Hogwarts: The Most Decent White Wizard In History!

61. Cedric Is Surrounded By Beauties

Three beeps sounded in Cedric's ears one after another.

[Ding, moved Luna Lovegood successfully. 】

[You get bonus talent points +1, Luna Lovegood character template card. 】

Template Card: Luna Lovegood

Talent: Super Perception (newly added talent, initially A level) Third-rate master wizard (magic +5 points, upper limit 80 points.)

Super Perception Talent Description: This skill allows you to have extraordinary perception and insight, and be more sensitive to fluctuations in magic power!

Life wish list:

Item 1: Promote naysayer newspapers and periodicals (promote to at least 100 people.)

By completing this wish list, you can upgrade your super perception talent to S level.

The second item: Take her to explore or tell her more mysteries of the magical world (botany, zoology, secret treasures, anecdotes, etc., currently complete 0%.)

Completing this wish list will prevent this template card from occupying the slot of the template card.

Item 3: Silently accompany her to do meaningful things. (No need to say much, just accompany me silently.)

Complete this wish list to receive rewards such as experience points, gold Galleons, and medicinal herbs.

"She is indeed a charming girl!"

Cedric couldn't help but sigh.

"Even the life wish list of the character template is different from others. Of course, it is very unique to be able to determine life wishes at such a young age!"

"Anyway, it's so different!"

In the original work.

This is a girl who relies on her unique charm and is still as popular as Hermione even if she appears very late.

She is very unique.

If you like her, then you will definitely not like her in an ordinary way, but like her very much.

Cedric is looking forward to meeting her.

The fact that her character panel can be activated is probably related to Mr. Slughorn's request to publish his own news.

Sure enough, she really liked the newspaper founded by her father.

[Ding, "747" moved Remus John·John·Lupin to succeed. 】

[You get bonus talent points +1, Remus John·John·Lupine character template card. 】

Template Card: Remus John·John·Lupin

Talent: Second-rate master wizard (magic +5 points, upper limit 85 points.) Black magic defense proficiency (white wizard camp value +1, black wizard camp value +1.)

Life wish list:

The first item: completely get rid of the werewolf curse.

After completing this wish list, your magic power will increase from +5 to +10 points, with a maximum of 85 points.

Item 2: Own a home.

Completing this wish list will prevent this template card from occupying the slot of the template card.

Item 3: Take good care of Harry.

By completing this wish list, you can upgrade your Dark Magic Defense Mastery (white wizard alignment value +2, black wizard alignment value +2)

"Professor Lupine is the most peaceful and kind-hearted among the four!"

Cedric had mixed feelings about him.

The first is compassion.

In Greek, Lupin means bitter.

The name predicts that Lupin will be gray and bitter throughout his life!

He is the kindest person in the group of predators.

He is a rare wizard among werewolves, possessing qualities such as integrity, kindness, and love.

Among the Defense Against the Dark Arts professors Harry had ever encountered, Professor Hao was a rare person who was capable, yet also humble and had a sense of humor.

See his character template.

Cedric once again thought of the love Dumbledore talked about!

After learning the symphony spell.

He has a more personal experience of the invisible and intangible emotional power.

Lupin's life experience.

It seems to better support this.

He was infected by a werewolf at the age of ten. As a person who was forced to accept the white eyes and loneliness, he did not become a cynical misanthrope in the end.

The friendship the Marauders gave him was extremely important.

There is such a record in the original work that Lupine was very violent when he first transformed into a werewolf.

But with the company of friends.

Gradually, after transforming into a werewolf, Lupine was able to remain peaceful while transforming into a werewolf.

Even let Lupine have it.

Humility, bravery and a sense of humor that are rarely found among werewolves.

"Maybe? The werewolf curse is also an emotion? Or if I can collect love to completely cancel the werewolf curse."

"Or pull away?"

Emotions are not completely unextractable.

Think of the Philosopher's Stone.

It extracts all the emotions of Teacher Nicoléme and his wife and turns them into one of the main materials for making the elixir of life.

Detach from your emotions.

It is even one of the necessary conditions for the creation of magic stones!

Cedric immediately tried to start the deduction.

[New deduction project. 】

[Project name: The extraction of love emotions and alchemical creation. 】

[Estimated time: 1200 months. 】

Good guy, why don’t you just start with a hundred years?

This is on par with the deduction of the Philosopher's Stone. Could it be that the key technology for making the Philosopher's Stone is emotional detachment?

Cedric took a breath, and then tried another plan.

[New deduction project. 】

[Project name: Werewolf Curse extracts alchemical creations. 】

[Estimated time: 2400 months. 】


It seems that it really is possible!

In this way, Cedric became more motivated to research.

After trying several times in a row.

He finally found the least time-consuming deduction:

[New deduction project. 】

[Project name: Love emotion collection alchemy creation. 】

[Estimated time: 24 months. 】

Two years is already the lowest time among all deductions.

But Cedric has no experience points.

I spent 240,000 in one go before, but I only had more than 10,000 left in my hand. I gave Slughorn 500 gold galleons in exchange for 50,000 experience points.

Now he only has 60,000 experience points.

Faced with the dilemma of having no experience points available, Cedric looked through character templates for a long time.

Finally, I saw hope in Slughorn.

"By the way, I can also settle my reputation!"

Settlement function.

Cedric only used it once, the morning he last received the Order of Merlin.

Not only has his fame been fermenting for a year now.

He even achieved new breakthroughs.

“Settlement now!”

The first item: Uncover the bright stars of the future (please become a future star that satisfies him.)

Stage rewards:

The more famous you are, the more experience points and talent points you can get.

【Settlement in progress!】

[Based on your current fame, you will receive 190,000 experience points and 12 talent points! 】

"That's enough now!"

Cedric immediately completed the deduction.

【Project research completed!】

[Alchemy creation of love emotion collection: The appearance is a gold ring inlaid with rubies, which can absorb and accommodate your love emotions, and will also respond to love emotions. The degree of contraction determines the strength and the ring turns to point to the target! 】

Gold and gems are common alchemical materials.

In addition to the space given by the system.

Cedric used the Seamless Extension Charm to expand two cubic pockets in his clothes.

Those life-saving first aid potions and items are placed in the space.

As for those less important potion materials and alchemy materials, they are all piled in the pocket of the Traceless Extension Spell.

There was a moment of fumbling around.

Send all the materials into the system and immediately create a love collection ring.

Put it on your finger.

Unexpectedly, there was an immediate reaction.

It continues to shrink slowly, and even keeps rotating, sometimes to the left and sometimes to the right, seemingly unable to lock on a certain target.

Cedric thought the ring was broken at first.

But when I thought that this was a creation of the system, I immediately reacted.

"By the way, there must be too many targets!"

Not that Cedric is boasting.

When he started teaching homework in the first grade, many people wanted to get close to him.

Now we are in the auditorium again.

In order to test the ring, Cedric immediately signaled his friends to move his gifts and letters back to the dormitory.

After leaving the auditorium.

Cedric put on the ring again, and this time it was much more normal.

Occasionally I pass by one or two classmates.

The rings are also slightly shrinking, which should mean that the other party has a vague affection for me.

While Cedric walked.

Open the system and start viewing the last character template:

[Ding, Qiu Zhang was moved by his success. 】

[You get bonus talent points +1 and the first character template card. 】


Isn’t it Zhang Qiu?

As soon as Cedric reacted, he suddenly felt the ring in his hand tighten suddenly.

Look in the direction of rotation.

An extremely beautiful girl with long black hair was looking at him from the front.

She is Qiu* Zhang!

Just look at her.

Cedric understands why so many people complain about the casting of Cho Chang and Ginny.

Wei Er is described as a school belle-level beauty.

The appearance is definitely far better than the actors in the movie.

When Qiu Zhang saw Cedric like this, she became obviously panicked. She brushed her long black hair from her ears and walked toward Cedric with her scent!

The ring in her hand shrinks tighter and tighter, and rotates with the movement of her lips.

This made Cedric even more convinced that he had seen the right person.

Actually look carefully.

You can also find that Qiu*'s hands posted beside her have long been clenched into fists nervously.

Quite shy!

have to say.

Cedric, who has Chinese values, still likes this kind of shy, long, straight and dark man.


Just when the two of them were about to pass each other, Qiu Zhang suddenly called out to him:

"Are you free later? I have some questions for you!"

Although I dared to speak.

But after the words were spoken, Qiu Zhang's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally even reached the point where it was almost inaudible.

The friends around Cedric all laughed.

This isn't the first time I've seen this kind of scene.

But I have never seen anyone agree to a date alone with Cedric!

"Of course, I'll meet you in Ravenclaw's lounge around one o'clock!"

Cedric spoke.

Suddenly there was a scream around...

They watched as Qiu*Zhang kept screaming with excitement and slapping Cedric's shoulders hard.

This is Cedric’s first date!

"See you later!"

Qiu*Zhang trotted away amid roars of laughter!

Cedric raised his hand, and one-third of the ruby ​​on the ring was already glowing pink.

A lot of energy has obviously been collected.

He started the alchemy deduction system again, and after some operations, he got good news and bad news.

The good news is: the alchemy that drives love energy can be researched, including shields, spell enhancements, and automatic protection.

The bad news: Either way takes 1,200 months.

Cedric changed his mind again.

[New deduction project. 】

[Project name: Love emotion absorbs alchemical creation. 】

[Estimated time: 1200 months. 】

Does this also take a hundred years?

Cedric immediately realized that it was unrealistic to create new alchemical creations with such functions out of thin air.

And one hundred years doesn't seem to be the exact time.

It should just be the limit of this deduction ability. Perhaps, all the ones that exceed the difficulty will show a hundred tails.

Not all problems can be solved in a hundred years!

"So, how to use the emotion of love?"

Recall the original plot.

Apart from Lupin who just came to mind, the most classic one is Harry.


It was Harry's mother Lily's love for him that turned into an ancient magic, which saved Harry from Avada's Kedavra.

Not only that.

He also left a fragment of Voldemort's soul in Harry's body forever, making Harry one of his Horcruxes!

So, the emotional energy of love is directional?

Cedric has a new idea.

He clicked on the previous research results again and began to conduct a second deduction.

[New deduction project. 】

[Project Name: Love Emotion Collection Alchemy Creation's Personal Love Emotion Absorption. 】

[Estimated time: 1 month. 】

Sure enough, as long as you limit the use of this targeted love emotion to yourself, the difficulty will suddenly drop.

It's hard to use casually.

But for my love, it is easy for me to absorb it!

Cedric spent his last ten thousand experience points, and soon, a new system prompt appeared:

【Project research completed!】

[The love emotion collected from the alchemical creation is absorbed by the personal love emotion. : The appearance is a gold ring inlaid with rubies. It can absorb and contain the love emotions directed at you, and will also respond to the love emotions. The degree of contraction determines the strength and the direction of the ring to point to the target! After the love is absorbed to the full level, it will be directly directed to the target. The emotion of love poured into Cedric's body and took effect. ]

"Why is the description so unclear?"

Cedric frowned.

However, with his adventurous spirit, he immediately sent the ring to the system for processing.

After coming out again.

A circle of scale has appeared on it!

"Just wait for now, you'll know when you're full!"

Cedric first took him and his friends back to Hufflepuff's lounge. After placing the gifts, he opened Qiu Zhang's character template:

Template card:Autumn*

Talent: Third-rate master wizard (magic power 0.0 +5 points, upper limit 80 points.) Natural beauty (charm +1.)

Charm explanation: Increases attraction to all beings and fully supports emotions such as friendship, admiration, and love.

Life wish list:

Item 1: Graduation successfully.

Completing this wish list will prevent this template card from occupying the slot of the template card.

By completing this wish list, you can upgrade your super perception talent to S level.

Item 2: Sweet love

Completing this wish list can enhance the effect of natural beauty and increase charm by 3.

The third item: Loyalty (the one who is loved is always happy).

During the period when she confirms that you are her lover, she will always increase your magic power limit by 10 points.

"Where is the girl who must be treated with caution!"

In the magical world of Eagle Country.

A girl with such qualities is a rare find in a century.

The time comes at one o'clock.

Cedric arrived at the Ravenclaw Lounge on time.

His arrival.

The entire Ravenclaw lounge was filled with whispers.

Two people sit across from each other.

It was so quiet that you could hear each other's even breathing.

Cedric took Qiu Zhang's homework and looked at it, sometimes frowning slightly, sometimes curling the corner of his mouth and letting out a smile.

Qiu Zhang stared at him silently.

The sun just fell on Cedric's body, and he shone brightly.

It didn't take long.

Cedric suddenly lowered his head, raised his hand and turned the ring on his hand.

He can feel it.

The ring was once again filled with energy and was injecting energy into his body three times.

Cedric frowned.

It's the third time, and he hasn't felt any specific changes yet. Does this love emotion have to be attacked to be useful?

Just when he thought so.

Suddenly, there was a chaotic sound of footsteps all around.

At some point, the beauties of Ravenclaw surrounded Cedric. .

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