Hogwarts: The Strongest Annie Magus In History

Chapter 246: Give Me Your Corpse!

After a few reminders, the old spider jumped off the web near the bottom.

"Wizard, don't light your wand anymore, if it finds us, we will definitely be eaten by it.

The light at the tip of Snape's wand went out, and the surroundings went dark for a moment.

The old spider crawled down the rugged wall next to it. During the crawling process, Charlotte, who had been following behind, heard some strange sounds.

This sound is the sound of some kind of creature eating, and the sound of all kinds of messy things crawling.

The old spider crawled forward cautiously, and within a short while it reached a place close to the ground.

"Three six seven" "It's here, you have to be careful, I will stay here, if you keep the promise, please come here at the last moment before you die, of course, if you are willing to keep the promise, I can probably eat some Leftovers." said the old spider.

Snape got off the spider's back, and his wand glowed again, but this time the brightness was very low, so as long as you were careful, you wouldn't be able to see it.

Charlotte also fell from the air, and Snape leaned against the wall, poking his head out cautiously to see what was going on over there, and he walked out carelessly.

The hollow below the Acantara's cave covers a large area, about half the size of a golf course by visual inspection.

Charlotte walked forward, and soon saw the six vampires in the middle of the space.

The six vampires have already taken off their black robes, and they are standing in the dark. Because of the unique talent of the vampires, they can see things in the dark without any lighting.

They were dressed in gowns and bowed towards the cave ahead.

Surrounding him were several huge acromantulas. Most of those acromantulas had two or three eyes. It seemed that they were the Tucker that the old spider said.

Charlotte then walked forward, he was already invisible, so he didn't have to worry about being spotted by these people.

When she got closer, Charlotte heard the vampire say in a flattering voice: "We are willing to cooperate with you with the most sincere heart."

"This cave is so cramped and narrow. Only the outside world can match your noble status. Sons of Ugoliant, we sincerely hope for your sincerity, not your allegiance. offer."

"This is a gift we have prepared for you, and we hope to get your response."

The vampire's voice echoed in the hollow, sounding very flattering. They lowered their heads, as if they had abandoned the noble status that vampires have always emphasized.

The giant eight-eyed spider next to him chattered in the spider language. Even if Charlotte couldn't understand the spider's language, she probably knew what the spiders said.

If he stood from the perspective of the spider, he would also find this scene very funny.

The vampire's voice seemed to have caused movement in the cave ahead, and a bound thing under the leading vampire's feet uttered two moos, like a calf.

As soon as the sound came out, the movement in the cave seemed to become a little louder.

The vampire's face showed excitement, and the leading vampire kicked the animal, and the little animal let out a more painful cry, which made the movement of the cave a little louder.

Charlotte looked at the animal. The animal was the same size as a deer, and it sounded like a cow barking, but because he was not standing very close, he couldn't tell what the animal was...

Perhaps Qilin?

Charlotte made a guess, but decided to wait and see what happened.

Behind Charlotte, Snape was hiding near the stone wall, and he obviously noticed the animal. He carefully followed the stones at the cave floor to cover his figure, and kept getting close to the vampire and the acromantula.

The vampire and acromantula didn't notice Snape's approach, they stared at the cave intently, the vampire said while lifting the small animal under his feet, "You won't be lying to us, are you?"

"Vicious? I think it's just a coward hiding here."

The giant eight-eyed spider moved its pincers: "Of course not."

The vampire sneered and said, "I'm not a coward, so why don't you dare come out?"

The vampire picked up the little animal on the ground, and no matter what sounds the animal made, the creatures inside remained silent.

"The existence that even the evil blood can't seduce, seems to be nothing."

As he said that, the vampire threw the tied little animal in his hand, and with a bang, the 0.7 little animal hit the ground, mooed, and no further movement was heard.

At the same time, a strong smell of fresh blood filled the entire space. The smell of fresh blood was not only strong, but also had a strange aura.

This is an extremely ominous and dark atmosphere, so evil that it makes people feel trembling and fearful, as if all the evils in this world are gathered together.

Those vampires and acromantulas were breathing crazily, and the acromantara that got close even lay down on the ground, wiping the blood with its claws and stuffing it into its mouth.

"What a wonderful taste!".

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