Magnesium Magical Congress, it’s still the same cell.

Abernethy opened the air vent on the iron door and looked at the rickety figure inside.

Grindelwald, half a year in prison, made him look miserable.

His long, messy white hair was disheveled, and his beard was long and untrimmed. He placed his hands flat on his thighs and looked up at the ceiling with his eyes wide open and bloodshot.

The annoying mosquitoes make a buzzing sound, which is his only entertainment.

The dark cell walls were lit by only a white light that flickered on and off.

The bloodthirsty mosquito smelled the smell of human blood. It pounced on it without hesitation, but it raised a scarlet barrier and was instantly melted.

A mosquito wing fell limply.

But Grindelwald was still looking at the ceiling, without even blinking.

It looked like his situation was worse than before.

Next to his feet, a little lizard-like six-legged guy was chained and wearing a mask, crawling around feebly.

Sheep-eating beast, also called Chupacabra. A dangerous little guy, but also a mysterious little creature.

As a magical animal, he was caught eating the lambs of herdsmen. He was convicted of this crime and was imprisoned and sentenced to three years in prison.

As for why the little guy who only stole a sheep lived in Grindelwald's cell, that is another story.

Sensing the movement, the little guy looked up at Abernathy, tilted his head, and a trace of doubt seemed to flash in his big eyes.

Abernethy smiled outside the door, and the little guy's eyes were also full of joy. Even the insect stumps that it always hated popped out with its long tongue and swallowed it in one gulp - um. "No."

Got it!

"I think you will be happy to get rid of him." In the strict prison corridor, Rudolf Spielman was walking with Ms. Picquery, the president of the Magic Congress.

Just today, Rudolf is going to escort Grindelwald from the Magical Congress of Magnesia back to Europe. He, the director of the International Magical Association's Prison Department, will personally carry out the execution, which shows that he attaches great importance to Grindelwald.

"I would be more happy to keep him locked up here." ” said Ms. Picqueli.

Every day Grindelwald was imprisoned in the Magic Congress, he would once again reiterate the grand deed of the Magic Congress. It was the Magic Congress that caught the most wanted criminal who was causing trouble in Europe and leaving the Ministry of Magic in dozens of countries helpless.

As for with Newt's help?

That's not important.

Although without Newt's sneak attack, these Aurors might have been defeated or even killed by Grindelwald, but what does that matter?

What's important is not the process, but the result, right?

Who captured Grindelwald? The Magical Congress of Magnesia.

Where is Grindelwald? The prison of the Magical Congress of Magnesium.

Sounds wonderful!

Rudolf said helplessly: "Six months is long enough, it's time for him to take responsibility for Europe's crimes.

"Chairman Picquery, Mr. Spearman, sir, the prisoners are under strict supervision and can be escorted at any time." Abernathy reported the situation.

Picquery nodded, stepped forward with Rudolph, and opened the air window.

Rudolf couldn't help but praise: "I think you have used enough security measures."

"It's all necessary means." Picquery said with some help: "This man was extremely powerful, and the guards had to be replaced three times. He was so deceptive, so his tongue was removed -"

Cut your tongue?!

Rudolph frowned, he was a little dissatisfied.

Just because he can confuse people, why would he cut off his tongue? Wouldn't it be possible to turn everything to stone? Wouldn't it be possible to use a silencing curse? Wouldn't it be possible to apply a transfiguration spell on his mouth?

Are you afraid that he will confuse people, or are you afraid of what he will say after being taken away?

Rudolph looked deeply at Picquery and did not ask any further questions.

It's none of his business, he just needs to take Grindelwald away safely.

"Grindelwald! Grindelwald!"

The prison is boiling!

As the embarrassed Grindelwald was restrained and escorted out by the Aurors in a twisted posture, countless prisoners shouted his name.


During the few months he was imprisoned here, even through word of mouth, Grindelwald won the enthusiastic support of everyone here.

Even though he has fallen to this level, he is still a high king and a noble leader in the eyes of these prisoners.

Rudolf felt shuddering, and he couldn't help but tighten his tight coat. It was obviously June, but he felt the bitter cold of December.

Grindelwald...this man is so terrible!

"Magic groups all over the world owe you a huge favor, Mr. Chairman Picquery." Standing at the top exit of the Magical Congress, there was a violent storm, lightning and thunder outside.

A prison car driven by eight Thestrals was ready to go.

This is a strange Pegasus creature that is as skinny as a stick, shaped like a horse, with a head like a giant dragon, and huge bat wings on its sides. Because of its ferocious appearance, white eyeballs without pupils, and weird features, its true appearance can only be seen by witnessing death. , was once regarded as an ominous sign.

An elite Auror who came with Rudolph was waiting with a flying broom in his hand.

What they were about to escort was the most dangerous dark wizard in the world. Even if he didn't have a wand and was bound by magic, they still didn't dare to be careless.

"...Don't underestimate him," Picqueri warned.

"Mr. Spearman," Abernathy came up from behind and handed the small suitcase in his hand to Rudolph: "We found the wand he hid.


Picquery looked at him doubtfully: "Abernethy?"

Abernathy paused, then stretched out his hand with slight hesitation: "And this.

It was a small pendant that looked like a small medicine bottle filled with red liquid. The silver hollow pattern looked very delicate, (come on) like it was made by a fairy. No one knew what the red liquid was. No wizard would dare to try it.

It seems to be well protected, which shows that Grindelwald attaches great importance to this small bottle, which must be very important to him.

When the small bottle was handed over to Rudolph, Grindelwald in the prison car looked at the roof of the carriage, where the smooth metal surface allowed him to see unclear images outside the car.

He frowned slightly, his meaning unclear——

As Rudolph got into the car with his things, a series of magic locks locked every gap in the car door. No one dared to be careless when facing Grindelwald.

Picqueri breathed a sigh of relief. God knows how much pressure she was under in the short period of time when she brought Grindelwald from the cell here.

it is finally over.

The two Aurors driving the carriage waved their whips, and the Thestrals flapped their wings.

Heavy rain is coming, and big things are about to happen!

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