Not long after, Sindel appeared in a frame next to the gargoyle and said, "Principal Dumbledore allows you to go up. The password is chocolate frog!"

"Okay, thank you." Mu En was confused, but still thanked him with a smile.

Then he recited the password, and the gargoyle slowly opened the door, revealing the spiral staircase inside.

The spiral staircase in the principal's office is actually like an escalator. Just stand on it and it will automatically spiral up and take you to the principal's office on the eighth floor.

Intersecting with it is another downward spiral staircase.

Mu En also saw someone here.

He has a thin build, his hair is straight, shoulder length, and somewhat oily, his complexion is sallow, and the robe behind him is slowly flying like a cloak.

Like an old bat.

And it’s the kind that doesn’t wash your hair.

While Mu En was sizing up each other, Snape was also sizing up Mu En, and then he saw Mu En's cat head nodding slightly as a greeting.

Snape said nothing as the spiral staircase pushed two figures to cross each other.

After leaving the stairway, Snape walked quickly down the corridor, his robes flying behind him.

"There's another cat..." He muttered uncomfortably.

Eighth floor, principal's office. Moon walked through the curtain and soon saw Dumbledore behind the desk.

"Mo En, welcome! How do you feel here? Have you encountered any problems?" Dumbledore said.

Mu En looked curiously at the layout of the principal's office and asked her question.

After a moment, Dumbledore pondered slightly after listening to Mu En's question, and then shook his head: "Mu En, this may not be possible."

He then explained: "It is not difficult to open a passage in the castle. After all, Hogwarts has several passages connected to Hogsmeade, and they are not restricted by floors.

But the thing is, your house also has a lot of magic. This would cause the entire Hogwarts castle to be ostracized. Just like organ transplant rejection, the two are incompatible. "

After listening to Dumbledore's explanation, Moon could only nod helplessly: "Then it seems that I can only set up the house passage in Hogsmeade.

By the way, does the land outside Hogsmeade cost money? If I build my own house, I shouldn’t be charged street management fees..."

"Speaking of which..." Dumbledore stood up, walked to the window, and muttered: "Hogwarts has a house over there.

If you just want a conceptual house as a carrier, maybe it's suitable there. "

Moon followed to the window, and Dumbledore raised his hand and pointed towards the village. He saw an old shack standing alone on a small slope far away from the large houses in the village.

"That's the Shrieking Shack. It was built for a werewolf child about twenty years ago. Except for some bad rumors, everything else is pretty good."

After speaking, Dumbledore pointed to the bottom of the castle again: "That is the Whomping Willow. There is a passage leading to the Shrieking Shack below it. Just cover up the passage."

Mu En followed and soon saw the Whomping Willow, and he nodded.

Later, I also noticed Hagrid next to the Black Lake. A big squid kept pushing out the canoe kept in the lake, and Hagrid caught it on the shore.

"School is about to start!" Mu En sighed.

"Soon, the deserted school will become lively again." Dumbledore also sighed, with a smile on his face.

Although this old guy sometimes has many small thoughts and broken thoughts, he really likes teaching and children.

Werewolf children, hybrid giants, etc. can all be admitted to the school despite great criticism.

"I'll give you that house. It's been abandoned for so many years," Dumbledore said.

Mu En nodded: "Thank you very much."

"It's just an old house. By the way, as for the layout of the office, you can make the decision yourself. If you don't like the lack of space, you can also ask the house elves. They have the authority to expand it."

"Can you still expand it at will?" Mu En was a little surprised.

After some previous operations, he had a better understanding of Hogwarts Castle.

This castle is like a living being. Any changes that are too random, especially changes involving space, should be difficult and violate the operational logic.

Hogwarts is different from Moonlight Castle. The core of Moonlight Castle is Lucifer, and Lucifer controls the movement. It is not a real living castle.

The fundamental logic is different.

There was a hint of pride on Dumbledore's face, and he was obviously very satisfied with Moon's surprised look.

"Of course, our last Potions teacher started the Slug Club in his office.

The current Potions teacher opened a private Potions room for himself. "

Mu En was a little stunned: "It seems that the welfare of this school is better than I thought."

After chatting for a few more words, he planned to visit the Shrieking Shack and connect the passages.

Before leaving, he looked at the big fiery red bird standing on a golden branch.

"By the way, is that a phoenix?"

"Yes, her name is Fawkes," Dumbledore said. At the same time, Fox also nodded slightly and made a crisp chirp.

Mu En looked at the Phoenix, "When I establish the channel and have time to come as a guest, my friend will definitely be willing to meet you."

"Your friend is also a Phoenix?" Dumbledore was surprised.

Could it be that your ancestors on your mother's side were named Dumbledore? ?

Moon looked at Dumbledore: "Don't think too much, he to explain, he is a son of the star who likes to call himself a devil."

With that said, Mu En and Fenghuang waved goodbye, and the space twisted and teleported away.

Dumbledore was suddenly stunned. The spatial fluctuations caused by Mu En's teleportation just now were different from any kind of apparation he had known before.

And the so-called "Star Children", something I've never heard of...

The previous principals on the mural also began to talk seriously. "What is the Star Child?", "Why does he have a cat face?", "Teleportation magic that is completely unrestricted by anti-Apparition?!"

In the end, these old principals could only console Dumbledore: "Anyway, I believe Minerva will like this colleague."

Dumbledore sighed, then smiled: "That's right..."

September 1st is a rare day of good weather in London. The sun is high in the sky, but it is not piercing. The wind from the Thames takes away the remaining dryness.

Except for the smell, there is basically no problem...

Pollution of the Thames River is a big problem, now and in the future.

At King's Cross Station, Harry and Hermione were looking for the so-called nine and three-quarters station with their tickets in hand.

Although Moon has opened a passage in Hogwarts, Harry has not visited it yet.

"The book says that in order to give all the little wizards a perfect impression of Hogwarts for the first time, the school will let the first-year wizards take a boat to see the most perfect castle under the stars at night.

So I thought of checking out Hogwarts then.

And... to be honest, it's really fascinating. What if I see Hogwarts and think about going to school every day? My homework hasn't been completed yet. "

These were Harry's exact words.

Unexpectedly, this kid not only has some so-called sense of ritual now, but also has not forgotten his homework.

Mu En is quite satisfied.

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