Hogwarts: The Strongest Annie Magus In History

Chapter 186: Tom's Hesitation!


In the deepest dark room in Knockturn Alley, the mouse that Pettigrew turned into fled on the ground. Dolohov stretched out his foot and stepped on Pettigrew's tail.

Pettigrew quickly turned human, and he gave Dolohov a disgusted look.

"You didn't bring Harry Potter back, Pettigrew." Bella looked at Pettigrew. She picked up her curly hair, looked at Pettigrew, and a crazy look flashed in her eyes from time to time.

"It's not like you don't know that Harry has Charlotte by his side! As long as he's there, we can't do anything." Pettigrew complained.

If he hadn't run fast, if Sirius hadn't happened to come, he would have died directly under Charlotte's wand.

"Charlotte, it's a problem," said a Death Eater nearby.

Dolohov sneered disdainfully: "Why, what can you do? The master has already entered the body of the child named Potter eight or seven times. As long as we can find another Horcrux and catch Harry Potter, the master can be resurrected." .”

"There are always times when he leaves, and there are always times when he is weak."

Bella turned her head and looked at Dolohov: "You are right, Dolohov, even if he doesn't have it, we can let him have it!"

Pettigrew's eyes shone viciously, and he liked to trample on the proud son of heaven.

"Let me do this matter, no matter how powerful his spell is, he is still a thirteen-year-old child, as long as he pinches his heart fiercely, and then steps on his feet, isn't that all right? "

Dolohov's eyes twinkled, and he looked at Pettigrew, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"Dirty mouse, I will forgive your mistake this time. If you can no longer create value, I will replace the master and kill you."


Charlotte and others chatted all the way, and finally arrived at Hogwarts at night.

This year they are Hogwarts third year students.

And Ginny Luna and the others were promoted to the second grade.

Several people looked at the rows of freshmen following Hagrid not far away, and then turned around and boarded the carriage leading to Hogwarts.

Hermione was chirping about what she asked Professor McGonagall about this year's class schedule.

"Professor McGonagall said it's great that we can choose our own courses! I want to take any course!"

Ron said on the side: "Choosing courses, I don't care about anything else except Potions.

Hermione turned her head and said disapprovingly, "Ron, if you continue like this, what are you going to do when we graduate?"

"We're only in third grade now, why should we think about this?" Ron didn't understand, frowning tightly, unwilling to listen to Hermione's lecture.

Hermione snorted, turned her head away from Ron, and looked at Charlotte instead: "Charlotte, what courses are you going to take?"

The carriage was swaying all the time, Charlotte was resting with her eyes closed, and when Hermione asked him, she replied: "I don't think Principal Dumbledore will refuse me not to choose courses, but I will probably choose protection of magical creatures and divination. "

There are five elective courses this year, namely Protection of Magical Creatures, Divination, Arithmetic Divination, Ancient Runes, and Muggle Studies.

These five doors are not difficult for me.

Especially Fantastic Beasts, it feels like a professional counterpart.

Although he was talking about choosing these two courses, Charlotte decided to take all five courses. There is no such thing as Hogwarts not being able to miss classes, and he doesn't need to go to class so he has more time to do so.

Inside the carriage, several people said this, Charlotte leaned on the carriage, thinking about something else.

Harry had Voldemort's main soul in him.

This is a great opportunity for myself.

Voldemort who killed the main soul would be greatly weakened, so he was no longer a threat.


Charlotte looked at Harry, he didn't understand why Voldemort entered Harry's body at this moment?

It didn't do Voldemort any favors.

Moreover, although Harry has Voldemort's remnant soul, Harry himself is a big killer to Voldemort.

Did Quirrell feel pain even if he touched Harry without looking at him?

Even Voldemort couldn't break Harry's mother's spell with her life.

So, why?

Charlotte frowned, Harry looked at Charlotte cautiously: "Charlotte, what's wrong with me?"

Only then did Charlotte notice that everyone in the carriage was looking at him, and Charlotte blinked: "It's nothing, I just think your robe looks nice."

Just as he was talking, the carriage had already arrived. Charlotte jumped out of the carriage, and Harry looked at the robe on his body...

Aren't everyone's robes the same?

The new students and the old students took different paths. Charlotte and the others entered the castle through the gate of Hogwarts, and soon arrived at the auditorium, and sat down at the long tables of their respective colleges.

Qiao Ya sat beside Charlotte and whispered: "Charlotte, have you heard about this summer vacation.

Qiao Ya always felt that all the major and dangerous things that happened in this world might have something to do with Charlotte. After all, Charlotte was so powerful that even the Dark Lord seemed to ignore her.

Charlotte thought for a while and asked, "You mean, the Ministry of Magic being attacked by dementors?"

Qiao Ya nodded: "Yeah, it seems to be very serious. Even the Ministry of Magic was attacked by dementors. There was news of a mysterious person disappearing before. Could it be fake?"

"Probably not." Charlotte shook her head, then continued: "The dementors did attack the Ministry of Magic."


Qiao Ya exclaimed, and the wizards around looked over, and she immediately whispered, "Are you there?"

Charlotte nodded and shook her head: "I was at Laike's house when it happened, but I do know about it."

Qiao Ya blinked her eyes, with a bit of worry in her eyes, she reached out and grabbed the corner of Zhen Luoyi: "Are you going to take risks?"

Charlotte raised her eyebrows: "This matter has nothing to do with me, why should I take risks?"

Qiao Ya breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, you always do dangerous 2.6 things."

The two talked for a while, and then the sorting ceremony began in the auditorium.

After the sorting ceremony and the entrance ceremony were over, Charlotte took Joya back to La Wen Keluo's dormitory.

Once back in the dormitory, Charlotte took out her diary.

He didn't mention this diary to anyone.

Including Dumbledore.

Charlotte took out her pen and paper and wrote in her diary: "Have you sensed your own body? Tom, do you want to see him?"

The diary was silent for a long time.

In all fairness, Tom would certainly like to see his own body.

However, this means that he must become a part of the main body and become a prop for his resurrection.

Tom Riddle was Voldemort, but not just Voldemort. .

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