"Child! Do you know me? My name is Graves... I know you are in pain, I can save you! Is it uncomfortable to have it in your body? Come on, follow me, I can save you, I can take you to a world you’ve never seen before!”

Grindelwald stood in the square, holding his wand upside down, with his hands open, and spoke emotionally.

However, his performance failed to make Obscurus feel the same, but it made Newt, who just arrived, confused.


Grindelwald has no time to talk to Newt now, and he doesn't care whether he is exposed or not. Obscurus is right in front of him!


There was a scream in the black fog, and a strong wind blew up and knocked the unsuspecting Grindelwald away.

For a moment, Aurelius wanted to kill him, but he suppressed this idea.

Grindelwald, who seemed to have no resistance, faced the attack of Obscurus, but his expression remained normal. This was definitely not the expression he should have at this time.

He hesitated for a moment, and Aurelius was extremely glad that he hesitated!

The wand in Grindelwald's hand shone brightly.

An unknown magic spell actually withstood the black mist's attack, just like a dementor blocked by the patron saint spell, unable to move in!

"Child, I know you are in pain, relax...relax! I can save you -" Grindelwald did not do anything more. He maintained the spell while speaking in his bewitching voice.


Newt, who was hiding behind a car, was staring at the standoff between Grindelwald and Obscurus when he suddenly heard Tina's voice. He turned his head and Tina followed.

"Osculus went berserk!" Newt shouted amid the storm caused by the standoff between Grindelwald and Obscurus.

"What should we do? Kill him? That's a child!" Tina responded loudly.

Newt was very anxious. He had seen Obscurus and even watched the girl die tragically.

He didn't want to see the death of another child, but his knowledge told him that when Obscurus went berserk and even devoured its host, there was no hope!

He couldn't say it. Declaring a child destined to die was difficult for this caring and introverted magizoologist, especially with the unbearable look he looked at Tina.


The painful screams came again.

"Save the child!" Tina didn't wait for Newt, the expert, to speak. She directly grabbed the words and rushed towards the back of 'Graves' with her wand raised.

Grindelwald is concentrating on appeasing the 'Oscurus'. Although this Obscurus is just the outer body of Aurelius, it still has stronger power than the ordinary Obscurus.

He didn't notice that Tina behind him raised her wand.

Grindelwald is Grindelwald, worthy of the title of the most dangerous dark wizard.

The moment the curse was activated, Grindelwald instantly dodged and avoided Tina's attack.

But he was unable to maintain the magic to resist the Obscurus' attack.

Obscurus stepped forward bravely, but Grindelwald was one against two and never lost. Even for an intact Obscurus, he did not use any magic spell that might harm the Obscurus.

"Tina, you always appear where others least expect to see you!"

But Tina ignored his words. She knew that she was no match for 'Graves', so she could only try her best to delay his actions.

"Let's go!" Tina Alexander, feeling the extreme pressure of her old boss for the first time, couldn't help shouting at Obscurus.

"Go? Go there!" Grindelwald snorted, casting a spell with one hand to target Tina with all his strength, and raising the wand with the other hand to issue a spell and cast the unknown spell again to stop Obscurus.


Casting spells without a wand!

He was able to resist the full power of an elite Auror with his wandless spellcasting!

"Expelliarmus!" Newt's support has arrived!

Grindelwald no longer has any hands, and Newt's spell is almost a fixed target.

Even a third-grade student can't miss!


"Get out!" Grindelwald roared angrily, surging magic power flashing in his mouth.

With just one 'get out', Newt's spell was shattered? !

Wang Defa? !

Aurelius, who was hiding in the dark, was shocked. He thought about the two super masters Grindelwald and Dumbledore, but he didn't expect them to be so strong!

So scary!

Aurelius had a chilling feeling that Grindelwald was more powerful than he expected.

He even couldn't help but have the idea of ​​taking this opportunity to kill Grindelwald altogether. Being targeted by such a terrifying demon king, Aurelius couldn't sit still!

Just when Aurelius was secretly thinking of a dirty trick, the Aurors arrived!

Dozens of elite Aurors came from all over New York.

As soon as he arrived, he saw the besieged Commander Graves.

Another look at the attacker——

Newt Scamander - the fugitive!

Tina Goldstein - Fugitive!

The dark monster—the Obscurial One!

"Do it! Save Chief Graves!" Not only did someone shout, but dozens of Aurors took action at the same time, and dozens of curses struck him.

Tina and Newt are at best as good as one or two of these Aurors, how can they escape this curse?

In just a moment, Tina was knocked away, while Newt, who was more alert due to his years of adventure, rolled on the ground. Although he was a little embarrassed, he also escaped the attack.

"No!" Grindelwald's eyes widened, but he couldn't stop dozens of curses.

The silence that he had been thinking about for a long time was shattered by a large number of magic spells.

The cloud-like Obscurus was torn into pieces, dissipating like embers...

"No!" Grindelwald roared angrily, his eyes looking for a knife could not be hidden, "A bunch of idiots! Do you know what you just did?"

The Aurors were frightened by Grindelwald's eyes, and they felt more confused.

They didn't understand why they got so angry when they helped their commander.

"Killing the Obscurial is my order, Mr. Graves." Chairman Picquery walked over from behind expressionlessly.

"Yes," Grindelwald wiped his hair back undisturbed with both hands, "History will also record it, Your Excellency."

"What happened here tonight is unreasonable and ruthless!" Grindelwald did not care that Picqueri was the president of the Magic Congress and almost accused and questioned him.

"He is responsible for the deaths of those No-Majs, responsible for this disaster, responsible for the coming war! He exposed all wizards, and he caused an unprecedented impact on our sacred laws!" Ms. Picquery Don't hesitate to speak.

"That law makes us like rats surrendering to the sewer! That law makes us hide our true selves! That law makes those under its jurisdiction cower in fear, lest our identities will be exposed!" Grindelwald was angry, He walked towards Picquery, who was surrounded by Aurors, step by step, and each step made his momentum increase exponentially.

Every step is like stepping hard on the hearts of those present——

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