
What to talk about?

Of course it’s a matter of the contract of sale!

Apart from themselves, what did Aurelius care about in this group of Pharaoh's guards?

Aurelius is short of people, very short of people.

In addition to the orphans of Majoris, Aurelius successively targeted the blood-cursed orcs and the outlaws of the Nine Siren Cities.

Now the Blood Curse Orcs are showing some signs of progress, and they are only one step away from solving the Blood Curse problem, but the invasion of the Nine Siren Cities has not yet begun.

How could Aurelius turn a blind eye to the twelve thousand pharaoh's guards who came to his door?

The Pharaoh's guards were a very special group of people.

They do not have supernatural powers, but their inheritance of more than three thousand years allows them to know that supernatural powers exist in this world, and they have even witnessed them with their own eyes.

In Aurelius' mind, these Pharaoh's guards were somewhere between Muggles and Squibs.

Muggles don't know the existence of the magical world, but the Pharaoh's Guards know it, but they are not as good as Squibs, because Squibs just can't cast spells. Magic aimed at Muggles, such as the Muggle Expelling Curse, does not work on Squibs, but it does on the Pharaoh's Guards. useful.

This is Aurelius’s classification of human beings—a classification based on their participation in magic.

But this classification is only Aurelius' classification of different groups. It does not represent class divisions.

Aurelius never liked class divisions. He also has no idea of ​​seeking superiority over others of his own kind.

What kind of hero is there?

Due to Aurelius' personal reasons, he has no reputation among wizards. It is impossible to respond to everything like Grindelwald or Dumbledore, unless he goes back to the old path of the two and spends decades cultivating his own reputation.

But this is something Aurelius can't do because he doesn't have time.

In addition to wizards, Aurelius controls another supernatural power system - the summoner.

The inheritance of the War College gave Aurelius more choices. Without the inheritance of the War College, Squibs and other Muggles can only be cheerleaders and cannot play any major role in the wizard's war.

Without the inheritance of the War College, wizards would be the product of bloodline theory, and there would be no means of transcending classes. Aurelius will not participate in the changes in the magic world at all.

But he does!

Meditation on being reborn and "Code of Blades" can allow Muggles to have magic power. Muggles with magic power are no longer Muggles, but squibs.

Squib sounds like a derogatory term. But in fact, if all Muggles become dumb, individuals will have the qualifications to resist wizards. Because those Muggle-specific spells are useless!

Lacking spellcasting ability, Aurelius' summoner system will be able to work. Let the squib gain a combat power that can compete with the wizard.

The power of the summoner system is that it is independent of bloodline and can give everyone a fair opportunity.

Now hundreds of children in the Mayoris Orphanage have become mutes. As long as there is a summoning object, they can instantly become equal to the wizard.

Hundreds of wizard children... Hogwarts is nothing more than that!

But they are just children, not ready to fight.

And right in front of Aurelius, there were these twelve thousand well-trained soldiers!

In just one or two years, this will be a terrifying army that can sweep across the entire magical world!

Due to the current world situation, Aurelius cannot extend his hand into the Muggle army, so the Pharaoh's Guards are something he cannot give up no matter what.

A deal, a fair deal!

Aurelius decided to help the Pharaoh's Guards deal with Immorton, liberating the mission that had bound them for three thousand years, and as a price, the twelve Guards would be led by Aurelius.

There is no doubt about their loyalty.

Pharaoh Seti I had been dead for three thousand years, and the last pharaoh, Cleopatra, had been dead for nineteen hundred years. The pharaoh's guards all served him loyally. Time has proven their loyalty!

"Angbuli Wu Bao! Why did I never know that the museum has an underground space...?" Evelin exclaimed.

Terrence Bay and Eddie Bay let most of the Pharaoh's guards go back to their homes, and Eddie's guards escorted Immorton and them back to Cairo.

The Egyptian Antiquities Museum is the home of Terrence Bey and the station of the Pharaoh's guards in Cairo.

In fact, the trio should be expelled. O'Connor and Jonathan wanted to stay away after being taught a lesson, but Evelin, a stubborn woman, insisted on helping.

"We are all cursed! (Li De) was hunted by Immorton! We can't pretend that we don't know anything.

"Those guys will take care of it!"

"It's our fault and you expect someone else to save your life?"

Thus, O'Connor and Jonathan were convinced.

Eddie didn't like these three troublemakers and didn't want them to help, but Terrence suggested to the new boss Aurelius: "Master, Evelin's knowledge of ancient Egypt is harder than even mine." It’s unparalleled, if possible, I hope to get Evelin’s help.”

So, Evelin was brought, along with two followers.

"I just take care of you for your father's sake, it doesn't mean I will tell you my secret."

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