Hogwarts: The Strongest Annie Magus In History

Chapter 283: The Secret In The Diary

Chapter 283 The Secret in the Diary

Dumbledore shouted, he was Tom.

Only then did Charlotte suddenly realize that it was so.

So now the problem is with this diary, and Dumbledore looked at this diary with all his attention.

His brows were sometimes furrowed and sometimes stretched, and various expressions appeared on his face.

Seemingly seeing something, he guessed whether it was something about Voldemort.

He looked at the diary carefully, trying to find something out of it, but it was difficult.

After all, Voldemort, as a first-class old Yinbi, his things are definitely not that simple.

Even Charlotte, thinking of all of Voldemort's messy schemes, had a big head.

He tossed and turned, accidentally touched the mechanism, and immediately saw a picture.

This picture jumped out so suddenly that Dumbledore and Charlotte jumped up, thinking it was some kind of killer weapon.

Charlotte swung her wand, nearly throwing a fireball.

The screen shows a Horcrux, which is exactly 16 Voldemort's.

But after a closer look, the Horcrux was unharmed.

It stands to reason that it shouldn't be, the Horcrux is unharmed, so it shouldn't be recovered into the diary.

So where did his soul go?

Charlotte said: "It seems that I saw a ghost and entered the secret room, but I don't know what happened inside."

At this moment, the professor said: "I don't know why my head hurts today, I feel something rushing into my body, and I feel uncomfortable.

At this moment when everyone was at a loss, Charlotte opened the diary again, and in the same way, a picture emerged in the diary.

It is the picture of what happened after the young man entered the secret room. The picture shows that the young man's soul turned into a wisp of green smoke, floating around in the secret room.

As if looking for something, suddenly he saw a person in front of him, yes, that person was Professor Lockhart.

He looked at it, but it seemed that Professor Hart didn't know it at the moment.

So he took advantage of Professor Lockhart's breath and entered his body through his nasal cavity.

Professor Lockhart suddenly shook himself up, feeling a little heavier in his body.

At this point, I finally know what happened to the young man after he entered the secret room.

At this moment, the eyes of the office were all on Professor Lockhart, because everyone knew what happened afterwards.

Unanimously asked him: "What happened next?"

Lockhart actually didn't know very well, because he vaguely remembered his uncomfortable moment, and couldn't remember what happened.

He refreshed and said, "I know what's going on."

Speaking of this, everyone's desire to know became more and more intense, and they all looked at him with wide eyes, staring intently at his mouth.

Professor Lockhart couldn't help being shocked when he saw everyone's seriousness.

Immediately, I felt that I was under a lot of pressure, and I couldn't be wrong. Everyone should only believe what he said at the moment. After all, he was the only one who entered the secret room.

Rohart thought about it again, and then said: "It seems that something has entered my body, from bottom to top, into the cerebellum. At the same time, my head felt dizzy

As if remembering something. "

"I vaguely remember that that person left a name called Hogwarts in my mind, and the most important thing is that diary, which seems to have evolved from the leader of a monster

Everyone listened very carefully, there was not a single redundant voice, and there was no fear that they might not hear what the professor said clearly.

Everyone said in unison: "Professor, continue."

"Then my body seemed to be out of control, and I would do whatever I was asked to do, without the ability to control myself at all.

When Charlotte heard this, he actually knew it already, but he didn't say it out loud, and it also satisfied everyone's curiosity.

And what happened later, the professor continued to brag to everyone for a long time, and everyone listened with great enthusiasm.

For example, why Lockhart told everyone about this is because he feels that he has a certain value, so others will invade his body and make him stronger.

It's just that he himself is unwilling, because he still wants to stand on the side of justice and guard Hogwarts.

At the same time, he said, I abide by the justice in my heart, even if he enters my body, he cannot invade my soul, and I will not yield to him!

The professor spoke with great interest, and the other professors listened with gusto, as if he was teaching his own students.

Speaking of the intense scene, the other professors all stood up and surrounded Lockart and listened closely, and the crowd was "impossible".

It is said that he and the monster were engaged in a strong ideological struggle, and each of them had a blood strip on their heads, leaning to one side for a while, and leaning to the other for a while, and neither would let the other.

The battle seemed extremely fierce. He activated this skill, and the monster's trigger skill. The two skills canceled each other out, and the two skills retreated at the same time. In the picture in his mind, the surrounding buildings were torn apart.

The scene was once spectacular, and the two of them fought on equal terms. When the battle became more intense and it was impossible to tell the winner, the professor used the ultimate skill Thought Prison. Professor Lockhart hits 140 blows.

Finally, it gave the monster a fatal blow, and it disappeared immediately.

Speaking of this, everyone couldn't help applauding, and Professor Lockhart suddenly felt that he was very good, after all, he couldn't extricate himself from this atmosphere for a long time.

To be honest, he is also a great writer after all, and this story is really well-written, able to deceive everyone so seriously, and he is willing to believe it.

Seeing this, Charlotte couldn't help smiling, because no one else knew what was really going on except him, so he would find it ridiculous after hearing this, and at the same time admired Professor Rohart's ability.

But Charlotte also saw that other people didn't really believe what Professor Rohart said, just to avoid embarrassment, they echoed others.

Those two people were Dumbledore and Snape. They whispered to each other. Dumbledore said that I think Professor Larter's ability must be invincible to the young Voldemort monster.

Snape also said, I think so too, but we don't have any better evidence to prove that he didn't defeat it, we only choose to believe it, even if we don't quite believe it.

At the same time, he also saw the expression on Professor Lockhart's face, which was actually a bit false. He didn't know how long he could keep his lie. .

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