Hogwarts: The Most Decent White Wizard In History!

31. Solution: Mysterious Oriental Medicinal Materials Plus Chinese Kung Fu?

"Yes, that's right, that's it!"

The more Cedric thought about it, the more he was right.

Health regimen plus Chinese Kung Fu?

He really knows this.

When middle-aged people have no choice but to soak wolfberry in a thermos cup.

And more importantly, he also remembered a very useful health training method: Baduanjin.

As for whether it is useful.

You’ll know if you try it!

After finally enduring the astronomy get out of class, he quickly returned to his dormitory and started practicing immediately.

Baduanjin is a complete set of fitness exercises.

It has excellent effects in curing diseases and keeping fit; the choreography is exquisite; and the movements are perfect.

In the past life, it was for maintaining health.

Cedric started practicing in his twenties.

The effect is very significant.

Now I practice again, but I remember everything after only two or three times. After practicing, I felt my blood boiling all over my body, and even my magic power seemed to be running smoothly.

This made him very happy.

Just when Cedric didn't know how to detect the effect.

The system prompt sounded very promptly:

[The magic power-increasing action has been detected, please complete the action ten times to facilitate the system's collection! 】

Magic boost action!

This is it!

Cedric immediately lost his doubts and continued practicing for half an hour. He was sweating profusely and heat was constantly steaming out from the top of his head.

【Collection completed! 】

[Acquire the skill Baduanjin: Exercise method to strengthen the body, which can increase 10 points of magic power (maximum 70), 1 point of strength, and 1 point of physical fitness. 】

10 points of magic is enough!

Cedric remembers very clearly that after his first burst of magic power, he gained 10 points of magic power.

at that moment.

He can already use magic to have some impact on the outside world.

Such as shaking bells, turning lights on and off, etc.

"As long as 10 points are enough, it will be enough to get rid of the status of a squib. Combined with some oriental medicinal materials..."

Several classic medicinal materials quickly came to his mind.

Early the next morning.

Cedric came to the Owl House and mailed the letter he had written. He wanted to ask his parents to help him purchase some medicinal materials.

In case they don't know it.

The names of the medicinal materials were also written in Chinese on the letter.

After delivery, it was time for class.

The morning classes were Herbology and Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Cedric was also active in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.


Although this tall teacher gave him a high evaluation and gave him a full 8 points.

But there has been no trigger prompt.

Cedric thought of a possibility, that is, the system might only recognize characters that have appeared?

Keep this question in your mind.

Anyway, the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is still a year away, so we can confirm again then.

After lunch.

Cedric found Professor Flitwick again, and he explained the efficacy of Baduanjin.

Then he took him for a practical exercise.

After practicing twice.

The highly skilled Professor Flitwick also felt the effect keenly.

"It's incredible!"

Professor Flitwick posed with his hands holding the three radiators of heaven.

After feeling the accelerating flow and growth of magic power, his eyes lit up instantly, and he couldn't help but exclaimed:

"You invented this in one night!?"

"not really!"

Cedric didn't want to pretend to be someone else, so he immediately explained the situation: "I've seen this in an oriental book before, and I didn't invent it!"

"Mysterious Oriental Theory!"

The surprise in Professor Flitwick's eyes did not diminish at all, but instead lit up three points more:

"It is undeniable that their civilization is very long and many inheritances have been handed down, but their writing is too difficult to learn."

"You've actually learned it!"

"Kid, I rarely use the word knowledgeable to others, but I have to say that you really surprise me time and time again."

Ha ha.

Cedric smiled awkwardly.

I almost forgot that Chinese is still a very partial language in this world, let alone the culture contained in it.

It's okay to praise him from other places.

After all, these are the results of his self-disciplined learning since he was 5 years old.

The only thing about Chinese that he felt deserved was the memory of his previous life.

"Professor, please stop praising me."

Cedric smiled and passed by:

"I came here today just to ask for your help to blow up the river for Filch!"

"I see!"

Professor Flitwick naturally regarded Cedric's behavior as modest by default.

Once people have filters.

There will be a special bias in everything you look at.

Now Cedric has a perfect filter in front of all teachers.

"Don't worry, but you have to teach this skill yourself. Besides, can I learn it?"


Teaching one person is still teaching, and teaching a hundred people is still teaching.

Anyway, Cedric must be teaching the Hufflepuffs who are following him.

He even thought about how to teach Filch.

That is to say, let him learn it first and then teach his squib friends!

In order to maintain his dignity and completely transform him, he had gone to great lengths.

Of course, it’s all about the rewards.

"Very good, I'll let you know when it's done!"

Professor Flitwick acted quickly.

During dinner, he gave Cedric an OK look.

Cedric immediately approached Filch and asked him to learn Baduanjin with him starting tomorrow morning.

Squib has a solution.

Filch grabbed Ling Yun's hand excitedly and couldn't bear to let go for a long time.

Early the next morning.

Cedric began to take the Hufflepuffs, Professor Flitwick and Filch to exercise in the open space of the courtyard.

No one felt anything wrong this morning.

But during Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class on Thursday.

A magical scene happened.

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