Hogwarts: The Strongest Annie Magus In History

Chapter 199: The Burning Dementor!

Colorful spells exploded in the air, Flitwick and Snape kept waving their wands, countering the spells of the Death Eaters facing them.

Gritting his teeth, Flitwick said, "These guys are just horrible!"

"I don't know, how is Charlotte's situation! Did the phoenix save Charlotte?"

Snape scowled, "That phoenix is ​​not Dumbledore's."

Flitwick waved his wand, frowning: "If it wasn't Dumbledore's, then whose?"

Before Snape could reply, a scorching flame was burning in mid-air, and Snape looked up and saw the witch dementor in the Death Eater storefront in the flames

Flitwick swung a super armor, he looked at the flame, wiped the sweat from his brow: "Flame?"

"Is that the phoenix?"

"Looks like it is. I think we're going to speed up, Professor Flitwick." Snape said with a low face, clenched his wand and looked at the Death Eater across the way.

The Death Eaters obviously also noticed the scorching flames in the sky, and dementors kept burning and disappearing in the sea of ​​flames.

Suddenly, a whistle sounded in the dense forest, and the Death Eaters looked at each other before disappearing in place.

"They left 557?" Flitwick looked around cautiously, afraid that there might be other ambushes around.

Snape held his wand in his hand and walked forward.

He looked at the burning sea of ​​fire in the distance and the fleeing dementors under the sea of ​​fire, with some doubts in his eyes.

Flitwick, following behind Snape, also hurried over there.

The sea of ​​fire did not pose any threat to Flitwick and Snape, they walked in easily, and then saw Nott looking up at the phoenix hovering above his head, and Harry unconscious beside Nott.

Flitwick exclaimed: "Oh my Merlin, are you all right?"

Besides Nott and Harry, there was Ginny and a few of Durmstrang's students lying on the side.

Snape glanced at Harry, then walked over to Ginny and patted her face with his hand.

"It doesn't look like anything, just fainted from fright."

Flitwick patted his chest and looked at Knott, who stammered, "I'm sorry

The cause of this incident was all because of him. If he hadn't brought Ginny here, this kind of incident would not have happened.

Although he said he was arrogant, Nott was not a person who did not admit his mistakes.

He looked at Flitwick with guilt.

Flitwick didn't know what was going on here, thinking he was just apologizing for not being able to protect his companions.

But before he could speak, there was the sound of drums behind him.

Grindelwald stood outside, he stood outside the flame, stretching out his hand to feel the hot breath of the flame.

This repulsive atmosphere.

"Well done, Nott, you've got the courage to face the Dementors," Grindelwald said.

Nott looked at Grindelwald, lowered his head in shame: "No, principal, I..."

Snape looked up at Grindelwald coldly, he interrupted Grindelwald aloud: "That's enough, things are messed up here now, let's go back to Hogwarts for the rest, Principal Raymond."

Grindelwald nodded, and he looked at the students around him: "Study hard, children, and use your spells to expel dementors."

There are still many dementors fleeing around.

The phoenix in the sky is still breathing flames, trying to disperse all the dementors.

There was interest in Willis' eyes, he took out his wand, and shouted at a dementor behind the jungle: "Avada Kedavra!"

The green light was released from his wand, and hit the dementor in an instant, and the dementor screamed and fled towards the dense forest.

Flitwick's eyes widened. He looked at Willis and Grindelwald, and said, "You cast an unforgivable spell!"

Using the unforgivable spell will be perceived by the Ministry of Magic and will be caught by the Aurors and thrown into Azkaban.

(bgej) Now, this kid in front of me is using an unforgivable spell?!

Willis smiled very decently, and said: "Of course, sir, the unforgivable spell is not also a magic spell. If so, why can't it be used? It is because of this that Hogwarts always produces some useless scum!"

Willis swept Harry and Ginny lying on the ground, he sneered, and said, "Isn't it?"

Professor Flitwick's face was flushed behind his white beard, but he was not ashamed but angry, and he said loudly: "Is it an honor to use black magic? Fallen Durmstrang!"

Willis still wanted to speak, but Grindelwald stopped him with his hand. He looked at Flitwick: "I have reported to the Ministry of Magic. As Auror candidates, I think my students need to learn these unforgivable spells."

Flitwick looked at Grindelwald angrily, and Snape crouched beside Harry after seeing Ginny, but instead of touching Harry directly, he took out his wand and brushed the hair off Harry's forehead.

Harry's scar was glowing a faint green.

"Smell of evil," said Snape, standing up immediately, saying: "These children must be taken away immediately! It's too dangerous here!"

As soon as his words fell, Harry who was lying on the ground began to struggle.

He yelled, screaming in pain, as if something was running wild inside his body.

Snape reached out to hold Harry down, and even Flitwick immediately turned to look at Harry.

"Merlin! What's wrong with this kid!"

Harry's situation was no longer optimistic.

Charlotte, who was hovering in the sky, could see clearly.

In a few minutes, I'm afraid Voldemort will completely recover from Harry's body.

Charlotte looked around the firewall, the dementors had fled into the forest, but many were killed by the fierce flames.

Originally, Charlotte planned to eliminate all the dementors, but now the following situation is more important.

If Voldemort came back to life, his plans would be ruined.

For his sake, it was better to let Voldemort fall asleep in Harry's body first.

Charlotte flapped his gigantic wings, and he raised his head to the sky and let out a cry. The wonderful voice spread and reached Harry directly.

A red feather fell from Charlotte's wings and landed on Harry's forehead with a sound.

Flitwick and Snape stood aside, looking at the red feather, which melted almost instantly on Harry's forehead before Harry stopped struggling.

Grindelwald's eyes darkened, he looked up at Phoenix, the look in his eyes was not very good.

"Charlotte Elwes.

He whispered, surrounded by Durmstrang's students, the students did not hear him, their attention has been attracted by the red feather.

Only Willis' eyes flashed, and he looked up at the phoenix in the sky. .

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