Hogwarts: The Obscurial War School

53.There Is An Old Saying In China

Aurelius doesn't care what this Tina Sebastian wants to do, and it has nothing to do with him.

His goal is clear, to find a replacement for the Crystal Hub and to arm the children who are practicing in the orphanage.

But it won't be easy, and Aurelius is ready to spend a year or even years looking for it.

In addition to this most important goal, there are also some smaller goals.

The problem of the Blood Curse Orcs needs to be solved, and the Legilimency Orc version needs to be solved.

But these boil down to recruiting subordinates and followers.

He wanted to solve the problem of exposure to the wizarding world that was almost destined to happen in the future. Just thinking about it was not enough. Did he want to shrink into a school like Dumbledore? Don’t agree with anyone who wants to do something, but can’t come up with an idea of ​​your own?

He doesn't want it.

If he wants to change, he must have power.

right! Use authority and inducement.

All his actions revolve around this center, Sebastian? Before they meet, it's none of his business!

Siren City is neither his destination nor his goal.

It’s very messy here, which is perfect for profiting from the chaos, but it’s not messy enough…

The performances in the next few days were uneventful, and Aurelius just signed up this lamia, who was hot on the outside and cold on the inside.

His focus is still on communicating with Nagini and learning Legilimency.

Aurelius' life seems to have entered a stable cycle, but in the prison of the Magic Congress of New York, an extraordinary transformation is taking place.

Each of the cold cages held a felon.

Those who can be locked up here are criminals with heinous crimes.

Unlike Azkaban in the UK, Azkaban is an isolated desert island offshore. Thousands of years ago, it was the fortress of a dark wizard called Extis, who loved to lure Muggle sailors to the island and then brutally torture them to death while they survived the disaster.

I don’t know why, but wizards always like to transform some of the original wizard’s fortresses into prisons.

The prisons of the Magical Congress are different. Although wizards set foot in America much earlier than Muggles, there is still no history to speak of compared to the wizarding world in other regions.

The several moves of the MAC address have also made it difficult for prison guards to take care of them.

Therefore, the prison of the Magic Congress was simply built underground under the Magic Congress, just like the hell in Chinese legends.

The further down you go, the tighter the guards are and the more heinous the criminals living here are.

A white-haired man, a little embarrassed - this is natural, anyone who has been imprisoned for several months will become like this.

His long hair was unkempt and his beard was unkempt.

But his eyes never changed.

"I will always remember December 30, 1926, the day I was sentenced to life imprisonment and put in this cell."

His deep voice seemed to pull everyone listening into his story in an instant:

"I have no regrets or regrets, but I am still reflecting on why I went to prison? I am a wizard, for the greater good, why? Why are so many wizards against me, and even fabricate facts to put me in jail? Me in jail?”

"I don't understand!" He sighed, but soon became emotional: "But I was never lost, and I started to try to find the answers to these questions -"

He said to himself: "From where? From this life of mine——"

"I was lucky enough to grow up on the banks of the Danube River. That place is so beautiful. I spent my childhood carefree. At that time, I had no worries, no goals, and no ideals."

"Everything changed when I was eleven years old... Yes, I received an offer from Durmstrang."

"I discovered my talent, and I'm so proud! I'm so proud! In the magical world of magic, I was born to be a king, and I began to follow the footsteps of magic, but unfortunately, those mediocre people don't understand."

"Until I met him - a confidant and a partner. We were the same age and had the same talents. We saw through this decadent world. We talked about magic, criticized the system, and found something we could fight for all our lives. Target."

Finally, his soliloquy elicited a response.

A young voice couldn't help but ask: "What is your goal? Is it to break the law of confidentiality? Sir...Mr. Grindelwald."

Grindelwald? !

Yes, this embarrassed figure is none other than the unruly and arrogant Gellert Grindelwald not long ago!

"Abernethy, you are an excellent young man. You are very sensitive. Am I really a born destructor? Or am I really a born bad person who likes bad pranks?" Grindelwald shook the specially made shackles and shook his head. Standing up unsteadily.

"No, I, I don't think you are. We have been together for nearly a year, sir." Abernathy held hands, and his thin voice came from the narrow gap in the cage.

Grindelwald looked at him with his iconic eyes: "Abernethy, I have been thinking about a question. We are wizards. We are born with magical power... Muggles and No-Majs, they are weak. Like an ant, even a first-grade child can easily kill them."

"Then... why? Why do powerful wizards hide like mice in this small place, euphemistically called the magical world, while weak Muggles can control the world with peace of mind?"

"Because... because..." Abernathy's voice became lower and lower, and he found that he could not find a reason at all!

"Because of the secrecy law?" Abernathy himself said without confidence.


This is also the common denominator of most people in the wizarding community today. On the one hand, they despise Muggles and think that Muggles who do not understand magic are just a bunch of ants. On the other hand, because of their age, they know almost nothing about the origin and history of the Statute of Secrecy.

Even now, most wizards still don't understand why an anti-wizard organization is named 'Second Salem'.

This is the consequences.

There is an old Chinese saying: Read history to clarify your aspirations, and know the past to learn from the present.

Sadly, wizards, at least most wizards, don't read history.

Of the eleven magic schools in the world, only five have a History of Magic course, and only one has History of Magic as a required course. And this is the only school that requires history of magic, just because - they can't fire a veteran teacher who has been there since the school was founded, because once he loses this obsession, he will disappear.

Aurelius did not understand this current situation, and had a reasonable suspicion that the creator of this world hated history lessons and did this intentionally.

But the fact is that wizards will not learn any lessons from history - not even the lesson of not learning any lessons from history itself!

(PS: It’s well known that Rowling hates history classes. As for the rest... I made it up. Don’t ask, it’s just for the plot. Also, don’t wait. I deleted the next two chapters. I think there’s something wrong with the writing. I guess it’s at least ten points. It’s after two o’clock. Go to bed early and get up early to be healthy. Let’s see tomorrow.)

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