, and said: "Everyone be quiet, Professor Dumbledore has something to say.

As soon as the voice fell, the students in the entire auditorium of the college became silent.

This shows how huge Charlotte's influence is now.

Dumbledore turned his head and glanced at Luo, and then took out a form, ready to start announcing the final grades of the college.

This is extremely important for the four colleges.

Professor Dumbledore began to read: "Hufflepuff 410 points.

I saw Hufflepuff lowered his head dejectedly. He knew that his results this time were very unsatisfactory.

Afterwards, Professor Dumbledore began to announce the results of the third place.

"La Wen Keluo scored 430 points."

Some students and professors of these two colleges applauded vigorously to cheer up the students, while others applauded sparsely.

Gryffindor and Slytherin also gradually became very tense.

Immediately afterwards, Dumbledore said loudly that the scores of the two colleges were exactly the same, and they both reached 480 points.

The students and professors of the two colleges looked at each other and thought, is it going to be tied for first place this year? This is the last thing they want to see.

But at this very sad time, Professor Dumbledore mentioned, but there is a college they have a bonus option, now everyone wait for me to announce.

The house that gets the bonus points privilege is the Slytherin house.

Because during the battle between Charlotte and the basilisk, he surrendered the razor clam.

"So we've decided once again to give Slytherin House a hundred points."

"Therefore, the champion of this year's Academy Cup is the applause and encouragement of everyone in Slytherin Academy."

After hearing the news, the students and professors of Slytherin Academy cheered, some shouted, and some even jumped up.

None of them expected to win this year's championship.

In contrast, the students from other colleges seemed to lose their spirits.

The Slytherin students were so frantic that they lifted Charlotte's entire body and hovered in the air.

Professor Snape looked at the scenes in front of him and didn't say much, he just smiled slightly.

Here, Professor Dumbledore also announced the end of the final exam and that Slytherin had won the championship. The whole campus was filled with a joyful atmosphere.

In addition, Charlotte actually raised a puppy. The name of this puppy is Wave Dog. In fact, the origin of this name is also very strange.

The puppy was running around beside Charlotte, Charlotte saw this situation, a little impatiently asked him, can you stop for a while?

Tell Charlotte that you don't understand, if you have been blocked for more than ten days, you will think you will be the same as me after you are fixed there and unblocked for you.

After a while, Charlotte took it to find Slytherin's summer vacation carriage, and they were finally about to embark on a return journey.

After he got on the carriage, he went downstairs and found that there was no one in the entire carriage except him. This carriage was tailor-made for him, that is, the premium carriage.

There were a few other people from the college who were still on campus, working on their preparations for next term, and only Charlotte left in comfort.

While admiring the scenery and tasting the food, Charlotte was thinking about one thing.

The archmage added 2000 points of skills to him before, and these skills turned out not only to help his studies, but also gave him privileges. .

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