Hogwarts: The Greatest Wizard

Chapter 35 The Forgotten Industry

No matter how the Halloween dinner goes, the little wizards still have to go to class as normal the next day.

In November, the weather starts to get colder, and even snowflakes start to fall in the sky.

One morning, Finny woke up from the Room of Requirement and saw the grass outside the castle, the woods were covered with snow, and even the Black Lake was beginning to freeze. Of course, the ice should not be too thick at this time. Hou, Feeney has no intention of trying it.

Seeing the Black Lake, Feeney suddenly remembered a rumor circulating in the wizarding world. It is said that Gryffindor is still alive today. When he was old, he used Animagus to turn into a squid and live. In the Black Lake of Hogwarts, protecting the school he and his friends built together, waiting for the return of his best friend Slytherin.

Perhaps Gryffindor's heritage treasure actually lies in the Black Lake?

Feeney shook his head and suppressed this idea. Obviously, Ravenclaw hadn't even settled the matter yet, so don't think about the other founders.

Even Finny, who didn't communicate with other little wizards, heard that winter came very early this year.

However, Feeney didn't care, because in his previous life, where he lived, it was winter after October.

However, even though there is not much difference in Feeney's opinion, he deliberately learned common household magic such as heating spells and drying spells.

After all, Hogwarts is in the UK, and the UK has no heating, no fire pits, down jackets and cotton-padded clothes.

There are only warm clothes made of wool and a fireplace.

In previous years, when he was at No. 12 Grimmauld Place, Creech would prepare everything so that Feeney wouldn't feel any cold. However, this was not the case at Hogwarts, even in November. , Feeney still felt the cold, so he put on a thick wool sweater and a scarf.

At the same time, the search for the Ravenclaw heritage treasure has also been temporarily stopped.

He is learning the constant temperature spell and how to fix the constant temperature spell on clothes. This is no longer the category of magic, but the category of alchemy.

Alchemy is an elective course at Hogwarts, and it is an elective course for N.E.W.T.-level students.

Moreover, the alchemy taught is not comprehensive and detailed. If you want to develop in this area, you must either have a corresponding inheritance in your family, or you need to go to the Magic Academy in Cairo to study specifically. In Cairo, alchemy is a basic subject. . Both Dumbledore and Nick Mellor are said to have been there.

Except for Feeney, few little wizards focus on how to keep warm, because there is one thing that attracts their attention more in November. The Quidditch match at Hogwarts begins.

Therefore, if the little wizards get up early in the morning, they can see Hagrid holding a huge broom against the wind and snow to clear the road to the Quidditch pitch for the little wizards to travel with.

Quidditch is the biggest sport in the wizarding world, so Feeney naturally pays attention to it. A few years ago, he and Kreacher went to watch the Quidditch World Cup together.

Although this sport is full of loopholes and unreasonable things in Feeney's opinion, the blood is really passionate and the excitement is really exciting.

Except for the occasional situation where a game is played for several days or nights, it is still good.

However, this year, Feeney is not paying attention to Quidditch because he is still researching how to make constant-temperature clothes.

"Professor Flitwick, what do you need to do if you want to put a spell on a piece of clothing?"

After he couldn't research anything on his own, Feeney found Professor Flitwick of Charms. Of course, he couldn't research it because the books on alchemy in the Hogwarts library and even his private library were very... Less, unless he returns to the family library at 12 Grimmauld Place to look for the books that cannot be moved.

When Flitwick heard Feeney's doubts, he looked at Feeney with some surprise.

"Mr. Black, I have to remind you that this knowledge belongs to the category of alchemy. If you are interested, you can take alchemy courses after completing the N.E.W.T. proficiency exam in seventh grade."

Finny frowned.

"Can't you learn now? As far as I know, their little wizards in Cairo have been learning alchemy-related knowledge since they entered school."

Flitwick shook his head and said,

"I think, Mr. Black, you should have read their teaching materials, then you should know that they are just learning the most basic theoretical knowledge, using the material itself and some production techniques to make some items have magic power. Of course Well, the effect of anything made this way won’t be very good, nor will it last too long.”

Feeney nodded,

"Yes, I have watched their courses, and I don't think what they are learning can be called alchemy."

Flitwick shook his head and said,

"What do you think is alchemy? It's not just the creation of things like the Philosopher's Stone that is called alchemy. In fact, alchemy is not as advanced as you think. Our common broomsticks and the Golden Snitch are all products of alchemy, and Invisibility cloaks, magic crucibles, etc., as long as they are enriched with magical energy, can be said to be alchemical products, and the act of making magic items is alchemy.”

Feeney was thoughtful and said to Professor Flitwick,

"I understand, thank you Professor."

Of course, Feeney would not give up just like that, but he now understood that the profound alchemical knowledge was in the hands of those master alchemists, and at this time, he did not have access to these things.

As for keeping warm, Finny has always had a choice, and he did so not long ago, which was to customize a Hogwarts wizard robe with multiple functions from Madam Malkin. It should even be worn in the past two days. The goods have arrived,

He studied alchemy just because he wanted to make such a piece of clothing himself. He thought it would be very popular in Hogwarts. The Black family was rich, but Finny still understood the principle of sitting on the fence.

However, he seemed to have forgotten that his family also had shares in Gringotts, dragon farms and many other profitable industries.

He doesn't need to find a way to make money on his own. Even if he spends money every day, the family's assets will not decrease but will continue to increase. Well, by the way, there are many shops in Diagon Alley that are actually rented by the Black family.

Feeney is a real rent collector and a rich man.

However, the alchemy incident also gave Feeney a clue.

The earliest time-turner in the wizarding world of Phoenix was made by Ravenclaw. This shows that Ravenclaw is actually a powerful alchemist in addition to being a powerful wizard.

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