"Actually, it is very simple to master magic power. You only need to find the trajectory of magic power flow and the magic power gates that impact the body in the magic riots one after another." Mu En said, while taking Harry underground.

This was Harry's first time seeing the underground of Moonlight Castle. It was not as special as he had imagined. The old wooden floors sometimes made a creaking sound when he stepped on them. In the aisle, there are wine bottles from who knows how many years ago, or debris piled up.

Mu En said calmly: "You can't expect me to have too much time to clean up the entire castle."

Harry looked embarrassed, Uncle Moon, don't you think it's too late for you to explain this now?

This week, he has already seen how messy this castle is!

There are wider corridors underground in the castle than on the ground, and the distances between rooms are also further apart.

Oil lamps were swaying in the corridor, and the orange-red firelight and darkness were constantly intertwined in a never-ending dance.

Arriving at a room called the Potions Room, Harry opened the heavy door and saw a room with various glass instruments, crucibles, and scales.

On the left and right sides of the room, in addition to various medicine refining equipment, there are also various stacked herbal materials, or eyeballs, animal carcasses, and pickled cucumbers stored in jars.

Pickles? !

Mu En didn't pay attention to Harry's gaze at all, but took out many medicinal herbs from the cabinet.

"You have learned how to prepare energy potions and have mature potion experience." Mu En said: "Next, what I want to teach you is the excitement potion."

This magic potion comes from the Wrath Mixture, which is a combat potion that can boil magic power to a large extent and increase the efficiency of spell casting.

Of course, the stimulating potion is not that powerful. It is nothing more than making the wizard's emotional peak rise and his magic power restless.

It has a miraculous effect on stimulating little wizards.

After explaining the logic between potions and magic training, Mu En began to configure the potions.

"I will only do it once, so you have to be careful. Before you can master your magic power, you need to do all the potions yourself, and I won't help you.

If you make a mistake and cause explosions, corrosion, diarrhea, intestinal perforation, etc... I will do my best to ensure that you don't die! "

Harry broke into a cold sweat and nodded repeatedly. He stared at Mu En refining the medicine without saying a word, trying to imprint the preparation method, proportion and processing time of each medicine into his mind.

An hour later, a pool of bright red liquid appeared in the crucible. Moon poured it out, and then gave Harry time to ask questions.

After more than ten minutes, this introductory potion class was finally over.

Arriving outside the castle, Moon set up a dummy on the lawn and said, "If you don't have a target for your magic burst, aim at it. You can imagine him as anyone, Dudley, or your aunt and uncle, Or someone else you hated at school.”

Harry was holding the small bottle containing the red stimulating potion. He was a little nervous and kept tapping his feet on the grass.

Mu En didn't say much when he saw this. There are many things that don’t require too much instructing. No matter how much you say, it won’t help. As long as it’s your first time, you’ll be nervous.

After watching Harry drink the potion, he returned to the Moonlight Castle and read the book he bought from Diagon Alley.

The red sofa has become his shape. When you lie down on it, the leather will be a little cold at first, but after a while, you will feel that your whole body has blended into it.

Lucifer added firewood to himself, trying to burn it brighter, and soon the flames began to rise and fall. This was his unique "sleeping position".

Instead of choosing an advanced magic book or looking at the seemingly unique transfiguration technique, Mu En took the lead in opening the "History of Modern Magic" written by Bagshot.

In the past, he liked powerful spells and novel magic. Now, he prefers to first find the development context from the history of magic, and then conduct corresponding and orderly magic research.

Take history as a mirror and learn from the past...

Unlike the warmth inside the castle, even in summer, there are biting cold winds in the Scandinavian mountains, especially on the peaks.

But Harry didn't care about the cold wind. At this moment, he just felt the blood rising and his mind was in chaos.

It was like Dudley losing his temper randomly after waking up.



Harry stood three or four meters away from the dummy, with his hands facing forward and a groan in his mouth, imagining that he wanted to knock the dummy away from the air.


Harry exerted himself again.

The mountain breeze blew a few wisps of grass past Harry's eyes. The dummy was still the same dummy, and he was still the same person.

There is no change at all.

"No, no, no..." Harry scratched his hair with both hands and said a little irritably, "No!! It's not like that!!!"

so annoying--

He felt that he was very irritable now, but there was no outlet for him to vent his anger. He was like an overblown balloon, trembling in the air.

After feeling anxious like this for a while, Harry suddenly raised his head and looked at the face of the dummy, trying to imagine that the dummy was Dudley's face.

However, no matter how much he told himself that Dudley was right in front of him, it was of no avail.

Where did Dudley get so thin? !

Whether it was the Dursleys or whoever bullied him at school.

Disgust, anger and even extreme hatred are actually almost gone.

Over the past week, the Dursleys had treated him as if they were nothing. He had not been bullied, so there was no hatred left.

The child's heart does not have so many thoughts filled with desire, and he cannot hate even if he wants to.

Harry stared at the face of the dummy. This dummy was no different from the dummies used to display clothes in shopping malls, except that the facial features were missing...

For some reason, maybe it was the potion, or maybe it was some other influence, a face that overlapped with the dummy suddenly appeared in front of Harry's eyes.

At the same time, the scar on his forehead also felt burning pain, causing his facial features to twist involuntarily.

Scenes of flashing green lights began to flash before his eyes, and a sinisterly laughing figure with no nose and no hair began to intersect with the dummy in front of him...

The pain in his forehead, the already irritable thoughts, the light that kept flashing in front of his eyes, the screams in his ears, and the ferocious and cold low laughter kept filling his mind...

With an angry roar from Harry, a burst of power suddenly erupted from him.

There was a loud noise, and the dummy suddenly flew backwards as if it was hit by a truck. It hit the rocks behind and rolled over again, until it hit a huge redwood and stopped. .

Harry half-hunched over, covering the scar on his forehead.

At this moment, Harry remembered the scene when Uncle Moon was attacked a week ago.


"Something's wrong, maybe I have to ask Uncle Moon..." Harry murmured, forcing himself to stand up. The wind from the mountains blew over, making him feel a little bit of relief when his whole body was drenched in sweat.

Inside the room, Mu En had just finished reading the table of contents and summary of the front page of the book, and before she even opened the first chapter, she saw Harry opening the door and walking in.

"Uncle Moon, I have some questions to ask." Harry said impatiently.

Mu En nodded and looked at Harry: "What's the problem?"

"I want to know something about me," Harry said, then felt there was something wrong with the expression: "My scar, there's something wrong with it.

I... my scar suddenly hurt a lot just now, and then I saw a figure using a wand to release magic to attack me. A woman rushed over and blocked the magic, and it became..."

I don't know why, but the more Harry talked, the more he felt palpitating.

He took a deep breath, thought of what Uncle Mu En said, don't write your emotions on your face, and then said as calmly as possible:

"I feel like that woman is my mother."

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