Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 79 The arrival of Christmas

Since Lien's letter, the three brothers have become diligent, hanging out in Knockturn Alley every day, inquiring about various news, and gathering it into a book.

It would also be good for Lien to take a look when he comes to prove that the three brothers are not lazy.

During this period, Beaver and Pais also continued to contact the wizards in Slytherin who were not valued by the family, wanting to set up their own small organization, and they were quite ready to do something big.

They were even discussing with Lien about signing a long-term supply agreement with Lien's plantation because they had recruited a young wizard from the potion family, and his level seemed to be very good.

During this time, Mr. Potter became more and more obsessed with Quidditch, which led to him spending less and less time on his studies and his grades getting worse.

The weather is getting colder day by day, time is passing quietly, and Christmas has finally arrived in everyone's expectation.

"Mr. Potter, I have to carefully remind you that this is the third professor who has told me that there is a problem with your coursework. Quidditch is just a sport, and it does not bring you powerful magic. It cannot bring you full knowledge, it is not the whole of magic, do you understand?"

Professor McGonagall looked at the Seeker in front of her who she had single-handedly recruited into the Gryffindor Quidditch House team, and couldn't help but feel filled with emotion.

Professor McGonagall was certainly very happy that Gryffindor had such an outstanding Seeker. But if this was at the expense of a young wizard's performance, Professor McGonagall would rather not have made this decision.

"Mr. Potter, I am now officially warning you. If I hear another professor saying that you don't listen in class or that your homework is exactly the same as Mr. Weasley, I will ask Wood to kick you out of the academy. I am I warned you."

Professor McGonagall stared at Harry and said seriously.

Harry swallowed and nodded awkwardly. Professor McGonagall's words made Harry a little entangled. He didn't want to give up Quidditch, but the obscure magical knowledge really gave Harry a headache.

"By the way, Mr. Potter, will you stay at school for Christmas or go home for a reunion?" Professor McGonagall knew that what she said was nonsense, but she still asked.

"Detention." Harry replied without thinking.

really. Professor McGonagall sighed inwardly, and then put a check mark on the Harry Potter column on the parchment.

"Merry Christmas, Mr. Potter. I hope your studies will progress. Now, you can go."

Upon hearing this, Harry walked step by step, as if he was carrying a heavy stone on his back.

His mind was racing at this time, how he could improve his performance without falling behind in Quidditch training.

"Also, Mr. Potter, call Mr. Weasley over." Professor McGonagall sighed again.

Harry at least has an advantage in Quidditch. If not, he can play for the national team when the time comes, but this Mr. Weasley is a real headache.

Harry turned around and nodded.

However, there seemed to be something wrong with the way Harry called Ron. In short, he let Percy know about it.

And the consequence is...

"Oh my god, my mother wrote a letter saying that if I get a P in my final exam, I will be dead." Ron held his head in distress and lay on the Gryffindor table, "It's all the fault of that stupid guy Percy. He is the most annoying person in the whole family."

"He always snitches to Mum," Ron said furtively, next to Harry.

Harry listened, always envious whenever Ron complained about his family.


"Did you buy a ticket for tomorrow?" Hermione asked Lean in a low voice while flipping through the book in her hand in the library.

"No, isn't the purpose of Apparition just for traveling?" Lien responded casually.

Hermione was a little angry after hearing this.

What does this mean? Don’t you feel comfortable riding the train with me? Is it happier to be apparating than to be with me?

The most intuitive manifestation is that Hermione fell silent and stopped talking.

Lien didn't feel much yet and was looking at the book in his hand.

This is a travel diary, which happens to also mention the ruins shown in the ruins drawing that Lien obtained from Filch's office.

"...The whole body is protected by the Clore encryption spell. This is a spell invented a hundred years ago, which means that this ruins should have been built within a hundred years. But what is puzzling is that I have never heard I have said that someone has built such a huge ruin within the past hundred years, and the surrounding environment does not look like it is worthy of a hundred years at all..."

"Let's go." Lean closed the book and tucked it under his arm, preparing to check in for loan later.

Hermione didn't seem to hear it and looked at the book in her hand seriously.

"What's wrong?" Lean approached, but Hermione slapped him away.

Lien felt strange, but he still didn't turn around and leave. Instead, he sat down and continued reading the book.

He felt more and more strange about this ruins.

"Huh!" Hermione snorted from the side.

"So what happened? At least give me a chance to explain, right?" Lean said to Hermione with a smile.

"Are you going out to do something again for Christmas?"

Although she was angry at first, after she calmed down, Hermione immediately understood a lot of things. The reason why Lean didn't take the train must be that he disapparated directly after leaving school.

"Yes, after all, I don't have a family, so why not take advantage of this Christmas to go out and see the world."

Lean has already figured out Hermione's character. As long as she mentions her status as an orphan, Hermione will definitely soften her heart.

As expected, kind-hearted Hermione relented.

"But... isn't it a bit... unsafe for you to be alone?"

"I'm a wizard, Hermione, and there's no trace in my wand." Lean smiled.

Just kidding, who's going to catch his attention? I guess there isn't enough business in Diagon Alley.

Hermione nodded worriedly, said nothing more, and silently began to pack away the stationery placed on the table.

"What should I do with the Christmas gifts then?" Hermione asked suddenly after leaving the library.

"I'll let Pais find you. You can ask him to bring him here."

The little girl nodded without saying a word.

Outside the castle, heavy snow was flying, and the whole world was shrouded in white.

Countless little wizards were running in the corridors, and laughter filled the castle. Everyone was cheering for the upcoming Christmas.

It's strange that wizards who believe in Merlin are celebrating the birth of Jesus.

Maybe because there will be a holiday for Christmas?

Rean was standing at the stairs waiting for Hermione. The little girl was packing her things in the dormitory.

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