Hogwarts: The Strongest Annie Magus In History

Chapter 260: Promotion? Acting Principal!

The remaining students had a merry Christmas, Charlotte took Ron Harry to a snowball fight for several days, Hagrid also participated, and even Dumbledore secretly participated in the end.

On Christmas night, after the Christmas feast, Charlotte saw Dumbledore in the snow.

Dumbledore held a snowball in his hand, smiled at Charlotte, and beckoned him over.

"Headmaster Dumbledore." Charlotte walked beside Dumbledore.

"Next semester, I will be away for a while, and you will be Professor McGonagall's assistant starting from next semester. I think, what about the title of student council president?" Dumbledore looked at Charlotte.

The student body president for the next semester has not been decided yet, Charlotte smiled and said: "Oh, then Percy must be sad, becoming the student body president will be troublesome > I think it's better not

it. "

There are too many things that the Student Union is responsible for, and there are too many things to manage, and Charlotte doesn't want to waste time on those things.

Dumbledore pondered for a moment, and said, "Then give you another title, let me think about it, Acting Headmaster?"

Charlotte smiled and said, "That's the end of it. I'll be noticed by the Ministry of Magic. Then I'll be in trouble. I don't like being noticed by those guys."

The Ministry of Magic would attract good people, but Dumbledore's appointment of a third-year student as acting Headmaster was a little outrageous, and he would be really famous by then.

Charlotte doesn't hate being famous, but being famous gives him a lot of personal space, and he doesn't like dealing with magical people.

"Well, that's a pity, McGonagall and I have always thought it would be better to appoint you acting headmaster."

"It's better for Professor McGonagall to take on such a heavy responsibility, and I think I'd better be Professor McGonagall's assistant."

Dumbledore nodded, and the two walked in the snow, getting farther and farther away from Hogwarts.

"I've found a mansion for you in Godric's Hollow, and I think you'll like it there." Dumbledore said, "Really don't want to go back to the Muggle world?"

"It's not that I hate Muggles, Headmaster Dumbledore. Logically speaking, I'm also a Muggle, but I know some witchcraft. It's just that I've been in the wizarding world for a long time, and many things are inconvenient." Charlotte said , and then looked at Dumbledore.

The Godric Valley is located in the southwest of England and is a settlement of wizards.

Most of these are the residences of some ancient wizard families, such as Godric, Dumbledore, Wright and other ancient families have a deep relationship with Godric.

Godric's Valley is undoubtedly safe, but there are a few hiccups.

Charlotte is a Muggle wizard who lives near an ancient family. She will definitely be treated differently by the people around her. Of course, this is also a test.

Charlotte knew, and Dumbledore wanted to know, how he viewed Muggle wizards and pure-blood wizards in his heart. The chain of contempt in the magic world has always been that pure-bloods despise half-bloods"

See Muggle-born wizards.

But also because of this, Muggle wizards and half-blood wizards sometimes unite to express dissatisfaction with pure-blood wizards.

The Ministry of Magic is the epitome of these blood theories. Muggle wizards, half-blood wizards, and pure-blood wizards are screwed together in one place. All kinds of mixed ideas make the magic world look simple, but in fact it is more intriguing than the human world.

Dumbledore has always been diverse. He doesn't support any faction, but is more inclined to Muggles, but he doesn't know if Charlotte will be the same as Tom.


After all, Charlotte's and Tom Riddle's pasts are too similar.

Going to the extreme, or repressing and turning into a pervert?

Anyway, at least Dumbledore wanted to help Charlotte by giving him a more diverse view of the wizarding world.

I also want him to use his power where it is needed more.

"I heard that Headmaster Dumbledore used to live in Godric's Hollow?" Charlotte asked.

Dumbledore nodded, although the past was painful but the past cannot be discarded. 803416100350190]

"I used to live in Godric's Vale when I was very young."

Charlotte smiled and asked, "Then, can I go to Dumbledore's house to read?"

He could probably guess what Dumbledore was up to, but Charlotte didn't care.

In the wizarding world, bloodlines are very important, but even more important!

What he wants now is to find more magical animals and gain more powerful power!

Dumbledore was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect Charlotte to ask such a question, he laughed and said, "Of course, Charlotte, Abeforth will go back this winter vacation, he misses that place a bit, and you can go with him when the time comes Bar."

Charlotte nodded, and began to look forward to this winter vacation.

Christmas is over soon, the final exam results are released, Charlotte once again defended her No. 1 position, because Granger, who missed the No. 1 position by two points, was very angry, and vowed to surpass Charlotte next year!

At the last banquet, Dumbledore announced some things that Charlotte had done for the school, successfully earning back two hundred points for La Wen Keluo.

La Wen Keluo, who already had a high score, directly became the number one in the Academy Cup!.

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