Aurelius went into seclusion in France.

But across the strait in England, a pair of strangers reunited again because of him.

"What are you doing here?" Aberforth, who looked somewhat similar to Albus, opened a bar in Hogsmeade, the only wizarding village in Britain.

Hog's Head Bar.

This is a bar that looks as bad on the inside as it does on the outside.

A pig's head dripping with blood is the bar's LOGO. The bracket that hung the sign on a tattered wooden sign was also stained with rust.

The bar is not big, it can even be said to be small.

In the magic world where traceless stretch spells are widely used, it is rare that the outside space is as big as the inside space. Especially these stores.

The whole house was very dark, and there was a strong smell of mutton. Thick dirt accumulated on several windows, making these windows seem to be unable to function as windows themselves.

The several wine tables are also made of rough craftsmanship, but each one is shiny and shiny, and it is obvious that they have been plated with paste. But there are also advantages. The bright tabletop reflects the scattered candles on the table, making the bar not as dark as a cellar.

Can a bar like this have a business?

The bar looks more like a slaughterhouse than a tavern.

Hey - the business of this bar is much better than expected.

Discussing business over a wine table is not a Chinese exclusive.

It's hard to find a place for some less serious businesses, and the Pig's Head Bar is a good place.

No one is making trouble here, not because Aberforth's surname is Dumbledore, but most people don't even know that Aberforth's surname is Dumbledore.

Although Aberforth is not well known, most people don't even know that Albus Dumbledore has a younger brother. But Aberforth's talent cannot be ignored, and he himself is an archmage-level figure.

After all, he was the one who could get involved in the duel between Grindelwald and Albus even though they were several years apart. It’s okay if you don’t have some skills.

Aberforth, who was standing behind the bar wiping his wine glasses, looked at Albus with a cold face.

His brother, no one can deny this. But his brother is also the person he least wants to see, no one.

As for the other one, he wanted to kill him!

"You have a child, right?" Dumbledore stood in front of the bar. There were no customers in the bar at this time.

Aberforth grabbed the rag's hand and raised his head in confusion: "What are you talking about?"

Dumbledore saw the flash of color in his eyes. He didn't want to use Legilimency on his brother, which would only put their fragile and pitiful bond to the test again.

"A few days ago, an old friend of mine came to visit me, and he brought me a piece of news that shocked me - a man calling himself Dumbledore visited the Minister of Magic in Portugal more than two months ago. Very young, about eighteen or nineteen years old."

"This is impossible!" Aberforth said firmly.

Dumbledore stared at him, and Aberforth frowned and said: "They are already dead——"

"He lived and was adopted and raised by a Muggle." Dumbledore said.

"What?" Aberforth dropped the rag in his hand.

"This is my confirmed news. I have met him. On the family tree, there is his name, Aurelius Dumbledore." Dumbledore looked at him: "Tell me what happened, okay? Then I will tell you what I know. I’ll tell you.”

Aberforth shook his head and walked towards a private room in the bar, and Dumbledore followed.

The brothers were face to face. They hadn't talked like this for a long time.

"More than twenty years ago, in the Godric Valley, I met his mother. I was in a very bad mood at that time - you know why."

." Dumbledore acquiesced, of course because of that summer of 1899.

"She was very kind and stayed with me during my most painful years. Then... one day, eighteen, no, nineteen years ago, I went to look for her, but... I couldn't find her. She was expelled because she became pregnant out of wedlock." Aberforth's face, which looked like ice that had not melted for thousands of years, showed a hint of regret and pain.

"Nineteen years ago?" Dumbledore suddenly remembered something. Was it you who came back from Germany?"

"Yes..." Aberforth nodded, and he continued: "I wanted to find her. I apparated like crazy, searching every inch of Britain, but when I found her news, By that time, it had been more than a month since the shipwreck occurred."

"I don't know why she got on the ship to New York. She has no relatives or friends in the United States." Aberforth still can't figure it out until now.

"That's it?"

"That's it."

"What about Aurelius? The name."

Abu Fu thought for a moment. If there was anything he was proud of, it was his memory.

He could remember every guest he had. He can still remember things from decades ago.

"She talked to me and she said she liked the name Aurelius very much."

"Okay, I'm sorry, I don't want to peek into your sadness, but it's important." Dumbledore apologized softly, and then said, "I'll talk about the rest.

"Your child is still alive. He luckily escaped the shipwreck and was taken in by a Muggle family."

"That's good. It seems like he's doing well." Aberforth was absent-minded. A son he had never met? Far less impressive than the girl who slowly walked into his heart.

"No, my friend from Magnesium told me that he was abused when he was growing up. His adoptive mother was a Muggle who hated wizards extremely." At this point, Dumbledore paused. He didn't know what to tell his brother. .

"What?" Aberforth suddenly raised his head, he had a bad feeling.

A wizard who grew up abused by a wizard-hating family?

"He suppressed his magic..."

"Wait!" Aberforth stood up, holding the table with both hands, his veins bulging out, and he looked like he was exerting himself: "You don't want to tell me that he has become an Obscurial?"

Dumbledore nodded slowly.

"Are you kidding?! The Obscurus, even if he is really the Obscurus, how could he still be alive? (Well, Zhao)! He is at least nineteen years old!"

"I think his magic power must be very strong. Only in this way can he survive to this day."

Aberforth sat back blankly, his mind was a little confused and he didn't know what to do.

"I talked with him, and I offered to take him home, but... he refused. He knew his life experience but never thought about looking for it. I think... he didn't want one. An even more tragic ending." Dumbledore sighed.

"But the more this happens, the less I can do this. I can't pretend I haven't seen anything. He is our family, Aberforth, his child..."

"Okay, I understand, you can go, let me think about it." Aberforth covered his face with his hands and began to chase people away coldly.

Dumbledore stopped persuading him. He stood up and left with a complicated expression.

Aberforth stared at the dark ceiling and kept murmuring:


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