Hogwarts: The Drugged Lord, Enemy Of Wizards

Chapter 58 Hogwarts House Cup? Devil Cup! 【Please Subscribe】

The sound of "rustling" the tip of the pen sounded in the splendid lecture hall.

Among them, even Dumbledore and Professor Quirrell, who was possessed by Voldemort, were acting like little wizards at this moment, carefully recording what Romon told them.

Of course, they were not interested in Romon's gossip about Snape's personal grudges.

However, just because they are not interested does not mean that others are not interested.

"Did you all hear that? Professor Snape seems to have some kind of relationship with Harry's mother. Oh my god, no wonder he was so targeted at Harry during Potions class...

Ronald, who had a big mouth, was pretending to record something in his hand while speaking quietly and excitedly to Hermione beside him.

Although Hermione had no interest in talking to him at the moment, Ronald didn't mind at all.

Seeing that the other party was still talking endlessly about his speculations about the gossip back then.

Even in the end, he lowered his voice and said the ridiculous statement "Snape killed Harry's mother because of love and hatred." This kind of words immediately made Hermione angry on the spot.

"Shut up! If you are very curious about other people's sad things, and you know that this thing can make you feel unprecedented pleasure, why don't you just ask Harry, haven't you always claimed to be his best friend?"

"I think your good friend Harry wouldn't mind showing you his bloody scars, right?"

Hermione's voice was not quiet, and everyone around her was recording things seriously.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Ronald's face turned red instantly, and even the expressions of the Weasleys beside him were filled with embarrassment.

Romon was also preparing something with his head down.

The idea suddenly occurred to him just now.

However, while he was still thinking about how to deal with it, Miss Hermione's voice came into his ears.

Looking up at the Weasley family who were blushing with embarrassment, and Miss Hermione who was looking angry at the side, Romon immediately knew what had just happened.

Haha, Weasley.

That family was called a shameful family of pure-blood wizards.

To be honest, when he first joined Hogwarts, Romon also didn't understand the paranoid ideas of the pure-blood wizard family.

Arthur Weasley just lives a cowardly life and likes to communicate with Muggles.

This should be nothing.

But as the contact lasted for a long time, Romon had to admit that sometimes Lucius and his gang really needed to be dealt with, but when it came to the issue of the Weasley family.

Romon unexpectedly reached some kind of recognition with them.

This family is indeed a disgrace to pure-blood wizards. No, even Romon believes that they are not worthy of being regarded as wizards at all. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are a shame to the wizarding world.

Whether it is Arthur Weasley or Molly Weasley, they can be said to be the top wizards in the wizarding world in terms of strength. Otherwise, Dumbledore would not be interested in joining the Order of the Phoenix.

However, this character that Dumbledore admired was also the one that Romon despised the most.

He clearly has good strength and talent. When Arthur Weasley was still in the fifth and sixth grade of Gryffindor, Romon, who had just entered school, had already heard from him the idea of ​​transforming Muggle cars into magical props. .

Romon even kindly gave the other party suggestions at the beginning.

Establish an organization similar to the Flywheel Company in the wizarding world, specializing in selling such magically modified cars.

But... maybe the mud just can't hold up the wall.

Or maybe Arthur Weasley is just a prodigal who only has good alchemy talent but doesn't like fame and fortune.

The Weasley family obviously has considerable strength and capital, but until now, they have to worry about one or two Galleons every month.

"Sorry, Professor Romon, we..."

"go out."

Molly Weasley smiled stiffly and wanted to explain something.

However, the next moment, Romon's cold voice shocked everyone at the scene.

The Weasley family was also shocked on the spot. They did not expect that Romon's temper was so bad. Molly Weasley wanted to say something else, but at this time, Arthur Weasley had already seen the impatience in Romon's eyes.

Although I am extremely curious about what Romon is going to talk about next.

At this moment, for the safety of his family, he had to stand up obediently, pull his children and walk towards the outside of the Palace of Truth.

"Father, we still want to hear it, we..."

"It's all stupid Ronald's fault, you always talk so much!"

"Damn it, aren't you Harry's friend? Are you really so interested in other people's sad things?!"

The irrelevant people left, and a gentle smile appeared on Romon's face again.

Professor McGonagall, who was sitting in the seat, saw this scene, although he felt that Romon's direct expulsion of the Weasley family was a bit violent.

However, at this moment, he actually approached Dumbledore and spoke softly.

"Albus, I think I finally saw a glimpse of what Romon was like when he was in the first grade. Although his style is fierce and sometimes a bit extreme, I think he is still an upright person."

Dumbledore said nothing.

an honest person?

Professor McGonagall usually puts most of his energy into Hogwarts. It is not an exaggeration to say that he has given more than himself, the principal.

And precisely because of this, McGonagall didn't know much about Romon's views on the Weasley family.

However, for Dumbledore, who secretly runs the Order of the Phoenix, Romon's behavior exactly illustrates the other party's strong supremacy of strength.

He respects those who are talented and is willing to use their talents in pursuit of strength.

You can even grant certain favors to those who are weaker than you, but are willing to pay the price and pursue strength crazily.

However, there is only one thing.

Dumbledore looked at Romon on the podium, his eyes twinkling.

Romon really hates and despises those people who have great strength but don't have the slightest thought of rule that a strong man should have.

As for why Dumbledore dared to be so sure.

Because he is the kind of person in Romon's eyes, the most obvious representative.

Although Romon did not show it in front of outsiders, Dumbledore could clearly perceive the true feeling of being completely despised from a personality perspective when facing Romon.

On the Slytherin side, when Lucius and the others saw the disgraced Weasley family being kicked out by Romon in such a shameful way, they couldn't help but have a flash of schadenfreude in their eyes.

Seeing the Gryffindor-born wizards, they all murmured their dissatisfaction with Romon, and suddenly stood up under the surprised gaze of their own son Draco.

"Professor Romon did the right thing. To be honest, although we Slytherin wizards have always been hated by people from other houses, things like this, revealing the scars of wizards from the same house, are also very special in our opinion. Incredible."

"It's hard to believe that the entire Weasley family are all Gryffindor wizards who pride themselves on their integrity and bravery, and the parents of our classmate Harry Potter, Lily and James, are also Gryffindors."

"To be honest, I don't understand. Is Gryffindor's bravery originally used in this kind of place?"

Seeing Lucius spraying venom in the direction of Gryffindor while showing admiration and flattery to him from time to time, Romon, who was standing on the stage, couldn't help but raise his eyebrows in silence.

Seeing the angry two parties about to start yelling at each other, Romon gently raised his hand.

This small action made Professor McGonagall, who was even about to scold Lucius, choose to shut up.

"Lucius, it seems that you have regained your form when you were studying in Slytherin, which is really missed.

Romon said with a half-smile, and Lucius's smile suddenly froze on his face.


Romon looked around and looked at the angry Gryffindor with a smile on his face.

"Lucius, you may be wrong about one thing. What I'm angry about is not Weasley's revelation of Harry Potter's scar. The strong bullies the weak, just like a lion preying on a wild deer. This is their right."

"What I'm angry about is that Weasley, who is already holding a sword in his hand and picking wounds on others, is pretending to be honest and showing off his integrity."

Everyone was stunned for a while, but the smile on Romon's face was full of coldness.

"I stand here today and can generously impart my knowledge of magic spells and potions to you. This is not for the sake of the beauty of the wizarding world. My purpose is very clear.

"The Demon King Course will only give birth to the Demon King!"

Facing the tense and horrified crowd, Romon sneered and revealed his crazy ideas, regardless of Dumbledore's cold gaze.

"This world is already (bcba) a little boring. I need to find some fun for myself, so... Lucius Malfoy, as long as you follow me and study hard, I will look forward to it many years later." , you can shout the death curse at me again."

"It's just that it needs to be more cruel, more powerful, and make the spell full of artistic beauty!"

On the podium, the terrifying magic power fluctuations emanating from Romon's body caused everyone in the audience to gasp in shock.

However, what made them even more horrified was the words coming out of Romon's mouth.

Today he taught the British wizarding community that these wizards who hated him to the core were actually trying to make them stronger and then kill him in the end?

in the corner.

Professor Quirrell's body swayed, and after a while, he slumped down in the chair helplessly.

He murmured words like "crazy".

And inside his body, Voldemort was also unusually silent at this moment.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that he, the second generation Dark Lord, had the so-called idea of ​​exposing the wizarding world and then becoming the ruling class of the world.

In front of this guy Romon, there is simply a great vision to make the world a better place.

He is the leader of the development of the world, and Romon is the real Dark Lord.

A lunatic who created terrifying power, spread it, and then let the power of destruction explode completely.

In order to gain supreme power for himself, he even made the weak wizarding world cruel and dangerous at all costs, trained a group of predators against himself, and spurred himself to become a...

Ignoring everyone present who was completely stunned.

Romon suddenly smiled evilly and made a move. The next moment, a small black energy turbine suddenly appeared in front of him, and sheets of paper with printed words poured out of it.

Then, as if it had wings, it flew to the table in front of all the wizards.

"Just now, I thought of a, well, it's an interesting game for now."

Dumbledore picked up the paper on the table, and his pupils shrank suddenly after seeing the words on it.

"The Demon King's Cup!"

"Most of you are wizards born in Hogwarts, or have Hogwarts wizards in your family, and you all know about the Hogwarts Academy Cup, so I don't think there is much need to explain this thing now. "

"I will release course tasks during each class, and those who can complete them well will get Demon King Points..."

Romon spoke slowly, but everyone couldn't listen to the content behind it.

Everyone stared blankly at the list in their hands.

"[Silver Devil's Elemental Magic]: You can release and control the power of elements such as fire, thunder, water, and wind to build a special magic structure and form a powerful attack method, which can move mountains and seas to the greatest extent."

"[Silver Demon Lord's Beast Pen Transformation Science]: You can steal the abilities and contracts of magical creatures, and perform advanced transformations on your familiars. At the top level, you can potentially create magical beasts like the legendary gods.

"[Silver Demon King's Rebellious Potion Science]: The magic power increases permanently, the life span increases permanently, the appearance is eternal, and the power of transforming the wizard's bloodline creates the body of a true god.

"[Silver Demon King's Rules Alchemy]: Artifact forging, life creation, improving various magic props, and creating a glorious industry that can last for several generations."


The sound of swallowing saliva echoed in the lecture hall at this moment.

The young wizards couldn't help but think of the magnificent palace they were in now, created by Romon with his bare hands and without a wand, using magical means that they could not imagine and understand a few days ago.

He couldn't help but imagine that the god-like figure that day looked like himself.

Draco's hands were trembling with excitement. However, his father, who was always calm and elegant when Romon was not present, seemed to be suffering from Parkinson's disease at this moment.

Even more violent than his trembling.

"Merlin is on top, no...Merlin is right in front of you!"

"Silver, His Majesty the Silver Demon King..."

A stumbling sound came from a corner.

Romon turned his head to look, eyes flickering slightly.

But they saw Professor Quirrell, holding the table with one hand at this moment, letting his somewhat limp body stand up, raising one hand tremblingly, and shouted a title that Romon had not expected in a stuttering and somewhat deformed voice.

His Majesty the Silver Demon King?

The corner of Romon's mouth curled up slightly. This believer of the Dark Lord seemed to have some meaning.

I just don't know if this is the other person's own behavior or the intention of Voldemort in his body.

"Are you really, really willing to teach us this stuff?!"

Quirrell tremblingly raised the list in his hand and asked a question that no one could believe.

Facing the scorching eyes, Romon smiled slightly.

"Why not? My future challengers?"

At this time, the entire scene was completely in an uproar.

However, Romon's surprise was more than that. He raised his hand slightly and spoke again when the scene was silent.

Like the devil from hell who spreads temptation in the world.

In addition, I will hold wizard duel competitions between wizards from time to time. For the top ten who participate and win, I will tailor an absolutely powerful spell for them based on their wizard abilities. "


Seeing that the lecture hall that Romon was supposed to use to teach classes had turned into a place that looked like a temple for religious sermons, Dumbledore's eyes were filled with solemnity and sadness.

Under his gaze, whether it was the former members of the Order of the Phoenix or the professors at Hogwarts.

They are all like fanatics, waving the list in their hands and shouting crazily at Romon.

The entanglement and collision of the two emotions of hatred and admiration, as well as the temptation to master the ten items written on the list in his hand, is enough to become a great wizard like Dumbledore.

These people have completely lost their minds.

Among them, there are many people who hate and want to kill Romon, but this does not affect their praise and respect for Romon at this moment.

After all, Romon also said that he was training gravediggers for himself.

Dumbledore: "Oh, Grindelwald, my old friend, what should I do now..."

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