"My mother, your mother, is going to catch the witch."

"My mommy, your mommy, wave the little stick..."

Aurelius looked at the little girl singing children's songs and playing hopscotch downstairs, feeling very strange.

Especially the lyrics of the song there are full of violence and blood.

"My mother, your mother, the witch must die. Witch No. 1, drown in the river, Witch No. 2, let her hang on the gallows..."

This is a scary nursery rhyme called "The Witch's Broom", but with Mary's adaptation, it is even more unconcealed.

Each of the witches in this nursery rhyme was a real event that happened during the Salem witch hunt.

Whether they are real witches in this world is unknown. However, in the Salem witch hunting incident, there must be real wizards who were persecuted by ordinary people, which triggered a tense atmosphere of tit-for-tat confrontation between wizards and non-wizards in the country for hundreds of years.

Including but not limited to: prohibiting communication, friendship and marriage with No-Majs.

This law is called "Rappa Potter's Law".

"What a terrible world!" Ovilius said quietly.

He could understand that wizards hid in order not to be disturbed and devoted themselves to pursuing the true meaning of magic. He could even understand that it was the self-isolation of a minority group.

But the current situation is that these wizards live like rats in the ditch, but they think they are superior to others. This is the case all over the world.

This is even true in the Harry Potter timeline decades later.

They despised Muggles and regarded ordinary people as idiots and inferior creatures.

For this kind of performance, there are N idioms in the past life that can describe it: Yelang is arrogant and a frog in the well!

If the status quo remains, the exposure and destruction of the wizarding world can be expected.

But what did the wizards do? They bury their heads in the sand like ostriches, desperately defending a broken protection law...

Ovilius wanted to say that it was none of his business. He could deceive the world, but he could not deceive himself.

In a situation where the Obscurus is not destined to be a threat, he will become a very, very powerful wizard - whether other wizards admit that the Obscurial is a wizard or not.

And powerful wizards live long lives.

At least, he didn't think he would live shorter than his uncle Albus Dumbledore.

When the nest is overturned, how can there be any eggs? The sky is falling, but the tall man will stand up!

Unfortunately, Aurelius is both a member of the wizarding world and a future tall man.

There are some realities that he has to face.

"What's going on? Why do I suddenly approve of Grindelwald?" Aurelius raised his forehead.

Wow - wow -

A raven alighted on the eaves, and Aurelius shooed it away.

Mary hated everything about witches, even if it was just a bird that was said to accompany witches.

I don’t know what she went through to be so resistant to the ‘legendary’ wizard.

"Uh-" With a muffled groan, Aurelius almost stumbled. He grabbed the handrail of the stairs and covered his head with the other hand.

Mo Ran is causing trouble again.

Obscurus does not cause any harm to the body, but it provokes mental thinking all the time.

Since Silence went berserk yesterday, Aurelius has found that it has become harder to suppress it.

"It's almost... it's almost... it won't be long." Aurelius forced himself to clear those thoughts.

These are the prices he paid for a stronger Obscurus.

Moran became quiet again.

Aurelius rubbed his head with pain on his face: "Although I have been mentally prepared, this is too uncomfortable."

"Is there any way to relieve it?" Aurelius couldn't help but think.

Don't tell me, he really thought of it!

"Motla?!" Aurelius slapped his forehead.

Motla rat, XXX level magical animal. It looks like a big hairless mouse, with tumors resembling sea anemones growing on its head and back. A Motla rat bite can cause severe retching and even cause sparks to spray from the anus, which can last up to forty-eight hours.

Level XXX means that wizards with certain abilities can deal with it. Keywords: Have certain abilities!

By analogy, it is probably the threat that medium and large dogs pose to ordinary adult men.

It was because Jacob was bitten by a Motla rat that his memory was not immediately erased. From a certain perspective, it was a blessing in disguise.

But that's not the point.

In his previous life, because of a joke, Aurelius had checked these magical animals, um... as ingredients.

He remembered that squeezing tumors from the backs of Motla rats could treat some degree of trauma and relieve pain. And if it is cannoned and used in a special way, it can gain resistance against curses and bad luck.

"Resist the evil curse? Does Obscurus count?" Aurelius couldn't help but think.

Maybe worth a try!

He didn't expect that eating the tumors of the Motla rat would eliminate the Obscurus. If it were that simple, the Obscurus wouldn't be regarded as a wild beast.

Besides, the suffering he has suffered in the past few days is just for a powerful enough Obscurus. If it is eliminated, will his suffering be in vain?

Aurelius just hoped that this could alleviate some of his symptoms or enhance some resistance, allowing Obscurus to develop longer.

Again, it can also increase a little resistance to curses, right?

"No!" Aurelius suddenly shouted and ran out.

"Credence! Where are you going?" Chastity called him from behind.

"I'm going out!" Aurelius ran straight to the door with no intention of stopping.

If only I had known to mark Jacob.

Aurelius was a little annoyed, why didn't he think of it earlier?

The Magical Congress of Magnesium prohibits raising magical animals, which means that the one Newt brought may be the only one in New York or even the United States!

It is also the only target that Aurelius can possibly obtain.

The suitcase was taken away by Jacob, which was the best opportunity.

Aurelius, who is still in the developmental stage, does not want to meet Newt or Tina.

Once the suitcase is back in Newt's hands, the opportunity is gone.

And now...Tina and Newt are looking for Jacob all over the world!

"Come back! Credence! Credence!" Chastity shouted anxiously. She couldn't stop Aurelius, let alone shout out 'Mom is back'...

"Chastiti, what's going on?" Mary poked her head out of the kitchen in her apron.

Chastiti looked embarrassed, but facing Mary's scrutinizing gaze, Chastiti could only lower his head and said in a voice not much louder than a mosquito: "Credence... Credence just ran out. "

"Get out? Where did he go?" Mary looked unhappy. What happened to Credence? There have been more mistakes in the past few days than in the previous ten years!

"I think his skin is itchy, don't worry about him! Chastiti, tell the children that they are ready to eat." After saying that, Mary returned to the kitchen.

Chastity held the bell and was a little worried about Credence. His punishment tonight was inevitable.

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