Hogwarts: The Strongest Annie Magus In History

Chapter 214: Something That Charlotte Is Afraid Of?

Lupine reached for the hat on the table and walked over to Charlotte. He patted his shoulder and said, "Thank you, but I still want to give you a suggestion, as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts."

Charlotte was puzzled, and Lupine continued, "Next time, it's better not to cook your Eastern potions in Snape's cauldron.

Charlotte blinked: "Don't worry, Professor Lupine, Professor Snape only has a few new crucibles, and I used them all."

Lupine staggered and said with a smile, "I don't think Snape will find out."

Charlotte nodded, and followed Lupine to his Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Fanny came to the Potions Office to take away the Wolfsbane Potion, and even smelled it, which shows that Fanny definitely knows about the Wolfsbane Potion.

And the first grade has not yet learned the chamaejasme potion.

No matter where Fanny found out about Wolfsbane Potion, since she was able to take it away, it meant that she had done some research on werewolves, and maybe it was for Lupine.

Charlotte walked beside Lupin, and said, "Professor Lupin, in order to prevent problems with the chamaejasma potion I prepared, I decided to stay with you all this time, is that okay?"

"Of course, it's my pleasure."

Charlotte usually doesn't attend class 423, so when Lupine brought Charlotte over today, the Gryffindors and Slytherins who were in class were a little surprised.

Malfoy looked at Charlotte with a sneer, and said, "Look, the man of Hogwarts is here to show off his limelight again!"

Standing on the side, Ron said: "Come on, Malfoy, don't you want this man of the hour to be you?"

Malfoy turned his head immediately, staring into Ron's eyes: "Shut up, Weasley!"

"Pure-bred scum, when will you bring your grades to positive numbers and talk."

Slytherin and Gryffindor take lessons together, making Lupine's head bigger than the two.

These two colleges don't deal with each other at all, and when they come together, they will fight.

"Okay, be quiet." Lupine knocked on the table and said, "This is my assistant, I think everyone knows it.'

Hermione said excitedly: "Of course, Professor! We are best friends!"

Lupine looked at Hermione and smiled, then said: "Today we will learn how to deal with Boggarts."

With a wave of Lupine's wand, all the desks and chairs in the classroom were put away, and a tall cabinet appeared in the middle of the classroom.

"A good wizard (bgeg) master must not only learn to deal with all kinds of black magic, but also learn to deal with all kinds of magical creatures. A boggart is a shape-shifting creature. He will see through your heart and become your most feared thing. look!"

"To deal with such shape-shifting creatures, you only need to say a spell, funny and funny, and you can turn the Boggart into the funniest look you think!"

"And laugh at a Boggart, and the Boggart disappears."

Lupine looked at the crowd with a smile and said, "This cabinet contains a Boggart. I wonder if anyone would like to come over and try to deal with this Boggart?"

As soon as they heard it would become what they feared the most in their hearts, many students backed away, even Hermione was afraid to try it.

Lupine let the little wizards learn funny and funny spells, and then looked at Charlotte: "Charlotte, how about you give a demonstration first?"

Charlotte looked at the Boggart in the closet, with some curiosity in her eyes.

He also wants to know how Boggart will interpret it, or what it will look like.

What is the thing he fears the most?

Even Lupine wanted to know this question.

Not to mention, he wanted Charlotte to take the lead, but he actually wanted to see what Charlotte was afraid of.

Lupine didn't know Charlotte for a long time, it was just beans, and Lupine realized that the little boy in front of him was an unparalleled and unique existence.

He is not afraid of Death Eaters, and can even unleash Fiendfyre to destroy Horcruxes.

Possess an extraordinary level of potion making.

What, then, could be the object of his fear?

As soon as Lupine said to let Charlotte come first, the students of the two colleges fell silent and looked at Charlotte attentively.

They were also very curious about what Charlotte would be afraid of.

There was a gleam in Malfoy's eyes, if he knew what Charlotte was afraid of, wouldn't he be able to target Charlotte?

There was also some curiosity in Hermione's eyes. In his eyes, Charlotte seemed to have nothing to fear.

Harry and Ron were even more curious, and Ron said, "I guess Charlotte might be afraid of the big spiders in the forest.

"It's you who's afraid," Hermione said.

Ron smiled and said, "Harry, what do you think Charlotte will be afraid of?"

Harry stroked the scar on his forehead in a strange way, and he said: "If Charlotte is afraid of something, then it may be the most evil existence in the world.

The two next to each other nodded, "Looking expectantly at Charlotte walking to the front of the cabinet with her wand in hand.

"Ready?" Lupine asked.

Charlotte nodded, and Lupine knocked on the cabinet door with his wand, and then the cabinet door creaked and slowly opened.

A cool breath came out of the cabinet in an instant, and the gloomy atmosphere made the light shining from the rhombus window become extraordinarily gloomy.

Charlotte held her wand, vaguely expecting.

Lupine is also looking forward to it, and the students of the two colleges are also looking forward to it.

Then, I saw a piece of gray gauze as thin as a haze exposed at the door of the cabinet. The gauze wrapped around the door, wanting to come out like smoke!!

Charlotte looked at the smoke and knew it might be the Boggart looking at him.

Lupine frowned slightly, why did he feel that there was something wrong with this Boggart.

Generally speaking, Boggarts can quickly perceive what these little wizards are afraid of, and then change their form before they appear, but this Boggart seems to be still hesitating.

It seemed unsure of what Charlotte was afraid of.

Could something be wrong?

Lupine wanted Charlotte back, but the next moment, the closet door slammed shut!

It happened too fast, less than a second before the Boggart poured out of the cabinet door, and the Boggart closed the cabinet door with his backhand as if he saw something terrible!

Lupine looked at the cabinet in surprise, what happened?

"Is this Boggart afraid of Charlotte?" Neville said aside.

He had heard from family members that Boggarts had no emotions, and would only become something the other party was afraid of. If the other party didn't have them, then the Boggart would only maintain a foggy appearance, trying to scare the other party with the unknown.

But obviously, Charlotte wasn't afraid, and the Boggart, who had seen Chu Xialuo clearly, seemed to be frightened by the latter.

As soon as Neville's words came out, the audience fell silent.

Lupine looked at Charlotte, a little stunned.

It does appear to be the case.

But what kind of power does this little wizard in front of him have, which can even scare a very scary Boggart!!.

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