Chapter 117: Nonsense!.

Since no one released the basilisk, Harry returned later than Ron. Lockhart asked him to write back late into the night.

“I really don’t understand why so many people adore him, and they are fascinated by Evan.”

At dinner the next morning, Harry whispered to Ron.

He didn’t dare to say it out loud, because Evan would definitely correct them. But at this time, Evan did not pay attention to him.

He was struggling with how to get his hands on the Horcruxes in the Room of Requirement.

In many fan fiction, just after packing up the diary, the Horcruxes in the Room of Requirement began to make trouble. You have to release the basilisk.

He didn’t want to do that.

His brothers and Ginny are in school, and there are too many variables to release the basilisk. He could clean up Malfoy under the guise of a basilisk, but there was no need to actually release the basilisk.

And the basilisk can’t come out, the variable is the Horcrux that is still hidden in the Room of Requirement. Evan didn’t dare to go over.

There are portraits throughout the castle.

If he ran over, Dumbledore would definitely know. What the diary said still made him a little cautious. Dumbledore must still have doubts about him.

The reason for not using a regent on him, or spitting out the truth.

It is very likely that he showed a strong brain occlusion ability in the “past” and let Dumbledore know. Since he knew that he was a master of brain occlusion, of course Dumbledore would not look at it again.

It’s all quite possible.

If this is the case, then his appearance at the Room of Requirement is really throwing himself into the net. He couldn’t possibly beat Dumbledore now, so he had to be honest.

But in this way, he really can’t help? No, there are still some.

Evan immediately thought of Harry’s sixth year and seeing Trelawney, a professor of divination classes, being thrown out of the Room of Requirement because Trelawney was hiding wine in it and heard Malfoy’s voice.

Obviously, the school has free access to that place, and there is Trelawney.

Evan is now hesitating, whether he should buy a compound decoction to disguise Trelawney in the past, or give Trelawney a soul reaper charm and let her take it?

He was rarely entangled.

In the following period, Evan secretly brewed the compound decoction while practicing the Soul Reaper Spell, ready to make two preparations.

Anyway, he had to see Trelawney first.

Every time Trelawney shows up, it’s at the commencement ceremony, or Halloween, Christmas, or the end-of-semester banquet. Other times, she rarely eats in the auditorium and rarely shows up.

In her words, it is that fireworks will defile the heavenly eye.

Evan didn’t know if this was true or not, anyway, he could only find a way to get the preparations done first.

Because he only had half a night every day to boil the compound decoction, and he had to find a way to let the owl buy him the medicinal materials needed to boil the compound decoction on the black market, Evan was really tired.

By October, he had dark circles under his eyes. The wet cold wind also came.

After getting up overnight to add medicine to the compound decoction, Evan successfully caught a cold the next day.

He sneezed vigorously, his body was cold, and he wrapped himself in a thick quilt and did not want to go out.

Percy brought him back a lot of cold medicine, but he didn’t drink a sip, not to say that he was in good health and could survive it. But a week passed, not only did he not get better, but he also had an aggravated cold, and both noses were not ventilated.

Madam Pomfrey brought him a refreshing potion. It is said that if you drink this, you will get better.

But the taste is so anti-human that it is even worse than Chinese medicine. Evan sniffed it and vomited.

But in order to get him well quickly, Percy and they forced him down and poured him a small half-cup. Evan vomited for a long time after drinking, was stuffed with several pieces of sugar by Fred, and felt that his mouth was full of bitter taste.

But miraculously, he really ventilated his nose and his head was not dizzy. Of course, although he was physically comfortable, the brewing of the compound decoction began to delay again.

Because it has started raining heavily recently.

The rain crackled on the roof, and the owl was not good to bring medicinal herbs back, so he could only wait for the sky to clear before continuing to boil. As for Trelawney.

Evan hadn’t touched her until now, let alone taken her hair or nails from her body, but it was Harry who didn’t go well than him…

Harry was constantly being dragged to Quidditch training during this time. No matter how much it rained outside, Wood wouldn’t stop. Every time he came back, it was in the middle of the night.

Covered in mud and drenched.

If this was something Harry could endure, Filch’s punishment was something he really couldn’t endure. He came back with mud and would always step on the castle.

Those mud spots became evidence of his guilt.

Filch chased him and cursed, grabbed him in his office, gave him a rag, and wiped the entire corridor of the castle.

Harry was desperate.

He complained to Evan every day, thinking it would be better if the world was destroyed. Evan felt that Harry was underestimating himself.

In the original book, in addition to facing this, Harry also has to face the things made in the diary. Where is this now?

“Hey! Is everyone there? ”

At this moment, a voice came out.

Evan looked up and saw that it was Nick, who was almost headless. Nick is the ghost of Gryffindor.

When Evan first entered school, he still prodded him to make trouble!

Unexpectedly, he actually pulled a gang in the ghost, and finally scolded the bloody Barrow away. In fact, it should be that Barrow the Blood Man does not want to take these ghosts of Nick.

Bloody Barrow 1.4 prefers to stay in the corner thinking about something. But Nick, they just thought they had won.

Their floating posture is more powerful!

“Nick, what’s wrong?”

Someone asked. Nick cleared his throat.

“Well, ladies and gentlemen, I cordially invite you to my Halloween banquet! This Halloween is going to be my 500th birthday, and I’m going to have a party in the basement…”

“My friends will be driven away from all over the world, if you have time, you can…”

Speaking of this, the joy on Nick’s face became a little apprehensive again.

“If you don’t want to, I’ll just say…” In short, I just want to have you by my side at this time… ”

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