Hogwarts: The Strongest Annie Magus In History

Chapter 189: Your Ally! Of Course It Is Me!

Kashan Della's little face suddenly turned red.

She looked at Charlotte, bit her lips tightly, held back her shame and anger, held her head up like a peacock, and said: "Then you are ready to accept my challenge!

Charlotte raised an eyebrow: "Of course."

Cassandella pulled Fanny and turned away like a proud peacock.

Charlotte stood where she was, looking at Kashan Della's back, and Ron said from the side: "It's really strange, she is obviously a student of Slytherin, why does she always want to trouble you?"

"I want to know too." Charlotte shook her head.

This is also a question he is curious about.

However, many behaviors of girls are incomprehensible.

After thinking about it, Charlotte put the matter aside.

After the friendly match ended, Charlotte proposed that the three of them go to Hogsmeade to celebrate together, and Harry and Ron readily agreed.

Third-year students can go to Hogsmeade at will in their free time. After all, Hogsmeade is not far from Hogwarts. There is not much danger for students in the past.

But when the three of them reached the door, Snape, McGonagall, and Lupine were standing in the doorway, talking with serious faces.

Snape saw three people approaching, his stern eyes flicked to Ron, then to Charlotte and Harry.

"What are you doing here?" His voice was as low as ever, and his eyes were as dark as ever. 163

Professor McGonagall stood up from the side, looked at the three and said, "There will be an announcement soon. This semester, there are no special circumstances. Even students above the third grade cannot go to Hogsmeade."

Ron said in surprise: "Why? There was no such rule before."

Lupine coughed: "Let's go back first."

Charlotte didn't question it, he looked behind Snape, he could feel that the vicinity of Hogwarts became a bit dark, as if a layer of fog surrounded Hogwarts.

He remembered seeing dementors in Hogsmeade earlier.

Are those dementors from Hogsmeade to near Hogwarts?

In the next second, Lupine's words confirmed his thoughts: "The vicinity of Hogwarts is very dangerous these days, please don't walk around casually."

Charlotte nodded and said, "I see, Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, and Professor Lupine.

Then he walked back with Ron and Harry, and Harry asked in a low voice, "What happened?"

Why are they not being let out all of a sudden?

Ron blinked, thought, and suddenly said, "Couldn't it be the one that attacked Harry last time, the Dementor?"

"It should be a dementor, don't worry, with Dumbledore here, nothing will happen to us."

Harry and Ron nodded, and followed Charlotte back inside Hogwarts.

While walking, Lupine followed up from behind, reaching out to pat Charlotte and Harry on the shoulders.

Harry turned his head and looked at Lupine with surprise: "Professor Lupine."

Lupine looked at the two with a smile: "Hello."

Then he looked at Charlotte and said with admiration: "I just learned from Dumbledore that you can choose the courses you want, which is really amazing. I have never seen a little wizard like you in Hogwarts, seer The genius wizard mentioned by the daily is indeed worthy of the name.

In class today, Lupine gave, Wen Klaw and Hufflepuff taught Defense Against the Dark Arts, but didn't see Charlotte among Wen Klaw's students, after class

He inquired about the students of La Wen Ke Lao, and got a reply from the students of La Wen Ke Lao.

It turned out that Charlotte had Dumbledore's permission to take the courses she needed.

Lupine's straightforward praise made Charlotte feel a little embarrassed.

He looked at Lupine, coughed, and said, "No, I just like reading."

Only then did Lupine come to his senses, he stopped his praise, and looked at the three of them seriously, especially Harry and Ron.

"I know you are curious about what happened outside, I can only tell you, don't be too curious, and don't go near the Forbidden Forest during this time, we will take care of these things soon.

Harry looked up at Lupine and said: (bgfg) "Is it a dementor?"

Lupine was surprised, and said, "You already know?"

"We've seen Dementors in Hogsmeade before," Ron said, telling the story of how Charlotte had saved Harry in Hogsmeade.

Lupine turned to Charlotte, somewhat shocked that he could drive away the dementors.

"It is indeed a dementor, but it has nothing to do with you. Although the dementor has arrived at Hogwarts from near Hogsmeade, the number is actually not many."

Although the dementors have been from Hogsmeade to Hogwarts, and even in the Forbidden Forest, there are actually not many dementors.

There are other things that Lupine didn't tell them.

That is, as Charlotte said, they've discovered dementors in the Muggle world.

Compared with Hogwarts here, these few days are almost overwhelmingly busy.

Knowing the situation, the three of Charlotte headed back.

Without Voldemort's rule, and because the Ministry of Magic is not willing to accept dementors anymore, even with Death Eaters, the degree of freedom of dementors is getting higher and higher.

At this moment, Harry reached out and tugged at Charlotte's robe.

"Charlotte, can I follow you to learn guardian spells?" Charlotte blinked: "Of course.

He was idle anyway, so why not study how to get Voldemort out of Harry's body.

Charlotte doesn't have classes to attend, but Harry and Ron don't.

So they agreed to learn guardian spells together in the Room of Requirement on weekends.

Soon it was the weekend, and even Joa and Hermione were in the Room of Requirement together.

Charlotte conjured up a sofa, leaned on the sofa, and lazily looked at the four little wizards opposite.

He had handed over the spell to them, but practiced it all morning, the effect was mediocre, only Hermione's wand changed slightly, her wand released a white ball of light, but unfortunately it didn't last long before dissipating.

After watching the practice of the four wizards for a while, Charlotte took out the diary from her pocket.

The diary still didn't respond.

It seems that Tom is very tangled.

Charlotte took out another quill, said a spell, and the quill was naturally stained with ink.

He wrote in his diary: "Tom Riddle, I think it's time for you to decide who to choose. Of course, I hope you choose your future. After all, his power is stronger than yours."

up. "

Who can't stand being inferior?

Who can't accept that others are stronger than themselves?

Of course, sixteen-year-old Voldemort, Tom Riddle!

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