Jingle Bell--

The bell in front of the coffee shop rang.

The anxious Queenie walked in with her bag and came to the opposite side of Aurelius.

"Never mind his business, whatever you want to do," Queenie said.

"Don't be so nervous, Ms. Goldstein, please sit down. I just want to talk to you about something." Aurelius stirred the coffee.

here we go again!

That tone again!

Queenie felt aggrieved because he had spoken in this tone the day they first met.

"What do you want me to do?" Queenie asked directly.

Jacob's brain was unable to guard against Queenie, and it was not unusual for Queenie to know about the conversation between Jacob and Aurelius.

"I would like to ask you to look after a child for me." Aurelius said.

"Child? Why?"

"Modesti, a child from the orphanage, is a girl. For some reason, I suspect that she may be a little wizard. I just want to confirm with you to see if she has had any magical riots." O'Reilly Us picked up the cup and took a sip. Eh~ It’s so bitter!

Sure enough, he still can't be a foreigner, and he really can't appreciate this bitter coffee.

"Just for this?"

"Of course that's why."

"Chairman Picquery will go crazy. There are two wizard children living in No-Maj society." Queenie breathed a sigh of relief and was in the mood to joke.

"Not necessarily, I just doubt it, otherwise I wouldn't let you confirm it." Aurelius corrected her statement.


"Look at you, you are the one with less time." Aurelius said.

"Then now."

Mayorlis Orphanage.

"How's it going?" Aurelius accompanied Queenie and quietly walked out of the room where the children rested.

"She...is not a wizard." Queenie said softly.


Queenie looked at Aurelius with a complicated expression: "She had a wand that was left behind by her grandfather before he died, but she lost it."

Aurelius paused, "What else?"

"She is a descendant of the Purifiers, or a descendant of wizards before the Magical Congress was established." The words basically ended here.

Aurelius took out his wand and fumbled with his fingers, as if saying to himself: "I wonder why it looks so familiar..."

"Is there anything else?" Queenie asked aloud.

"Yes, I would like to ask, isn't it forbidden for wizards to interact with No-Majs in the Magnesium Kingdom's magical world? Why... why did you go to Kowalski incognito?" Aurelius couldn't restrain his curiosity and asked.

Queenie's lips moved but she said nothing.

"And he doesn't remember you at all. He doesn't even remember those magical beasts and that little freckled Newt Scamander. Why would you risk punishment?"

"He forgot me, but I didn't forget him." Queenie finally left a sentence.

Just when Queenie took out her wand and was about to leave, Aurelius suddenly spoke:

"Queenie, if - I mean if, there is a chance for you to be together openly, how much can you give?"


It came out almost subconsciously.

Aurelius smiled and looked at her meaningfully: "If you are willing to believe me - although I don't know why I should let you believe it, but if, if you are willing to believe me, there will be such a day of."

Queenie's eyes sparkled: "Really?!"

"What if..." Aurelius shrugged.

"Okay, if!" Queenie nodded heavily and disappeared into the courtyard.

"Huh -" Aurelius stretched: "The result is not bad. It solved a question and planted a seed."

Recalling Queenie's determination just now, Aurelius couldn't help but clicked his tongue.

The love brain is so scary!

Especially a love brain witch.

But this also gave him the opportunity to become a born Legilimency master, perhaps the only one in the world.

This is real talent. If you want to achieve great things, talent is very important.

"By the way... talents, it seems there are a lot of talents!" Aurelius suddenly thought of a person - Nagini!

Nagini is beautiful - it doesn't matter.

Nagini is a bloodcursed orc - that's what matters.

The so-called blood-cursed orcs are a curse originating from blood. In the early stages, these blood-cursed orcs were like natural Animagus, able to switch freely between humans and beasts.

As time goes by, the blood-cursed orcs will gradually be controlled by their animal nature, and they will remain as beasts for longer and longer, until they completely forget their human identity and live as a beast.

Aurelius was interested in the bloodspelled orcs.

As far as he knew, there were not many blood-cursed orcs around the world.

He is different from other wizards. Faced with the terrible ending of the blood-cursed orcs, wizards are afraid, frightened, and alienated.

But in Aurelius's eyes, he only saw the tyranny of the blood-cursed orcs.

A born Animagus!

Compared with ordinary Animagus, the beast form of the blood-cursed orc has great growth potential and has very good combat power.

In the future, Nagini, who has completely turned into a beast, is made into a Horcrux by Voldemort. Her combat power is also quite amazing, at least ordinary wizards can easily defeat her.

As long as that bad side effect can be avoided, the combat effectiveness of the bloodcursed orcs will only be stronger with the power of intelligent beasts possessing humans.

Another point is that the beast forms of the blood-cursed orcs are all kinds of strange, and these beast forms themselves can cope with different situations. Outside of combat, it can also play a unique role.

The last point is that the life span is long enough!

Wizards say that blood-cursed orcs will eventually turn into beasts. This is not true!

Nagini was now in her twenties. She survived until 1998, and was killed by the Gryffindor instead of dying of old age.

A hundred-year-old snake? Isn't this a little basilisk?

It is easy to understand that the longer the life span, the more valuable it is to cultivate.

The blood-cursed orcs were abandoned by the world, but this was Aurelius' opportunity.

The premise is... he can solve the tragic side effects of the blood-cursed orcs.

"Hmm... It seems I really have to go to the circus. That little circus is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers."

Literally - hidden dragon and crouching tiger!

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