Hogwarts: The Obscurial War School

18. The Wand And The Helmet

Second Salem.

"Okay, children, go back to bed first." Aurelius used a gentle voice to send the tired children to the backyard.

Second Salem is actually very big, big enough to house hundreds of orphans.

This used to be the church's almshouse, but under Mary's deliberate intervention, she became the owner of the almshouse. Only the almshouse could take in hundreds of children without any trouble.

Since the main building was destroyed, although there was no collapse, the big hole in the ceiling had already made the main body crumbling.

Of course, Aurelius couldn't let the children live in a dangerous house. Although he didn't mind killing, he was not a murderer.

There were a lot of killings tonight. Even if he didn't do it himself, it was still the result of his deliberate indulgence.

More than half of New York was destroyed, and one could only imagine how many people would be buried under the rubble.

He didn't want anything to happen again.

"Chastity, take good care of the children. Let them squeeze in for a few days. I will go to the insurance company. Mary has paid the insurance." After Aurelius sent the children to other rooms, he followed Chasti. Stiti said.

Chastiti pursed her lips and just nodded without saying a word or asking anything else.

Aurelius also breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't ask. It was best not to ask.

He straightened his clothes and planned to go out again. He monitors Tina and makes a discovery.

"You want to go out?" Chasti asked.

Aurelius touched her hair and smiled: "Don't worry, Chastiti, it was just a nightmare. When I woke up, it was still the warm sunshine——"

A sixteen-year-old girl...it's hard for her.

Aurelius stepped into the ruins of the main building and was about to leave, but suddenly his mind moved.

He had a minor question and wanted to take the opportunity to get some explanation.

With a movement of his body, he appeared on the second floor in a blink of an eye.

That's Modesty's room.

Modesty was Mary's favorite child before. Mary adopted her from a family of twelve because she couldn't afford to raise them because there were too many children.

It is also the child that Credence, the predecessor, thinks is the child Graves is looking for.

This little girl is very strange.

Somewhat lonely, I often sing the song "Witch's Broom" and hopscotch when I'm alone.

In the original plot, Credence found a small wooden stick that looked like a wand from under her bed. This was the direct reason why Mary wrongfully accused Credence and caused Credence to lose control and kill her.

"Is it a magic wand?" Aurelius longed for a magic wand. Although he had the super power of Obscurus, he still knew nothing about magic.

The prerequisite for casting spells is a wand. You can't expect Aurelius, who has never even started magic, to learn to cast spells without a wand.

The atomized hand pulled out a small wooden stick from under Modesty's bed, and a strange feeling burst out from the bottom of her heart.

"Is it really a wand?" Aurelius murmured. Although he had never seen a real wand, it looked similar and had this wonderful feeling. He couldn't think of any other possibility other than a wand.

Is Modesty a wizard?

Why does she really have a wand?

Aurelius had countless questions in his heart.

He thought it might be necessary to get to the bottom of it.

But not now, not today.

It was a rare opportunity, and he had to find a way to get some magic books.

Rolling up his wand, Aurelius turned into black mist and escaped under the cover of night.

Brownstone Apartments.

The owner of this apartment is Mrs. Esposito, an old lady with eccentricities who hates single female tenants bringing men back.

Tina Goldstein and her sister Queenie Goldstein lived here.

Through the marks on Tina's body, Aurelius could easily know where they lived.

At this moment, Tina, Newt, and Jacob were imprisoned in the temporary prison of the Magic Congress, and only Queenie Goldstein was worried at home.

"Why haven't you come back yet?" Queenie was wearing some thin pajamas, lying on the window sill with her chin in her hands, her beautiful face looked nervous, and she felt a bit like Xi Zi's European and American limited edition.


A strange gust of wind blew the screen window, and Queenie seemed unaware.

Compared to her former Auror sister, Queenie behaved in a harmless way, especially in terms of vigilance and tactical literacy.

If her natural Legilimency hadn't told her that there was a chaotic and dark soul behind her, she wouldn't have noticed that there was an uninvited guest in her room.

"Who are you?" Queenie was a little nervous.

This was an emotion she rarely felt.

Nervousness and fear come from the unknown, and for a natural Legilimency master, no one can hide their thoughts in front of Queenie.

Except...the person in front of me.

He looked very young, with unhealthy fair skin, thin, and seemingly harmless appearance.

Queenie, who may have insight into the soul, regards it as a great horror!

That dark, chaotic mind, and countless terrifying thoughts impacted Queenie's mind, causing a dull pain that even made her cry out in pain...

"Queenie Goldstein, a born Legilimens, doesn't she know why I'm here?" Aurelius said with a false smile.

"I, I can't hear what you are saying...ah! It hurts!" Queenie covered her head. The more she wanted to know what the person in front of her was thinking, the more chaotic thoughts destroyed her brain.

"Haha - it seems that my guess is right, no one can penetrate my memory and thoughts." Aurelius chuckled.

He's not immune to Legilimency, of course, but Obscurus is.

A chaotic mass of dark energy without will, what does the Legilimency read? The more you read, the faster you go crazy!

This was what Aurelius thought of after the contract was silent, but since there was no confirmation, he did not dare to use it rashly in front of Grindelwald.

Then, he thought of Tina's sister. A natural Legilimency master is more powerful than an ordinary Legilimency master, and Queenie's own combat effectiveness is far inferior to Grindelwald.

If even Queenie was immune to Legilimency, Grindelwald wouldn't be able to peer into his brain. And if he wasn't immune to Legilimency... it would be much easier to kill Queenie than to silence Grindelwald.

Fortunately, Aurelius confirmed his guess. He only needed to change his brain into the form of Obscurus to be immune to or even damage Legilimency!

Queenie, on the other hand, unknowingly escaped a fatal disaster.

“I’ll give you a piece of advice, don’t have the idea of ​​peeking into my brain——”

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