Hogwarts: The Strongest Annie Magus In History

Chapter 230: Buckbeak To Be Beheaded!

After Kashan Della told Charlotte about this, Hagrid's class was stopped as expected, and the setting of the Forbidden Forest became stricter.

Students were forbidden to go anywhere near the Forbidden Forest, not even to Hagrid's hut.

Charlotte stayed in the library reading books until Ginny and Luna came in from the outside, Ginny sat opposite him and whispered: "Senior Elvis?!"

Charlotte looked up, looking ~ at Ginny and Luna.

He always felt that these two people were very idle, and he really saw them here too often - the two of them.

"What's the matter, Fen?"

Ginny looked at Charlotte nervously, and said: "Elvis is like Zhang, I heard that Hagrid's friend seems to be executed."

Charlotte looked at Ginny curiously, how did she know about this?

The second year of Hogwarts does not have a lesson on the protection of magical animals.

Ginny said nervously, "I heard from the people in Slytherin."

Ginny seemed to understand Charlotte's doubts, and answered herself.

Charlotte nodded, and before Ginny could finish speaking, Harry and Ron walked in and sat down beside Charlotte.

"Oh no, Charlotte! Buckbeak is going to be beheaded this afternoon!" Harry said anxiously.

This morning, he and Ron went to see Hagrid. Hagrid was very sad and sad. There were even rumors that Buckbeak rioted because of him.

Some say this will cause Hagrid to leave Hogwarts.

Charlotte frowned and said, "It seems to be Lucius Malfoy."

Although I don't know what Lucius is going to do, but Lucius is the only one who can do this and stab it to the Ministry of Magic.

Charlotte closed the book in front of her and said, "Although we don't know what Lucius is going to do, we can't let Buckbeak be beheaded."

"By the way, Buckbeak's mania is gone?" Charlotte asked.

Harry nodded: "After Buckbeak wakes up, his mania will be cured. Madam Pomfrey said that he took something, but he doesn't know what it is."

"I think maybe the stuff he took was in the Forbidden Forest!" said Ron, and he glanced at Ginny, who was staring at him, and said, "Ron, Mom told me to watch you inside the school, did you What bad things are you going to do?"

Ron pursed his lips and said, "Of course not, Ginny.

Charlotte frowned slightly.

Buckbeak's business needs to be sorted out, and it seems that Hermione's things need to be borrowed.

In any case, Lucius had only three goals, either he, Harry, or Dumbledore.

Although Hagrid is Dumbledore's most trusted person, if Hagrid is kicked out of Hogwarts, he will not be able to threaten Dumbledore, which will only make Dumbledore focus on Lucius.

And although Hagrid had a relationship with Harry, if Hagrid really left, Harry would feel sad at most, but there would be no major emotional changes.

Then the only purpose will be him.

...asking for flowers...0

Of course, this is just a guess. Charlotte is not arrogant. Although she faintly feels that it is aimed at him, it is better to find out.

For this reason, Buckbeak must not die.

It would be even better if Lucius could be brought down here.

Charlotte frowned, he looked at several people and said, "I think, I have a solution."

Harry and Ron looked at Charlotte excitedly: "What way?!"

Charlotte smiled and said, "Let's talk about it tomorrow, let's go to Hagrid first."


Buckbeak's decapitation took place this afternoon, and Charlotte and Harry and Ron were soon at Hagrid's cabin, who was outside feeding Buckbeak.

Buckbeak was obediently locked on the pillar by Hagrid. It seemed to know that he had made a mistake, so he was extraordinarily obedient and just ate what Hagrid gave him.

"Oh, you're here." Hagrid was very depressed. He touched Buckbeak's head with one hand while looking at the three of them dejectedly.

Buckbeak saw Charlotte approaching, rubbed his head affectionately, and yelled twice.

"It likes you very much, Charlotte, please spend more time with him." Hagrid blinked, tears wet his eyes, and he reached out to touch Buckbeak with a very sad tone.

Ron reached out and tugged at Charlotte, and said, "Charlotte, or we'll save Buckbeak now, and say he flew away by himself."

Charlotte shook her head: "No, Ron, we can't do that."

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