Hogwarts: The Obscurial War School

64.Portuguese Ministry Of Magic

"You come from the Sirens? Two people and a magical animal?"

Staff from the Portuguese Ministry of Magic are checking the entry procedures of Aurelius and his party.

"Yes, our transportation is not illegal, right?" Aurelius said with a smile.

The staff shrugged, and the automatic quill stroked gracefully on the document: "It was no violation before entry, but not now. The only ones you can use are apparation and flying broomsticks."

Watch your horse, if it gets into trouble you'll be facing at least a year in jail. By the way, what are you doing here?"

"Travel, we are traveling around the world." Aurelius replied.

"Ha! Travel? Is it a graduation trip? It's so enviable. When I graduated, I also wanted to take my girlfriend to travel with me, but unfortunately we didn't save enough travel funds. Welcome to Portugal -" the staff said with a smile, holding in his hand Picking up the steel seal, he raised his head and asked, "I haven't asked your names yet.


"Aurelius Dumbledore." He wanted to use the last name Dumbledore, and of course he would not hide it.

"Okay, Nagini...Asian? The name is weird, Aurelius Dembu...what?" The steel seal in the staff's hand automatically changed letters, stamping two When poking and proofreading, he paused for a moment, raised his head and stared at Aurelius, his mouth wide open: "You...you..."

"Is something wrong-? Sir."

"No, you Blido?" the staff member said cautiously


"The British Dumbledore?"

"I don't know where there is another Dumbledore."

"Merlin's beard!" the staff member screamed strangely, wiping his palms on the clothes behind him twice, with an excited look on his face: "Mr. Dumbledore, it's nice to meet you."

"Um...you seem a little too excited."

"No, no, sir, I met Mr. Albus Dumbledore once when I was studying. His magnanimity and wisdom impressed me and I will never forget it. I graduated from Beauxbatons..."

Emotions are the fanboy of my cheap uncle.

But this is normal. Albus, like his old lover, has extraordinary charisma. Many wizards in the magical world worship both and are willing to follow them.

It's just that Albus Dumbledore doesn't need it.

"Welcome, welcome again to travel to Portugal, Mr. Dumbledore." He finally calmed down the little fan, and he respectfully handed over their documents.

"Thank you." Aurelius took the formalities and left the Ministry of Magic with Zuo Wu and Nagini.

"I didn't expect that I would get the credit. The influence of the name Dumbledore is greater than I thought." Aurelius couldn't help but sigh.

You know, Lao Dengtou is not at the peak of his reputation yet, and he has not yet experienced that duel that will go down in history.

But even so, as a relative of Dumbledore, he received such warm courtesy from the Ministry of Magic in a country.

Four words: So terrifying!

"This is troublesome!" Nagini said with a smile: "You don't want to have anything to do with the family, but now, you owe a huge favor."

Aurelius said jokingly: "You also owe me a favor."

"It doesn't matter, I'm relying on you." Nagini smiled brightly, a smile of freedom and hope that shocked the world, and Aurelius couldn't help but feel a little dizzy.

He is not a pornographic person, but he is a normal man.

Appreciation, purely appreciation.

"Let's go, we need to find a place to stay first." With a slight cough, Aurelius said, holding the magic map that the staff just gave him.

The Portuguese magic world is sparsely populated, with less than a thousand wizards in total.

Although it was an independent Ministry of Magic, Aurelius really didn't understand the use of gaining support from such a weak Ministry of Magic.

But considering that it was none of his business, he didn't bother to talk.

Bay Tavern.

This is the only wizarding hotel in the Ministry of Magic in Portugal.

To be honest, the environment is not good.

When he checked in, he even saw spider webs in the corners of the room.

If it weren't for the fact that he had no choice but to choose Aurelius, he would have turned around and left.

But even so, he has decided to live in his suitcase.

The space inside the suitcase is definitely not comparable to Newt's, but it is still enough to accommodate three bedrooms and a living room.

However, one of the rooms has been transformed into a study room by Aurelius, which is filled with various books.

…Please give me flowers…

There are dark magic books he got from the Magical Congress, as well as books he bought from the bookstore in Wally's Cave [as well as the ones he bought from the Siren Bookstore a few days ago and the blood curse he got from Tina Sebastian Orc Research Notes.

Aurelius loved reading very much, a habit he had developed in his hospital bed in his previous life.

Not only magic books, but also a large number of books about local customs and customs.

Aurelius's biggest flaw is his unfamiliarity with this magical world. Don't talk about the plot, what's more plot? The plot is just about a few people and things in this world.

Knowing the plot is indeed his advantage, but he cannot take the plot as everything.

In fact, Aurelius felt that the plot was no longer reliable.

After sorting out a room for Nagini, the living room was occupied by the big cat Zuowu.

Sitting in the study and carefully reading the research notes of Tina Sebastian's grandfather and father, Nagini stroked the cat with one hand and stayed aside quietly, and the years were quiet.

"The blood curse...an ancient curse may have been lost now - it was said that it might be lost two hundred years ago. This is not good news." Aurelius traced a line of text with his fingertips, He frowned and muttered to himself.

If you want to study a magic spell, the most direct way is to find out how to cast it.

The bad thing is that the blood curse is a typical ancient black magic, and most of the existing blood curse orcs have inherited it. Many wizards have never even heard of the term blood-cursed orcs, let alone blood-cursed.

Most of the existing blood curses may not be the kind of blood curse orcs, because this kind of blood curse has obvious flaws.

It's not immediacy. Such an evil curse must be used with a certain degree of hatred. Of course, with such a great hatred, one hopes to get immediate revenge.

But it would take more than twenty years for the blood-cursed orcs to completely complete the effects of the curse. This did not meet the demands of those who cast spells, so they were slowly abandoned and eliminated.

The same goes for other blood curses. Although they have the 'advantage' of causing harm to future generations, their slow effectiveness is also the main reason why they are on the verge of being lost.

There is no casting information for the blood curse, which undoubtedly creates a huge problem for cracking the blood curse. .

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